Home Garrettsville Support Our Schools on November 6

Support Our Schools on November 6


Dear James A Garfield District Residents,

Why do I bother to ask you to consider supporting our very good schools? I still bleed black and gold while wanting our quality schools to continue. The schools have come a long way in the last 25 years which benefits students and the community. I feel good that many healthy heartfelt relationships were developed with students, parents, teachers, administrators and community members. With everyone working together, good results have continued for years.

Prior to May 1991, passages of school levies were very difficult to get approved. With passage of the 8 mill levy on the ninth attempt, the district began to have money to upgrade textbooks, maintain the schools, purchase computers, replace ancient equipment including boilers and buses and purchase necessary supplies to have the most attractive buildings in the area. It took a few years, but that amount of money allowed the schools to continue to improve until November of 2004 when the voters approved a 5-year emergency levy that would generate $925,000 dollars annually. This issue received your approval three times.

That money is no longer sufficient to operate our school 14 years later even though we have seen continued cost saving measures taken by everyone associated with our schools. Our students should continue to receive a high-quality education on a value-driven budget. Fourteen years has finally exhausted the emergency levy approved in November 2004. This emergency levy of 5.25 mills will expire at the end of 2018 with last payment made in 2019. This money will be replaced and supplemented with the approval of the income levy. This income tax is only on earned income, which senior citizens do not pay.

Our CFO/Treasurer for the last 14 Years, Mrs. Tracy Knauer is the best that I have ever been associated with. She is most knowledgeable, committed, professional, positive and cares deeply about the school and our community, while receiving the highest State Auditor ratings each year.

Mr. Ted Lysiak was appointed superintendent August 2013 upon my retirement. He has resided in Nelson Township with his wife Maria and two teenage sons Austin and Colin who have attended our school since 2008. He is active in the community and serves in numerous organizations. The best value he received for the Garfield Schools is the Ohio $5 Million dollar grant in 2013 to construct the 5th/6th grades wing attached to the elementary, funded the 1 to 1 Chrome Book for each student in grades 7-12 and funds for teacher staff development. These 3 major items DID NOT cost you the taxpayer anything. This was the largest single grant ever received by our school district. This amount is 95% of the TOTAL amount of taxes our schools collects on an annual basis from resident property owners!
JAG Schools have had stability over the last 20 years with the administration, board, teachers and the support staff. These people care deeply about our kids and community.

It was gratifying to serve the James A Garfield Schools for 22 years while developing heartfelt relationships with kids, teachers, staff, administration, members of the board and also community members. I will cherish these memories for many years to come!

I would ask that you give much consideration to supporting the School Income Tax issue on November 6th. This will ensure that quality education continues at our schools for years to come. I can assure you that this additional income needed after 14 years will be used to provide quality education and maintain our schools. Your tax dollars are carefully spent by the Garfield School District!!!

I can’t ever forget about the Black n Gold….a very special school district that we need to keep that way!

Chuck Klamer, Former Superintendent
