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Windham – The WVFD Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all board members and fiscal officer in attendance. The board approved the November minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation. They also approved the temporary appropriations of $600,000 for 2019.

Chief Rich Gano reported that they had 539 calls to date (11/30/18). The gear extractor is in however, only a few of the guys are trained to use it. This is an expensive type of washing machine that removes the carcinogens from their fire clothing. Gano stated that they need one new fire coat as they don’t have one available in the correct size for a fireman. The board approved Christmas gift cards to current carded members of WVFD.

The fire district has had problems with their printer and scanner equipment and it was decided that rather than pay for the maintenance agreement for another year it would be more cost effective to purchase new equipment as the maintenance fees exceeded the purchase of new equipment. The fiscal officer will look at the equipment currently on hand and see if it can be fixed, if not she will get pricing for new office equipment.

Gano reported that he has applied for a MARCS Grant in the amount of $50,000 for communication radios. This is an upgrade to the current system and will allow better communication with dispatch and with each other. Truck 2811 had a split muffler and was sent out for repairs.

Gano turned in one new application for EMS. After some discussion, it was determined the applicant wasn’t a good fit for the district.

In old business, a discussion was had regarding the renewal of the contract with Camp JAG. It was decided that they will set up a meeting to negotiate a new contract with Camp JAG as the current one will expire in early 2019.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography