Home Portage County Windham Township Trustees February News

Windham Township Trustees February News


Windham Twp. – The trustees and fiscal officer were all in attendance for the meeting. The first item on the agenda was to approve the minutes and expenditures from last month. They approved both measures.

Guest Becky Layman from the Portage County Combined General Health District spoke briefly on the services they have and announced that a free clinic is now open at the Renaissance Family Center. The clinic is only open a few days a week but their goal is to have a doctor available Monday thru Friday. She also invited the board up to see the clinic.
Bill Isler, from Islerscaping presented the board with his annual quote for lawn maintenance of the township greens. There was no increase in price over last year so the board voted to accept the bid. They also approved to have Islerscape remove a diseased tree behind the Brick Chapel at the cost of $400.

In Roads, Brian Miller presented the certification of roads for the trustees to sign. They also discussed what the roads will need this spring. Brian Miller said he had contacted Asplundh and notified them that the trees along Colton Road need to be trimmed.
In Zoning, Inspector Joe Pinti said two properties would be in court within the month. The Werger Road complaint has been addressed and if there is no resolution, the situation will be turned over to Chris Meduri of the prosecutor’s office.

Resident Jeff Bluhm from Stanley Road addressed the board and had an interest in serving on the Zoning Board. The trustees appointed him to a five year term ending 12/31/23.

The trustees approved a motion allowing them to pursue all necessary action to obtain the NOPEC Community Energized Grant. They would use the grant to put electricity in the new building and possibly a portable generator.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography