Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | Week of October 25th

Upcoming Community Events | Week of October 25th


Portage Senior Citizens Opportunities


The Portage County Senior Center, located at 705 Oakwood St., in Ravenna has many daily opportunities for local seniors to enjoy. On any given day, you can enjoy, bingo, Tai Chi, educational programs, art class, corn hole, cards & dominos with friends, and they even have a pool table. They serve lunch daily (by reservation) and are open M-F from 9-3. If you would like more information you may call them at 330-297-3456. 

Grief Support Group


Grief Group meets every Sunday at 3 pm. The meetings are held at Garrettsville United Methodist Church and last about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Everyone is welcome. For questions you can call the church at 330-527-2055.

Ravenna Eagles Breakfast

3rd Sunday of Month

BREAKFAST every 3rd Sunday of the month from 8am – 11am, Includes Eggs, Fried Potatoes, Sausage, Bacon, Sausage Gravy and biscuit, French toast and Choice of White or Wheat Toast.  $7.00 Adult $5.00 12 and under.. Ravenna Eagles, 812 Cleveland Road, Ravenna Ohio 44266, Take Out available Call 330-296-9463

Euchre Card Day


The Portage County Senior Center has begun a new “Euchre” card day.  Due to many requests, they have formed a group and welcome any other seniors in the area to join in on the fun.  They will meet every Monday at 12:15 at the senior center, located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.  For more info, they can be reached at 330-297-3456.

Men on Mondays


Men on Mondays, a men’s Bible study, is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry provided at no charge.

4F’s: Everyone Welcome

2nd Monday of Month

Please join us for an afternoon of 4F’s (Fun, Food, Fellowship & Faith) on the 2nd Monday of every month from 12:30pm to 2pm at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Ave. This FREE event is open to everyone! For questions or additional information, please call 330-527-2055.

Loaves And Fishes Free Community Meals

3rd Monday of Month

Meals served 3rd Monday of every month at Christ Lutheran Church 10827 Main Street, Mantua, OH between 5:00-6:30 pm. All are welcome!

Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group Meetings

1st Tuesday of Month

The Alzheimer’s Association Greater East Ohio Area Chapter makes Alzheimer’s caregiver support groups available free of charge, open to all caregivers, family members, and friends with a loved one affected by the disease or another form of dementia. First Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., UH Portage Medical Center, 6847 North Chestnut St. (Room A), Ravenna. Groups meet monthly. For more information or to confirm, please contact the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club

Every Tuesday

Every Tuesday: 60 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street.


Every Tuesday

St. Ambrose Church 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– Early bird at 6:45pm and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45pm. Great refreshments!

Senior Lunches

Tues – Fridays

Welcome seniors! Come and enjoy hot, nutritious lunches at the Farmington Senior Center, 150 College St., West Farmington. Lunches are served Tuesdays through Fridays (except the 3rd Tuesday of the month) and cost $2. Please call ahead by three days for lunches – 330-889-2733.

Time for Tots

2nd Wednesday of Month

2nd Wednesday of each month through May 13, 2020) from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at Maplewood Christian Church 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. Come experience a safe indoor environment where children ages 2 – 5 can play, craft, enjoy music and burn energy (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome).  We will not meet if Ravenna Schools are closed. Call 330-297-6424 with questions.

Recovery after Suicide Loss Support Group

Last Weds of Month

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one to suicide, we invite you to attend a free monthly support group to find acceptance, information, and inspiration. The support group meets the last Wednesday of each month at the Kent Free Library located at 312 W. Main Street, Kent from 6:30-8pm. The group is sponsored by the Portage County Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County. For more information call 330.673.1756 ext 201.

Story Time In Mantua


Children ages 2-5 are invited along with their accompanying adult (siblings are welcome too) every Thursday to STORY TIME, 10:30 -11:30 a.m. at the Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 St.Rt. 82.  Volunteers, with backgrounds in education, host an hour of stories, crafts, music and movement.  This is a wonderful early childhood group experience at no cost to families and fun for all!  No need to sign up, simply drop in any Thursday.  This program follows the Crestwood School schedule and meets every Thursday that Crestwood is in session.

Start Talking Portage

4th Thursday of Month

Start Talking Portage is a group of public and community partners who work together as a team to help fight the drug epidemic.  We have a new location for our monthly meeting – Ravenna Library, 167 East Main Street, in the Carlin room.  Come and see what we are all about!  Meetings are the 4th Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. 

Loaves & Fishes Meal

 Last Thursday of Month

This FREE meal is open to all residents in Mantua, Hiram, Garrettsville and surrounding areas.  Anyone who needs to stretch their food dollars or even if you just love a homemade meal, you are cordially invited to come eat and enjoy some fellowship.  This meal is from 5-6:30pm the last Thursday of each month from January – October at Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 S.R. 82, Mantua Center.  

Ravenna Eagles Fish Frydays


FISH FRYDAYS, Every Friday from 4pm to 7pm until April 4th, 2020.  Ravenna Eagles, 812 Cleveland Road, Ravenna Ohio 44266, Take Out available Call 330-296-9463

Fish Dinners


Friday fish dinners at the American Legion Post #674, 9960 E. Center St. Windham. Serving from 4-7 pm carryout available. Fish, chicken or shrimp dinners $10; combo $12. Open to public.

Learn To Play Mahjong 


The Portage County Senior Center has begun meeting to learn the popular game “Mahjong” and has openings for any other seniors in the area who would like to learn.  Mahjong is being played across the country in both senior and community centers and proves to be lots of fun.  Whether you are new to the game or are an experienced player, you are welcome to join in on Fridays from 12:30-3:00 at the center which is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.  For more info call   330-297-3456.

Swiss Steak Dinner

1st Saturday of Month

The Garrettsville Eagles Club, 8149 Water Street, will be having a Swiss steak dinner on the first Saturday of the month.  Dinner will include: Swiss Steak, mashed potatoes, corn, cole slaw, roll & butter and dessert, all for only $12.Serving from 5-8 or until sold out.   Open to the public!

Recover After Loss From Substance Use Support Group

4th Saturday of Month

Have you lost someone you love or care about to the disease of addiction.  You are invited to attend a support group of peers who have experienced the same loss to receive acceptance, understanding, support, and inspiration.  We meet once a month at the Reed Library, Carlin in Ravenna from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.  Please register prior coming to the meeting by calling 330.296.7071 or text portage.grasp@gmail.com.

In Search Of Vendors

Looking for vendors for the Holiday Craft Show being held at the Windham United Methodist Church on November 2.  Contact Eva at 330-212-9554.

American Legion Riders Membership

Attention all veterans who have been denied membership in the American Legion, the rules have changed.  Any Veteran after 1945 who has been Honorably discharged may join the American Legion. If you your spouse or children ride a motorcycle they may join the Legion Riders, The Windham American Legion Post 674.  You may belong to a different Legion Post and still join the Windham Legion Riders.

Bluegrass at Hambden Grange

 Oct 26

Hambden Grange will host Mark Posey’s Doghouse Entertainment Bluegrass Jamboree, Saturday, October 26th featuring ‘Vertical Limit’ and ‘Hidden Drive’. Doors open at 6:00 pm.  Show starts at 7:00 pm.  Food stand is available.  Tickets are $10 for Adults and Children under 11 are free. The Grange is located at 9778 Old State Road, Chardon.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

Oct 26

On  the 26th of October there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church off of St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville.   Doors open at 4:00 and we serve until 6:30 or when the food runs out.   The dinner includes mashed potatoes,  green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $12.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Take outs are available

Trunk & Treat

Oct 26

Pricetown Church be will hold their annual  TRUNK & TREAT event SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2019 in the church parking lot, 4640 Pritchard Ohltown Rd., Newton Falls, Ohio 44444 Saturday, October 26, 2019, from 2 to 4 pm.

Quilters Garage Sale

Oct 26

The Streetsboro Quilt Guild is holding a garage sale on Saturday, October 26th from 9AM to 2PM at the Streetsboro Methodist Church.  At the sale you will find fabrics, patterns, books, quilting tools, kits, completed ready to use crafted items, and much more.  Expect good prices and fun shopping.  Refreshments will be available.  The Streetsboro Methodist Church is at 8940 State Route 43, Streetsboro.

Church to host Trunk or Treat

Oct 27

All welcome to our Community ‘Trunk or Treat’ at Christian Life Center on Saturday, October 27 at 3 – 5. Wear your favorite costume and come out for fun and games. This is a FREE event. CLC is located at 1972 East Summit Street in Kent. If you would like more info, please call (330)678-9234.

Freedom Township                Halloween Party

Oct 31

On Thursday, October 31, 5-7pm

Community Center in Freedom Township we are hosting a Halloween Party and all are welcome to participate.  We will be treating to hot dogs, cider, chips, donuts, & more.  Please come and all are invited to help decorate and hand out the goodies.

Newton Falls Cakewalk

Oct. 31

Newton Falls Kiwanis Club’s annual Halloween Cakewalk will begin after a costume contest in town at 7 p.m.  Donor groups may drop off cakes at Covered Bridge Inn Restaurant’s banquet room at 16 West Broad Street all day.

Windham Trick-or-Treat

Oct 31

Windham Village and Township have set their Trick or Treat night for Thursday, October 31st 6pm-8pm. Residents who would like to participate are asked to leave a porch light on. Children are asked to only go to houses with porch lights on.

Community Fall Festive 

Nov 2

Community Fall Festival at Southington Christian Church 3285 State Route 534 on Saturday, November 2nd 2019 from 12 until 4. Proceeds to benefit Feed the Children of the Southington Community. Bake Sale, Food and Beverages available for purchase. Event will be held come rain or shine.

Windham UMC Holiday Craft Show

Nov 2

Windham UMC will be having a Holiday Craft show and Chili lunch on November 2, 2019.  The craft show will be from 10 am to 4 PM.  The chili lunch will be served from 11 am to 2 pm.  Cost for the lunch will be $5.00.  The craft show and lunch will be at Windham UMC located at 9051 N. Main Street, Windham, Ohio.

MVP Furniture Sale Fundraiser

Nov 3

Garfield Middle School Parent Group is having a Furniture Sale Fundraiser and Bake Sale on Sunday, November 3rd from 10:00 am – 5:00 p.m. at JC Electric 9995 State Route 88 in Garrettsville.  All proceeds benefit middle school students!

SUPER JOY: Learning To Celebrate Everyday Life

Nov 4

Monday, November 4th, 2019, 9:30am:  MONTHLY Book Review & Discussion at the Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Avenue. The book’s Author, Psychiatrist Paul Pearsall, PhD emphasizes the rewards of “Joyology”.  Each chapter is followed with a short quiz intended to help recognize individual needs.  A stimulating hour is shared exchanging impressions & opinions.  Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA.   Community members welcome:  No fee.  Membership & book not required.  Questions: YMCA (330)469-2044.  

JAGHS Parent Teacher Conferences

Nov 7

James A. Garfield High School Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, November 7th, 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  Please call Mrs. Fisher at 330.527.4341 to schedule.  We look forward to seeing you on the 7th!

“Mob Money & the Geauga Gamble”

Nov 7

“Mob Money and the Geauga Gamble” is a presentation offered by the Geauga County Library System.  Prohibition made Cleveland, Ohio, a pretty tough town, but law enforcement kept interfering with mob business. Solution? Move mob operations across the county line.  Come learn what happened in Geauga and Lake Counties!  Ginnie Jeschelnig is the presenter.  She was a public librarian and a school media specialist for 23 years. . It will be held at the Administrative Center Branch in Chardon near the Geauga Hospital at 12701 Ravenwood Drive, Thurs., Nov. 7, 6:30 – 8 p.m in the large meeting room.  Please call the Geauga Library’s Middlefield Branch Reference desk to register — 440-632-1961. 

St Anselm Christmas Boutique

Nov 9

St. Anselm Christmas Boutique:   Nov 9, 9:00 to 4:00 at St. Anselm School, 13013 Chillicothe Rd., Chesterland (Rt. 306, 1/2 mile south of Rt. 322). Admission is $1.00. There will be over 80 craft vendors from the area. There will also be a bake sale, a snack bar, and a prize raffle with many great prizes. Join the Boutique Bounce by also stopping at Old South Church, 9802 Chillicothe Rd. in Kirtland and St. Mark Lutheran Church at 11900 Chillicothe Rd. in Chesterland on the same day. Pick up a card at your first stop and have it stamped at each show for a chance to win one of three gift baskets. Drawing will be held on November 10. For further information call Shirley at 216-832-5158.

Destination Starfish Charity Dinner & Chinese Auction 

Nov 9

Destination Starfish 2nd Annual Charity Dinner and Chinese Auction will be held on  Nov. 9th,

5 pm- 8pm Dinner at 5:00pm Drawing at 7:15 pm. Admission tickets available to purchase at any Clear Skies Ahead Office. Includes dinner and 25 auction tickets — Only 150 Admission tickets available. Advance Admission Tickets:$20.00 Admission tickets at the door :$25.00 Held at Parkman Community House, 16295 Main Market Rd Parkman, OH 44080

Questions call 440-632-3157 or 330-349-2690  or visit our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/DestinationStarfish

St. Joseph Garden Club Christmas Boutique

Nov 10

Don’t miss one of the area’s nicest craft shows, sponsored by the St. Joseph Garden Club. Held in Hughes Hall, the Christmas Boutique offers hand-crafted items, baked goods, raffles, door prizes, and breakfast and lunch items. Mark your calendars for the 35th Annual Garden Club Christmas Boutique to be held on Sunday, November 10, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Members of St. Joseph’s PSR program will run the kitchen offering snack, lunch and dessert items at this annual fundraiser. For more information, please visit https://stjosephmantua.com/christmas-boutique or call St. Joseph Church’s Parish Office (330-274-2253).

Library Closed Veterans Day

Nov 11

All offices and branch libraries of Portage County District Library will be closed on Monday, November 11, in honor of Veterans Day, with normal service hours resuming Tuesday, November 12. Thank you- all veterans- for your service!

Freedom Historical Society Fall Business Meeting

Nov. 12

The Freedom Township Historical Society will host its fall business meeting and annual officer elections at 7 pm Nov. 12 at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 S.R. 700. All of our members are invited to participate in the election of vice president and treasurer and other business. Everyone in the community is invited to come and learn about our one-room schoolhouse restoration and other projects. Light refreshments will be provided.

Financial Wellness Fair

Nov 16

The 3rd Annual Portage Co. Financial Wellness Fair will take place Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019, 10am -2pm at Ravenna High School, 6589 N. Chestnut St. Ravenna. The Fair is a free opportunity for residents to improve their skills in managing their finances – and have fun doing it! This year’s event features classes on topics like budgeting, managing credit, retirement and more, as well as an expo area for one-on-one conversations with experts. Free transportation via PARTA, child care available. More at www.facebook.com/events/491133758286738/, or at 330-297-3595.

Garrettsville Eagles Annual Scholarship Chicken Dinner

Nov 16

Garrettsville Eagles Scholarship Committee will have their annual Chicken Dinner at the Garrettsville Eagles, 8149 Water St. Open to the public.  Saturday Nov 16 from 4:00-7:00 or till sold out.  $12.00 adults $8.00 for children 8 & under.  Dinner includes: Chicken Breast, Mashed potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Cole Slaw, Homemade Bread & Butter, Desert and Coffee.

Friends of WomenSafe present “Annie” 

Dec 1

Friends of WomenSafe invite you to a benefit performance of “Annie” on Sunday, December 1 at 2:00 PM at the Chagrin Valley Little Theater, 40 River St., Chagrin Falls. This performance is courtesy of Junction Auto Family. Complimentary refreshments will be served at intermission. For reservations, call 440-285-3741 or online at www.fows.info. Ticket prices are $20 for adults; $15 for children under 10 


Anton Albert Photography