Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | Week of September 21

Upcoming Community Events | Week of September 21


Portage Senior Citizens Opportunities


The Portage County Senior Center, located at 705 Oakwood St., in Ravenna has many daily opportunities for local seniors to enjoy. On any given day, you can enjoy, bingo, Tai Chi, educational programs, art class, corn hole, cards & dominos with friends, and they even have a pool table. They serve lunch daily (by reservation) and are open M-F from 9-3. If you would like more information you may call them at 330-297-3456. 

Grief Support Group


Grief Group meets every Sunday at 3 pm. The meetings are held at Garrettsville United Methodist Church and last about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Everyone is welcome. For questions you can call the church at 330-527-2055.

Men on Mondays


Men on Mondays, a men’s Bible study, is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry provided at no charge.

4F’s: Everyone Welcome

2nd Monday of Month

Please join us for an afternoon of 4F’s (Fun, Food, Fellowship & Faith) on the 2nd Monday of every month from 12:30pm to 2pm at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Ave. This FREE event is open to everyone! For questions or additional information, please call 330-527-2055.

Loaves And Fishes Free Community Meals

3rd Monday of Month

Meals served 3rd Monday of every month at Christ Lutheran Church 10827 Main Street, Mantua, OH between 5:00-6:30 pm. All are welcome!

Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group Meetings

1st Tuesday of Month

The Alzheimer’s Association Greater East Ohio Area Chapter makes Alzheimer’s caregiver support groups available free of charge, open to all caregivers, family members, and friends with a loved one affected by the disease or another form of dementia. First Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., UH Portage Medical Center, 6847 North Chestnut St. (Room A), Ravenna. Groups meet monthly. For more information or to confirm, please contact the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

Wing Night At The Eagles Club

Every Tuesday

Every Tuesday: 60 cent wings with purchase of a beverage– Open to public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street.


Every Tuesday

St. Ambrose Church 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– Early bird at 6:45pm and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45pm. Great refreshments!

Senior Lunches

Tues – Fridays

Welcome seniors! Come and enjoy hot, nutritious lunches at the Farmington Senior Center, 150 College St., West Farmington. Lunches are served Tuesdays through Fridays (except the 3rd Tuesday of the month) and cost $2. Please call ahead by three days for lunches – 330-889-2733.

Recovery after Suicide Loss Support Group

Last Weds of Month

If you or someone you know has lost a loved one to suicide, we invite you to attend a free monthly support group to find acceptance, information, and inspiration. The support group meets the last Wednesday of each month at the Kent Free Library located at 312 W. Main Street, Kent from 6:30-8pm. The group is sponsored by the Portage County Suicide Prevention Coalition and the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County. For more information call 330.673.1756 ext 201.

Story Time In Mantua


Children ages 2-5 are invited along with their accompanying adult (siblings are welcome too) every Thursday to STORY TIME, 10:30 -11:30 a.m. at the Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 St.Rt. 82.  Volunteers, with backgrounds in education, host an hour of stories, crafts, music and movement.  This is a wonderful early childhood group experience at no cost to families and fun for all!  No need to sign up, simply drop in any Thursday.  This program follows the Crestwood School schedule and meets every Thursday that Crestwood is in session.

Start Talking Portage

4th Thursday of Month

Start Talking Portage is a group of public and community partners who work together as a team to help fight the drug epidemic.  We have a new location for our monthly meeting – Ravenna Library, 167 East Main Street, in the Carlin room.  Come and see what we are all about!  Meetings are the 4th Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. 

Loaves & Fishes Meal

 Last Thursday of Month

This FREE meal is open to all residents in Mantua, Hiram, Garrettsville and surrounding areas.  Anyone who needs to stretch their food dollars or even if you just love a homemade meal, you are cordially invited to come eat and enjoy some fellowship.  This meal is from 5-6:30pm the last Thursday of each month from January – October at Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 S.R. 82, Mantua Center.  

Fish Dinners


Friday fish dinners at the American Legion Post #674, 9960 E. Center St. Windham. Serving from 4-7 pm carryout available. Fish, chicken or shrimp dinners $10; combo $12. Open to public.

Learn To Play Mahjong 


The Portage County Senior Center has begun meeting to learn the popular game “Mahjong” and has openings for any other seniors in the area who would like to learn.  Mahjong is being played across the country in both senior and community centers and proves to be lots of fun.  Whether you are new to the game or are an experienced player, you are welcome to join in on Fridays from 12:30-3:00 at the center which is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.  For more info call   330-297-3456.

RFC In Search of Crafters & Vendors

Call Today!

The Renaissance Family Center in Windham is looking for Crafters and Vendors for our 10th Annual Craft and Vendor Show, Saturday,October 5, 2019, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  If you are interested, call Linda Gordon at 330-872-1671, or call The Renaissance Family Center at 330-326-3003 for more information.  All proceeds will benefit programs for the community. Deadline is September 27th.

Crafters Wanted

Lordstown Apple Cider Festival will hold its annual Craft Show Saturday & Sunday, September 21 & 22, 2019. Indoor & outdoor spaces are available. Anyone interested in a space or for more info should contact: Sue Minor at Ph. (330) 824-3777 or email: sue_minor@aol.com.

Cemetery Books Are Now Available! 

We know it’s not Halloween time yet but the James A Garfield Historical Society has still been in the cemeteries!! If you missed the cemetery tours, there is still a chance for you to check out the not so spooky tours. Stop in at the Mott building to pick up yours!! These books are available for a  $5 donation for each. Park Cemetery, Drakesburg Cemetery, and West Cemetery.    Each book tells the tales of about 30  “residents” of the cemetery. Thrilling tales of soldiers, farmers and some hair raising facts about the dead! Also, don’t forget to join us on September 18, at 7:00 pm for the Baptist Cemetery Tour. The last cemetery tour of this season. (although we do have more planned for next summer!!) For any questions, contact Debbie Smith 330-389-1859.

In Search Of Vendors

Looking for vendors for the Holiday Craft Show being held at the Windham United Methodist Church on November 2.  Contact Eva at 330-212-9554.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Sept 20

The Kiwanis of the Western Reserve invite you to their All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner Sept 20th 4:30-7pm at the Hiram Christian Church. Dinner includes a choice of meat or marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread, beverage, & dessert. (gluten free pasta available) $8 for adults, kids 8 & under FREE!  Carry-out available. Our co-host is the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard.

Garrettsville YMCA Open House

Sept. 21

The Garrettsville Family YMCA, 8233 Park Ave., will host an open house from 2 to 4 pm Sept. 21. Attendees can tour the facility and learn about the programs and classes offered for local residents of all ages. Also, James A. Garfield graduates are invited to meet up and reminisce at the former school before the annual alumni banquet begins at 5 pm at James A Garfield Elementary School. For more, contact Kim Curry at (330) 469-2044 or at kcurry@clevelandymca.org

Free Soup & Salad Dinner

Sept 21

Free soup and salad dinner will be held on Sat. Sept. 21, from 5pm-8pm at  DELIGHTFUL E.C CHURCH located at 2473 Barcley-Messerly Rd  Southington. Dinner includes many differant soups to choose from, a salad, beverages and a dessert. Stay and play your favorite board game! Come join us! Rev.Chuck Campbell  330-727-0242.

Garrettsville Cemetery Association Meeting

Next Meeting Sept 23 

Due to a conflict of dates for several members, The Garrettsville Cemetery Association will hold their regular meeting on Monday, September 23 at 6:30 pm in the Mott Building on Main Street.

Local residents interested in the preservation of the Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave. are welcome to attend.

Free Community Dinner

Sept 24

A free community dinner will be held on Sept 24 from 5-6 pm – or while supplies last — at the Windham American Legion, 9960 Center St. Windham. Everyone welcome. 

Rain Barrel Workshop 

Sept 26

On Thursday, September 26, at 6:30 p.m. local farmer Joe Wright will provide the materials and the instruction for participants to construct a ready-to use rain barrel. This workshop is at the James H. Barrow Biological Field Station at 11305 Wheeler Rd., Garrettsville. Cost is $ 80, and participants will receive a pawpaw seedling. To register, contact Jane O’Brien at 330.338.4218 or obrienjs@hiram.edu.

Educational Woods Walk for Tree Management

Sept 28

Spending time in your woods pays off. Increase your knowledge on how to properly care for, manage and utilize your land and trees. Join our Guide, Fred Ahrens, on this free event for two woodland walks. Learn how long-term woodland management can be applied to manage land for multiple uses and benefits. First walk will be selected woodland presently being worked on for proper woodland management for long term planning. Second stop will venture into a productive, managed woods.Sponsored by Maple Producers  of NE Ohio. 

Will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2019, 9 am – 12 pm. Rain or shine. 7904 King Road, Ravenna, OH  44266  For more information call Fred Ahrens at 330-206-1606

Rummage Sale

Sept 28

Rummage Sale on Sept.28, 2019, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Household items, furniture, clothing, fall crafts and baked goods.  The Fountain Church, 12888 Route 88 Garrettsville

Fall Festival and Craft and Vendor Show

Sept 28

The Freedom Township Historical Society and the Freedom Community and Park Boosters will be hosting their Fall Festival and Craft and Vendor Show on Saturday, September 28, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall and Community Center. There will be a selfie station along with pictures with our own Freedom “Elvis”, halo making, face and pumpkin painting. University Hospitals will be there to do blood pressure and health screening. There will be tours of the one room school house, Oscar’s store, singing, a clogging demonstration, K-9 demonstration, Civil War Reenactment, and a Blue Grass Band. There will be pumpkins, cornstalks etc for sale a 50/50 raffle along with Cow Chip Bingo!! Fun for Everyone!! Any questions or for more information please contact Jennifer Derthick at freedomparkboosters@gmail.com or 330-931-8227, or Claudia Garrett at 330-298-9141.

Preschool Nature Problem

Sept 30

On Friday, September 30, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. Miss Jane will lead a nature program for children ages 3-5 in the Brick Room of the Field Station, Wheeler Road in Hiram. Children will hear stories, sing songs, meet animals and do a craft. No registration is necessary.

Pre-Arranging your Funeral 101 Program 

Oct 3

When it comes to your final arrangements, shouldn’t you make the decisions?  The arrangements you make will reflect your exact wishes and desires.  Pre-arranging your own service will help to ease the burden on your loved ones.  It will also discuss any questions, problems or differences, which can occur among family members.  Join us on Oct 3 rom 1-2 pm at the Middlefield Senior Center, 15820 Ridgewood Drive, Middlefield. Presented by Don & Mary Kay Sly (Sly Family Funeral Home) Please register at Middlefield Library website or 440-632-1961

Turkey Dinner

Oct 5

Annual Turkey Dinner and raffle on Oct. 5 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Pumpkin Festival at Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg. Adults $11, Seniors $9, Children $6, preschool under 5 free. Carry out available. 440-636-5504. Come to the festival and stay for dinner.

Old Gravestone Cleaning Training

Oct 5

The Garrettsville Cemetery Association is sponsoring a training session on cleaning old gravestones at the Baptist Cemetery on Maple Ave. on Saturday, October 5 from 10 am until 4 pm. Tim Foor, who has been working on repairing the broken and tipped stones and obelisks at the Cemetery for several months, will be teaching the correct and safe way to clean the years of dirt and mold off the old markers, without damaging the stone or the lettering. Brushes that are safe for using on the delicate old stones, as well as a cleaning agent, spray bottles and water will be provided by the Cemetery Association.

SUPER JOY: Learning To Celebrate Everyday Life.

Oct 7

Monthly Book Review & Discussion at the Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Avenue. on Oct 7 at 9:30 am The book’s Author, Psychiatrist Paul Pearsall, PhD emphasizes the rewards of “Joyology”.  A stimulating hour is shared exchanging impressions & opinions.  Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA.   Community members welcome:  No fee.  Membership & book not required.  Questions: YMCA (330)469-2044.  

Senior Celebration

Oct 8

This great event that awards a female, male, and couple the Senior “Queen” and “King” award will be held at Underwood Hall at the Kent American Legion on Oct 8th from 10-1.  The theme is “Pick of The Patch” and there will be a delicious catered meal, in addition to square dancers, and lots of free raffles for our seniors.   Because of the gracious support from our community, tickets will remain at a low $10.  They are available now at The Portage County, Streetsboro, and Aurora Senior Centers, in addition to Kentway Apartments.  For more information you may call 330-297-3456.   

Time for Tots

Begins Oct 9

2nd Wednesday of each month (October 9, 2019 – May 13, 2020) from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at Maplewood Christian Church 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. Come experience a safe indoor environment where children ages 2 – 5 can play, craft, enjoy music and burn energy (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome).  We will not meet if Ravenna Schools are closed. Call 330-297-6424 with questions.

Harvest Dinner 

Oct 9

North Bloomfield, October 9, 6:00PM sponsored by the North Bloomfield Historical Society. Town Hall, 8830 Park Drive on the square. Meat, table settings provided. Speaker Tim Rogers on Walnut Crest, a vast recreation area planned in the 1920’s near Mesopotamia and done in by the depression. For info call 440-685-4410.

Fall Bazaar

Oct 12

The annual Fall Bazaar at Burton Congregational Church will be Saturday, October 12 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.  Lunch will be served all day and and the menu includes a variety of soups, pulled pork, chicken salad, and hot dogs with homemade pies for dessert. Stop in for the delicious food plus shop the craft vendors, bake sale and rummage sale. Follow the ladybugs to Burton Congregational Church located at 14558 West Park St, on the square in Burton.

Slow the Flow with Rain Barrels and Rain Gardens!

Oct 17

Rain gardens and rain barrels are two easy practices that bring backyard conservation benefits while reducing rooftop runoff.  Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District is collaborating with the Geauga County Master Gardeners on Thursday, October 17th at 6:00 pm for an overview of both including how to get started, things to consider, design and installation tips, and many helpful resources.  This introductory workshop will be held at The West Woods (9465 Kinsman Road, Russell, OH 44072) and is guaranteed to “wet” your water conservation appetite!  Visit geaugaslowtheflow@eventbrite.com to register by Tuesday, October 15th or contact Geauga SWCD at 440-834-1122 or gprunty@geaugaswcd.com.  


Anton Albert Photography