Home Portage County Senior Farmer’s Market Nutritional Program

Senior Farmer’s Market Nutritional Program


Ravenna  The Senior Farmer’s Market Nutritional Program is, once again, being coordinated by The Portage County Senior Center located at 705 Oakwood St., (Floor G) in Ravenna.  

The date for coupon distribution is Tuesday, June 4th from 8-1.  The SFMNP is a great way for low income seniors aged 60 and over to access fresh fruits and vegetables, while also assisting our local farmers with produce sales.  

Applications are available at the senior center, The Kent Free Library, Reed Library, all branches of The Portage County District Library, Bryn Mawr Glen Senior Housing Apartments and Haymaker’s Farm Market.  Seniors will need to bring their completed application, proof of age and income to the senior center on distribution day.  

Please note that no access to the building will be available before 8 a.m. and the only available entry is through the main (sides) of the building.  Seniors can use the elevator access to reach the ground floor.  For further information they can be reached at 330-297-3456.


Anton Albert Photography