Home Geauga County Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Programs

Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Programs


TO REGISTER CALL 440-834-4656    Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (at the north end of the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road.  While walk-ins are usually welcome, we appreciate advance registration.  Please call 440-834-4656 to register.  Mail checks, payable to OSU Extension to: PO Box 387, Burton, OH 44021.  View a list of upcoming Master Gardener Volunteer sponsored classes:  www.geauga.osu.edu

Cement Leaves – Master Gardener Volunteer Phyllis Mihalik; Program held off site

Saturday, June 1st, 9 a.m – Noon and Wednesday, June 5th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.      Prepayment $50

One of our most popular classes.  Beautiful cement leaves for outdoors or even indoor decor.  Select your leaf from Phyllis’ extensive gardens with 100s of plants to choose from during the first class and mold your leaf from the prepared cement mix.  Return for the second class when your leaf has cured and unmold it!  Learn how to complete the curing process and apply decorative finishes at home.  Lots of fun!  

Phenology Garden Tour – Nature’s Biological Calendar – Master Gardener Volunteers Dick Coin, Annie Rodewig, Mell Friedland and Chris Pappas

Saturday, June 29, 10 a.m. – Noon                Free

Phenology – the study of the timing of biological phenomena and their relationship to the weather and climate – is a Biological Calendar for when to start seeds, when to plant, what to plant to attract pollinators, when to control pests and how to design gardens for seasonal long interest.  Records are kept at over 30 Replicate Ohio gardens with meticulously recorded temperatures, bloom times and pollinator activity for fifty-five plants.  Learn how this ancient science has been updated using temperature dependent Growing Degree Days (GDD), the Internet, OSU Scientists and Master Gardener Citizen Scientists. Take instructional guided tours of the Master Gardener maintained Geauga County Phenology Garden and the Certified Monarch Waystation at the Patterson Center in Burton.  Learn which flowers butterflies prefer, what host plants caterpillars require and what herbs, annuals and native plants to add to your garden to attract butterflies.


Anton Albert Photography