Home Garrettsville Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report


The October 8, 2018 meeting of the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram was all about visitors.

District 6630 Assistant Governor Karen Bordenaro and Dale Thorne, president-elect of the Aurora club brought district news—a membership summit on October 21 in Wooster—and sought a president-elect for the local club. They also heard of the many projects which the Garrettsville-Hiram club is involved in…and were impressed.

Also on the docket were members of the James A. Garfield High School Quiz Bowl (Academic Challenge) team, who recounted their experiences in Chicago at the national academic challenge tournament in June. Grace Edwards, Cameron Edwards, Jack Norris and Jack Rado were quizzed by the Rotarians and gave examples of the adventures they had in competition with other students from across the country. They also told of the sights they saw in Chicago, including “the Bean” and the Planetarium. Chicago Pizza didn’t make the list. The local Rotary club has been a great support for the team in their efforts and thanks were given.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary filled the October 15, 2018 meeting with miscellaneous, catch-up, all-purpose topics of business. Included was considerable discussion on the upcoming Reverse Raffle fundraiser event. The sponsorship list is excellent , growing and much-appreciated. Tickets are still available; any Rotarian can supply as many as desired. The event will likely be the occasion of recognizing one of this year’s many Friends of Rotary. November 7 : Be there or be square.

The Roadside Trash Pick-up was a great success; pictures are on Facebook. There’s always some adventure; this year it was a tire-changing for a stranded driver.

More info on the Lighting the Falls Project included the wiring issues discovered and tweaking of the lamps being used, brush piles from the clean-up of the banks, ownership of some locations. The possibility of having a Grand Opening, a ribbon-cutting and appreciation for all of the individuals who contributed to the project, including the InterAct group and business owners in the area.

Rocks are still needed for the landscaping of the trailhead of the Headwaters Trail.

Logistics and transportation of the to-be-located gazebo and shed hopefully to be re-purposed from a decommissioned Y in Euclid are being discussed.

Anyone who’d like to be part of the discussion can attend a meeting in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville at noon on Mondays.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography