Home Hiram Hiram Police Receive AAA Platinum Award

Hiram Police Receive AAA Platinum Award


Hiram – In public comment, resident Daniel Burdecki inquired about the potential for US Mail delivery to his home in the village. He noted that it is inconvenient to travel to the Post Office each day to retrieve his mail, and noted he’d prefer receiving regular deliveries to his home. After some discussion as to the reasons behind the lack of US Postal Service delivery within the Village of Hiram, Councilman Paul Spencer volunteered to stop by the Post Office to discuss the matter with the Postmaster.

Other public comments related to a personnel matter that was scheduled to be discussed during Executive Session that evening. As such, Council was not able to comment. The matter related to accusations that an individual from the Fire Department engaged in inappropriate behavior at an incident at a Fire Association fundraiser event held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Mantua. According to Hiram Fire Chief Bill Byers, those allegations were found to be untrue and unsubstantiated. According to Byers, the accusations were brought to Council by individuals who were subject to disciplinary actions in the past. A story was aired on Channel Three local news which misquoted village officials and misrepresented the situation and led to residents comments at the meeting. In the course of the investigation, which took place over several weeks, the comments were found to be unsubstantiated. According to Chief Byers, “the Village received a complaint and had an obligation to respond to that complaint.” He added, “The support we received throughout the process has been reassuring. I take the safety of the Fire Department and my community seriously.”

Accepting the AAA Platinum Award on behalf of the Hiram Police Department are Corporal Brown and Patrolman Yoder.

In his Police Report, Chief Brian Gregory shared that for the seventh year in a row, the Hiram Police Department received the AAA Platinum Award for Community Traffic Safety. The AAA Platinum level is the highest level of recognition from AAA. Chief Gregory shared, “Every year there are tragic and unfortunate traffic related fatalities that might have been reduced if certain safety precautions were practiced and followed. Our goals is to continue to educate and encourage safety related practices in our community and do everything we can to create a more safe roadway environment for everyone who may travel upon our roadways.” He concluded, “We are honored to be recognized by AAA for our efforts towards traffic and pedestrian safety.”

In similar news, Chief Gregory asked Council for comments and suggestions on a preliminary application that would allow residents to sign themselves or their loved ones up for an emergency call/welfare check in the event of extreme heat, cold, or some other calamity. Lastly, those wishing to assist with the annual Shop With a Cop program, which will be held at Target in Streetsboro on Saturday, December 15th at 10 am., should contact the Chief at (330) 569-3226.

In his report, Assistant Village Administrator Steven Schuller reported that residential leaf pick up will continue as quickly as possible, and as long as weather permits. He noted that sidewalk projects along State Route 700, along Peckham, and near the Service garage will be completed this year. He noted that full-scale sidewalk projects will take place next year. In similar news, he noted that road paving continues to be completed as weather permits. In addition, he noted that the generator at the water plant did not work after a recent power outage. It was determined that a sensor was at fault. The part was replaced at no cost, since the generator is still under warranty. Lastly, Schuller noted that the agreement between the Village and Hiram Township is nearly finalized. The document was created to clarify a ‘handshake agreement’ about maintenance of Ryder Road, since the township maintains one mile while the village maintains the remaining .25 miles.

The next regularly scheduled Village Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 11th at 7 pm.

Stacy Turner