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Community & Service


Garrettsville – Wow!  That Was The Week That Was.  A Hot Time In The Old Town from stem to stern, so to speak.  Started off with Mother’s Day, went on to the Marching Pride Band dinner (Congratulations to the outstanding students recognized : John Hecky–John Philip Sousa Award. Curtis Cosner–Semper Fidelis Award, Carrie Holcomb–four-year letter award. Sam Russell–Patrick S. Gilmour Award and LeeAnn Brosius Memorial Scholarship. Molly Everett–Junior Arion Award) and on to the big parade on Saturday, May 14 in recognition of Emergency Services Week.This was the sixth annual observance of this important community asset.  The Community Emergency Medical Service has been in existence as a joint district including the townships of Freedom and Nelson and the Village of Garrettsville since 1980.  At the present time there are 8 paramedics, 2 EMTs–intermediate, 9 EMTs–basic, one clerk and one mechanic and chief Chris Sanchez  safeguarding community health and safety in a variety of situations.One of the more enjoyable situations was the open house at the district headquarters following the parade.  About five hundred hot dogs and their fixin’s disappeared…along with chips of all sorts, beverages, sweets, the usual… numerous fingers were printed, raffle items won, demonstrations observed, balloons blown up…a great time following a great parade.The procession had begun with Garrettsville Police Chief, Tony Milicia, followed closely by the Grand Marshal, Garfield superintendent, Chuck Klamer and his lovely wife, Linda.  The James A. Garfield Marching Pride Band stepped along smartly.  Trustees from the community entities involved–John Zizka, Freedom, Bill Wilson, Nelson, Jeff Kaiser, Garrettsville–were accompanied by their wives.  The newly-formed fire auxiliary group was there.   Portage County Sheriff, David Doak put in an appearance, as did mobile units from nearby communities, Troy and Windham.  There were ambulances aplenty and fire trucks from large–very large–to small–brush fires, anyone?  The message?  We’ve got you covered.There was a good turn-out to catch the festivities and excellent participation at the open house.  It was an illustration and an affirmation of two key words : COMMUNITY & SERVICE.  Great show!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography