Home Other Areas Windham Village to Purchase Fuel from Circle K

Windham Village to Purchase Fuel from Circle K


Windham – The regularly scheduled meeting of the village council was rescheduled for April 27, 2011. The council was missing one member. The pledge of allegiance was recited and the meeting began. The last council meeting the fire chief explained that the village had received a warning about their fuel systems not being in compliance with the new standards. After doing some research, the village decided to eliminate the fueling system and enter into a contract with Circle K. Legal council presented the contract to purchase their gas and diesel fuel at Circle K. Circle K is opened 24/7 so there would be no problem obtaining fuel when they need it. Council approved the contract with Circle K.Council president Linda Rininger reported that she and Chief Fixler attended Government Day at Head Start. The two read books to the kids and joined them for a tomato soup and grilled cheese luncheon. The police chief was a hit with the kids.A discussion was held on the payment for Portage County Hazard Materials Response Team for 2008, 2009, & 2010. Council decided they would pay the 2008 & 2009 bill. They determined they would turn the 2010 bill over to the fire district as they would be the ones handling Haz-Mat matters. Council approved the re-hiring of Loretta Workman as a part-time dispatcher. Workman recently resigned her full-time position as a dispatcher for Windham to take a job elsewhere. Council filled her position with a full time position so when she wanted to return to the department all they could offer her was a part-time position.Windham’s recent purchase of used cruisers has left them with two old cruisers they do not need. Council authorized the chief to sell the cruisers at www.govdeals.com to see what he could get for them.Council authorized the fiscal officer to apply for credit with the Tax Exempt Lease Corporation for the purchase of new water meters. The current water meters are out dated, inaccurate and require one to physically go to each meter to read it costing the city valuable labor time. The new meters will be read by an infrared scanner that can be done from a vehicle rather than walking house to house. After approving acquiring credit for the meter project council also approved to replace meters throughout the entire village. Council meets regularly on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the village hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography