Home Portage County Windham Trustees to Enforce Cemetery Regulations

Windham Trustees to Enforce Cemetery Regulations


Windham Township – Windham Township Trustees met on May 3, 2018 for their regularly scheduled meeting with all trustees in attendance, along with the fiscal officer. The trustees are Brian Miller, Danny Burns and Rich Gano and the fiscal officer / clerk is Jayme Neikirk. The board of trustees approved the minutes and expenditures for the month of April. They then moved on to guest recognition.

Guest Sheila Moore was representing Windham Village Council and shared what the village was doing regarding trash and recycles. Moore said the village is considering a village-wide, and hopefully township-wide, one garbage hauler for the region. They want to eliminate cans out at the street every day. Currently, residents can chose whatever hauler they want. This makes for many different pick-up days, leaving cans out at the street daily. One hauler for the region would make one day a week for pick-ups which would have cans at the street one day rather than the potential of five. The village is planning to put this to a vote in November. Moore also brought up recycling. Currently Ohio law states that all communities must offer a recycle option. The village and township have dumpsters available for that purpose. They have had discussions on having curb-side recycling, but for now they will stay with the dumpster system. The dumpsters will be relocated very soon to behind the fire station. There will be cameras on the recycle dumpsters to control illegal dumping there. The trustees took the information under advisement.

A resident was at the meeting to discuss power outages. The gentlemen said he found the numerous outages in a short time unacceptable. The trustees stated that it was an issue he really needed to address with the utility company. Last week’s power outage was due to many trees being down. That being said, Trustee Brian Miller stated that he has had several conversations with First Energy about the tree issue. They said their funds are tied up with big projects and they might get to the trees in 2020.

Another resident had a question about one headstone on two graves. He explained the size he bought and was questioning the up-charge the monument company said the township had. After a discussion, the trustees said there wasn’t an up-charge on the size of the monument the resident chose. Apparently there is a miscommunication between the monument company and the trustees. The fiscal officer will address the issue with the monument company.

In Roads, the crew has been working on ditching, and has a couple of culverts to place too. The township adopted a policy on culvert placement — size, etc. — one will need to contact the township if they want to replace a culvert or put one in. A discussion led back to trees in the right-a-way and on power lines again. Miller stated that First Energy is aware of the problem; the ball is in their court.

In Cemetery, the spring clean-up at the cemetery has been done. The trustees decided to not develop new rules for the cemetery but to enforce the ones they have. Folks who have plots at the cemetery are encouraged to look up the rules on the web site. A few things that stand out are: no fencing or planting little gardens around stones, no gravel allowed, all decorations and mementos need to be on the foundation out of the way of the mowers. Shepherd hooks are encouraged for large flower baskets. There is a limit of one stone per plot.

Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti said he wrote one permit for 8540 State Route 82 for change of footprint. He has several properties being slated or in the process of being slated for demolition. He also said they have one property they are watching as well. He talked with a resident on Horn Road about a home-based business. He said they would have to go before the Board of Zoning Commission. All neighbors will have an opportunity to voice an opinion before a decision will be made.

The fire district has a few volunteers busy promoting the fire levy. Truck 2815 still has issues that no one can seem to figure out. Fire Chief Gano said several grants are being written as well.

Old Business – the trustees adopted a rental policy for the town hall. Township resident can use the town hall for free but will be required to leave a $100 deposit. If the hall is cleaned when they are done and no damage is found, then they will get their deposit back. Non residents will be charged $200 and if they leave the hall cleaned and with no damage to hall tables or chairs then they will get half of the money back. This applies to the Gazebo as well.

New Business – Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Gano met with the commissioners and so far it seems possible to obtain a grant to demolish the old church on Silica Sand Road. The trustees decided to roll over their grant from NOPEC and use it next year for a generator. The trustees were awarded a grant to use for First Night Out.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography