Home Freedom Freedom Township Clean Up Days

Freedom Township Clean Up Days


Freedom Township Clean-Up Days Trash Drop-Off will be held:
Thursday, June 6, 2019 • 12 Noon – 6 pm
Friday, June 7, 2019• 12 Noon – 8 pm
Saturday, June 8, 2019 • 9 am – 3 pm
Location: Township Garage, S.R. 700 north side of the Turnpike. Proof of residency required.
Batteries, motor oil, refrigerators and freezers will be accepted. No paint, garbage, yard waste, barbed wire, building materials, shingles or fencing materials will be accepted.
The Portage County Solid Waste District will have a tire dumpster at the same location you are welcome to bring up to ten (10) tires, as described
1. A strict limit of 10 tires per vehicle be accepted at the collection event. The Ohio EPA requires a “Tire Manifest” for anyone transporting more than 10 tires per load. Transporting more than 10 tires without appropriate documentation is a felony. This requirement is per the Ohio Revised Code 3734.83 (D).
2. Passenger tires with rims will be accepted.
3. Tractor tires, with rims, will be accepted.
4. Cut (sheared) tires will not be accepted.
5. Tires that are muddy or filled with dirt will not be accepted
6. Semi tires cannot be accepted.
7. We cannot accept heavy equipment tires or treads from mini excavators
8. We cannot not accept chunks of rubber.
9. We cannot accept inner tubes.
10. Tires will not be accepted from commercial businesses.
A loader will be available to assist in the drop-off.
For more information, call 330.527.7414 or 330-620-3555


Anton Albert Photography