Home Mantua MSFD Emergency Levy on Fall Ballot

MSFD Emergency Levy on Fall Ballot


Mantua – As Fire Chief, I take a great deal of pride in this community and this Fire Department, and want nothing but the best for everyone involved in making this fire district safe and secure going into the future,” stated MSFD Chief Matt Roosa. To that end, Chief Roosa and the MSFD Board have agreed to place an EMS replacement levy on the ballot for the Novmber 6th election.

According to a fact sheet distributed by the Department, Issue 12 is a tax levy that will used for staffing the station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with firefighters that respond to emergencies and calls in Shalersville Township, Mantua Township and the Village of Mantua. The levy also supports the general operations of the department such as utilities, health insurance, workers compensation, property and liability insurance, operating supplies, maintenance costs and dispatching services. According to Chief Roosa, increased costs in those areas, as well as increased call volume makes it necessary to place this 2.99 mil EMS replacement levy on the ballot.

The levy was initially approved by voters in 1994 and replaced in 1999. According to Chief Roosa since that time, expenses and call volume have steadily increased. In addition, the demands on Department personnel have also increased, with an increase in continuing education requirements, fire inspections, prevention and public education. “The phrase ‘doing more with less’ certainly holds true within the fire department,” remarked Chief Roosa. “However, the time has come for us to progress with the additional funding that will be brought in from Issue #12,” he concluded.

Issue #12 will cost a property owner an additional $34.81 per $100,000 of property evaluation per year, based on figures obtained from the Portage County Auditor’s Office. The current millage, at 2.21 currently brings in $557,999 and costs taxpayers $69.84 per $100,000 evaluation per year. With Issue 12 millage at 2.99, the renewal will bring in an additional $180,600 and cost property owners an additional $34.81 per $100,000 evaluation per year.

According to Chief Roosa, the added revenue from passage of Issue 12 will maintain current services in addition to the addition of at least one full-time firefighter to help reduce overtime costs and maintain on-duty staffing levels. “I cannot stress enough how vital this levy is in maintaining the high level of service and commitment this fire department has to the taxpayers of the Mantua-Shalersville community.”

Residents are encouraged to call the station at (330) 274-3535 with any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Emergency Medical Services Levy. The next Fire Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 8th at 6 pm at the station; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography