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Hiram Village Council News


Hiram – At their last meeting, council recognized Stan Carlisle from the Portage County Combined Health District. Carlisle shared some of the responsibilities and capabilities of his Department, and extended an invitation to Mayor Bertrand and council to attend the Health Department’s Advisory Council meeting on Wednesday, March 21st.

Next, Police Chief Brian Gregory shared that his department has several event coming up, including a Distracted Driving workshop on April 4th, and their annual Pancake Breakfast on March 17th, which supports Shop With a Cop program. In addition, his Department, along with area police & fire Departments and other community organizations, will once again be hosting the None For Under 21 program for area senior high schools. That event will be held at Hiram College on April 17th. In addition, the Department plans to host an Internet fraud workshop this spring. The date for that program has not yet been determined.

In his monthly fire Report, Fire Chief Bill Byers reported the total number of runs for January logged in at 39, with 15 calls to the Township, nine to the college, and three to the village. The department responded to a dozen calls for mutual aid. He noted the monthly response time to be five minutes and 13 seconds. Regarding his year end report for 2017, Chief Byers reported that the fire Department responded to 40 more calls than the previous year.

Moving ahead, Village Administrator James McGee shared that he is looking into the cost to repair or replace the village’s water tower. McGee reported that since last August, he’s had to have repairs made to the tower roughly every four months, sending divers in the tank to repair holes. He’ll be keeping council apprised of possible solutions and the estimated costs involved.

Lastly, council approved a resolution authorizing an improvement and dedication for Constance Avenue. Under the terms of the resolution, the road, which was formerly a private drive, will be improved in such a way that it can be accepted as a public road by the village from Applejack Development Company, LLC who owns the land on which the road resides and the Mantaline Corporation, the owner of the adjacent land. The agreement was passed on emergency in order for the village to be able to timely authorize grant applications needed to help finance the improvements.

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Hiram village council will be held on Tuesday, March 13th at 7 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography