Home Letters to The Editor Immeasurable Gratitude from the JAG Schools

Immeasurable Gratitude from the JAG Schools


Two words….immeasurable gratitude

As Thanksgiving approaches we want to share our deepest thanks to EVERYONE for the passage of Issue 8.

Thank you for being such a supportive community. Thank you to the residents of Hiram, Charlestown, Nelson, Freedom and Garrettsville for believing in how we put your kids first.

Thank you to all of the organizations that support our schools make us grateful. So many organizations do so much for our staff and students. The Nelson-Garrettsville Community Cupboard, PTO, MVPs, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, JAG All Sports Boosters, JAG Band Boosters, local churches and Lions Club all come together to support our kids. Thank you for your “teamwork” and support.

Thank you to our kids. Thank you for ALWAYS representing Garfield by displaying our Core Values of respect, kindness, communication, integrity, responsibility, loyalty, teamwork and engagement. We pour our lives into seeing you succeed and you never disappoint. We are proud of you and thank you for always representing Garfield in a positive way.

Thank you to our staff. Like our students, you bring our Core Values to life in your daily interactions and efforts. Through this entire campaign you NEVER lost focus of doing what is best for our kids. Whatever your position on our team, you show up to work each day with enthusiasm and a readiness to put forth your best effort to make Garfield a place parents and students WANT to be.

Thank you to our levy committee. You invested hours of your time, away from your family, into data analysis, financial review, communication and meetings to ensure our community was educated on the facts behind Issue 8. Teamwork was certainly on display as you worked to ensure excellence continued for our kids. It was inspiring to work with such a dedicated group of individuals with such large hearts for our community.

Two simple words, ‘thank you’, cannot express our immeasurable gratitude. On behalf of everyone at Garfield Schools I would like to thank you for supporting us. You have given us your trust and I assure you we will do what is best for kids by improving ourselves each day while being responsible stewards of your dollars.

Thank You!

Ted Lysiak