Home Geauga County Hornsby Is New Eagle Scout

Hornsby Is New Eagle Scout


On March 6th 2018, Sebastian Hornsby, son of Michael and Monique Hornsby of Troy Township, earned the Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout Award. Sebastian is a member of Troop 0099 in Newbury, Ohio. The troop is chartered by Newbury United Community Church and has regular meetings on Monday evening at 7:00-8:30 PM.

For his Eagle project, Sebastian focused on a need of the fire department. Under the mentorship of Mr. Art Kvacek, they saw a need for green, reflective address signs to be installed at Troy Oaks. After checking with the chief and management of Troy Oaks, the plan was then implemented.

For a small donation to the TTFD, the residents then filled out a form giving approval for the sign to be installed on their property. This makes finding their home address, in case of an emergency easier for the department or any first responder. With the help of volunteers, Sebastian organized a work day and divided the volunteers into two groups and completed the project. Another work day was then scheduled to wrap up any loose ends.

Upon being awarded the Eagle Scout rank, Sebastian has been in Boy Scouts from the Tiger Rank to Eagle Rank, successfully earned 37 merit badges, Order of the Arrow Brotherhood, completed NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training), completed Den Leader Training and was a den leader for three years and has attended countless weekend outings.

Sebastian 18, is a senior at Agape Christian Academy, a cadet at Troy Township Fire Department, is taking college classes online at Cedarville University, attends Maple View Church and is preparing for his second missions trip to El Salvador.

His plans are to continue his college education at Liberty University and complete criminal justice degree and work in Geauga County in the field of forensics.


Anton Albert Photography