Home Geauga County Clean Water is Everyone’s “Duty”

Clean Water is Everyone’s “Duty”


Geauga County – Throughout 2018, the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is promoting simple measures to help us “Steer Clear” of stormwater pollution and waste runoff. This week the District, along with Geauga Public Health, are urging homeowners to do their part and be SepticSmart! September 17 – 21 is nationally recognized as 2018 SepticSmart Week, showcasing the importance of proper care and maintenance of our home sewage treatment systems.

With one-fourth of U.S. homes using septic systems, more than 4 billion gallons of wastewater are dispersed below the ground’s surface every day. Septic systems need to be monitored and pumped every two to three years to ensure proper function throughout their service lives. Well-maintained systems effectively eliminate most human health or environmental threats posed by household wastewater. However, malfunctioning systems can discharge bacteria, viruses, nitrogen and other pollutants, contaminating nearby surface and ground water resources. Preventative maintenance of your septic not only extends the life of the system, but also protects your investment, our water resources, and the public health.

You can also learn more about septic systems maintenance in Geauga County by visiting the Geauga Public Health at geaugacountyhealth.org/Environmental-Health/Sewage or find more information about SepticSmart Week at epa.gov/septic.


Anton Albert Photography