Home Portage County Hiram Township Trustee Meeting

Hiram Township Trustee Meeting


Hiram Twp – At the December trustee meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that bond statements were received for Trustee Steve Pancost and Trustee Debra Blake. Both Trustees took the oath of office. In other news, Ms. Rodhe shared that the MORE Grant was successfully submitted for 2017 and a check for $500 has been received. All documentation has been submitted to NOPEC for the 2017 reimbursement.

Next, Ms. Rodhe provided an update on the 2015-2016 Audit. The recommendations provided included combining the Public Records Policy with the Retention Schedule, and approving all PTO before the time is taken. In similar news, Trustee Kathy Schulda moved to approve expenses for Diane Rodhe to attend the OTA Conference in Columbus from January 31st through February 2nd. This motion was unanimously approved. Next, the trustees unanimously accepted the Temporary Budget for 2018. In the fire report, which was received electronically, the Hiram Fire Department noted November’s average response time was 6 minutes and 46 seconds.

Moving ahead, Trustee Steve Pancost noted that he had followed up with Tim Kasper of the Park Committee. He informed Mr. Kasper that Portage County Regional Planning is looking for projects in the county that could benefit from grant applications. Mr. Pancost also reported that Eric Hankinson sent an email with attendance for BZA members. Diane will follow up and complete BZA board member payments.

Similarly, Mr. Pancost nominated Kathy Schulda as alternate to the BZA Board, which was unanimously accepted. Ms. Schulda discussed the restricted convenant for the Umbaugh property. Kathy is prepared to submit language and a drawing of the property in question prepared by Jim Zella to Attorney Chris Meduri. The language reads, “The new garage and offices are to be built north of the salt building and south of the helipad. The building is to be built in the Early American style of architecture. The garage and offices are to be a minimum of 400 feet off of State Route 82 with attached drawing”.

Next, the trustees acknowledged Resolution 2017-0963 from the Portage County Board of Commissioners granting up to $176.27 for Portage County building department permit and inspection fees for a project by the Hiram Township trustees. In new business, Mr. Groselle shared that Hiram Township is eligible for over $7,000 in grant money from NOPEC in 2018. He also announced that a new storm water run-off map was dropped off at the town hall for the trustees’ information.

Lastly, Trustees Jack Groselle and Steve Pancost, along with Diane Rodhe and Tom Matota, thanked Kathy Schulda for her years of service to Hiram Township.

The next Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 6th at 7 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography