Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of April 21

Upcoming Community Events – Week of April 21


Camp Invention
Register Today!
Camp Invention will take place at JAG Elementary School June 26th – 30th from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. for students entering grades K – 6th grade next school year. If you are interested in having your child attend, contact Mr. Hatcher by emailing him at dhatcher@jagschools.org or calling the school at 330-527-2184.

Vendors Wanted
Auburn Community Church will host an outdoor flea market Aug 5 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.at the church. Persons selling new items as well as used items are encouraged to participate. Spaces are 25 ft. wide and deep enough to park two regular-sized vehicles as well as vendor tables. Cost per space is $25.00. Food will be available. In the event of rain, the event will be held Aug 12. To reserve a space (s), send your check along with your name, address, email and/or phone # and whether selling new or used items to Auburn Community Church, 11076 Washington St. Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023. If any questions call Auburn Community Church 440-543-1402

Families Anonymous Meeting
Families Anonymous meetings for families dealing with drug addicted members meet every Monday from 7-8 pm at Coleman Behavioral Services Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For more info call Heather 330-569-4367 or Peggy 330-760-7670.

Men on Mondays
“Men on Mondays” a men’s Bible study is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the “Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry will be provided at no charge.

Every Tuesday
ST AMBROSE CHURCH 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– “Early bird” at 6:45p and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45p. Great refreshments!

BINGO At St Michael’s
Every Thursday
St. Michael’s Church Weekly Bingo at 7pm every Thursday at 9736 East Center Street Windham, OH 44288.

TOPS Meetings
TOPS OH#1941, Ravenna meets Thursday mornings in the fellowship hall of the Maplewood Christian Church, 7300 State Route 88, Ravenna with weigh-in from 9-9:45 a.m. and a meeting/program following at 10:00 a.m. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization.

Donations Wanted
The Freedom Township Historical Society will participate in the annual Garrettsville community yard sale on May 5, 6, and 7. We are looking for donations of good quality items like clothing and household wares. Donors can put prices on the items, but it isn’t necessary. To donate or for more information contact Amanda Garrett at 330-842-4374 or agarrettsun@yahoo.com or Judy Thornton at 330-527-7669 or at threeponys@frontier.com.

84th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks
Through – May 21
Enjoy spring migrants return on bird walks led by experienced birders. Held Sundays, April 16 through May 21. Meet in parking lot at 7:30am, these locations: James H Barrow Field Station, 11305 Wheeler Rd., Hiram – 330/527-2141, Aurora Sanctuary: Audubon Society of Cleveland Sanctuary, E. Pioneer Trail, Aurora – 216/337-2202. Novak Sanctuary: Audubon Society of Cleveland Sanctuary, Town Line Rd, Aurora – 440/543-6399

Nature Camp at Hiram College
Register Today!
Nature Camps are an exciting and enjoyable way for children ages 3-10 to explore and learn about nature. We get kids crawling, wading and sloshing through habitats in search of critters that live in hidden areas. Camps run June 26-30 or July 31-August 4 for all ages. To register, contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003, sorrickmw@hiram.edu or visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram.

Youth Art at Hiram College
Register Today!
Art Camp is an exciting way to learn interesting and unique techniques while creating wonderful works of art. Join local art teacher Libby Frato-Sweeney for a week of Summer Youth Art July 10-14. Programs for ages 3-14 are included. Register at 330.569.6003, sorrickmw@hiram.edu or visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram.

Zucchini Cookbooks
Get Yours Today!
Are you looking for a nice Mother’s Day Gift for your loved one? Then this is the gift for you. Southington Garden Club has for sale a cookbook of 500 recipes using zucchini. The cookbook has recipes from appetizers to desserts all using zucchini. The cookbook is $13.00 which includes postage. Send the check to Southington Garden Club @ Evelyn Wibert 2959 Leiby Osbourne Road, Southington, Ohio 44470.

Huntsburg Church Rummage Sale
April 20-22
Huntsburg Congregational Church is holding their annual rummage and bake sale on April 20, 21 and 22 at 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg. Rt. 528 1/4 Mile South of Rt. 322. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursady & Friday, Bag Day 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Questions or Donations accepted by calling 440-636-5504

Altar & Rosary Rummage and Bake Sale
April 21-22
St. Ambrose Church Altar and Rosary Society is sponsoring a Rummage and Bake Sale April 21, 9am to 5pm and April 22, 9am to 1pm in the church hall – 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville. Clothes, housewares, books and more! Something for everyone! Saturday is $2.00 bag day!

Rummage Sale
April 21-22
The Portage County Gardeners are hosting a Rummage Sale at 5154 S. Prospect St. Ravenna, Ohio 44240 -The PC Garden Center on April 21-22 from 9-2p.m. Join in and find those bargains on books, clothing, accessories, home décor, housewares, linens, craft supplies, garden items, knick-knacks, and more. Hot dogs and beverages will be available

Windham Annual Clean Up
April 21, 22, 23
Windham Township and Village clean up 8am-4pm at Windham Village Sewer Plant, East Center St by Legion. We will be provided 5 dumpsters; once they are full spring clean up will be over. Items accepted: Appliances, batteries, furniture and up to 4 tires per household. NOT accepted: Paint, shingles, building debris and garbage.
Freedom Park Clean-up
April 22
The Freedom Community & Park Boosters will be holding a park clean-up day on Saturday, April 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Freedom Community Park on State Route 700 and Streeter Rd. If you are interested in helping out please show up or give Tom Mesaros a call at 3330-245-6061.

Spring Brunch & Silent Auction
April 22
The Ladies Spring Brunch & Silent Auction will be held on April 22, 2017 at 9:30 am. Tickets are $15.00 per person
Girls, ages 12 & under, $7.00
Tickets must be purchased by April 16 Guest speaker – Joy Trachsel Special music-Liz Simpson with Christina Dupre.
Christian Life Center Church
1972 East Summit Road, Kent, Ohio. For info and tickets call the church office at (330) 678-9234

Vernal Pool Exploration
April 22
Vernal pools are seasonally water-filled depressions found in the forest providing habitat for many plants and animals. Explore the fascinating plant and animal communities April 22, 10am – 12 at Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve, 11027 Hopkins Rd. No registration is required. Muck boots are recommended. More information call Adam 330/527-5118

Roast Pork Buffet Dinner
April 22
First Congressional UCC, 4022 St. Rt. 44 in Rootstown welcomes all for Roast Pork Buffet Dinner with sauerkraut & dressing on Saturday from 4:00 – 7pm. $10 Adults; $5 Children 5 to 12. Also included: potatoes, vegetables, salads, roll, dessert selections and beverage. Carry out available.

Huntsburg Grange Rummage Sale
April 22
Huntsburg Grange 2541 is holding their annual open house and rummage sale on Saturday, April 22 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Huntsburg Town Hall at the corner of Rt. 528 and Rt. 322. Help us celebrate the 150th birthday of the Grange organization with free birthday cake. Lunch available. Phone 440-286-7210 with questions.

Brick by Brick Auction
April 23
Windham Brick by Brick Scholarship fund 3rd annual kitchen and bath cabinets charity auction will be held April 23 at the Windham Hardware. View at 9 am Auction at 10:30 am. Additional cabinets can be bought at Home Depot. Details at McGuire GMC website.

Geauga County Council Fundraiser Breakfast
April 23
Join American Legion Atwood Mauck Post #459 ‘Home’ Goodwin St. Burton on April 23rd from 9 – 1:30pm for breakfast. Contact Skip at 440/313-2095 for info.

Hidden In Plain Sight Awareness Program
April 24
Interactive exhibit designed to resemble a teenager’s bedroom containing 150+ items, which may be indicative of dangerous risky behaviors. Come Monday, April 24 to Hiram Christian Church, “Snoop & Search” starts at 6pm, presentation begins at 6:30pm. No youth permitted due to nature of material. For info contact Hiram Police Dept 330/569-3236 or Hiram Christian Church 330/760-6285

Crescent Chapter Inspection
April 25
Crescent Chapter No. 7 OES will hold its annual inspection on Monday, April 25 at 7:30 pm at the Mantua Masonic Temple on John Edward Drive.

Spring Round Up Meeting
April 25
Please join Parkman Pack 4076 on April 25th, 2017 for our Spring Round Up. We will meet at Parkman Congregational Church at 6-8 pm. This is an informative meeting about joining Cub Scouts. If you have questions, are interested or just want to see what we are about, please come. There will be snow cones, pop bottle rockets and a whole lot of fun for your son. We are an active pack and believe in learning while having fun! See ya then!

Free Community Dinner
April 25
Free Community Dinner at the American Legion in Windham, Tuesday, April 25, from 5:00 – 6:00 pm while supplies last. Everyone is Welcome!

RFC Community Dinner
April 27
April Dinner for the Renaissance Family Center will be April 27th, 5-6:30 pm. The cook and the menu are a secret. Please come and bring a friend, but, SHHHH, it’s a secret.
Mayfield Church Rummage Sale
April 27 – 29
A Rummage Sale will be held at the Mayfield United Methodist Church, 7747 Mayfield Rd, Chesterland, on April 27 – 29. The hours are Thursday (9 am – 4 pm), Friday (9 am – 6:30 pm) and Saturday – Bag Day (9am – noon). The sale has something for everyone. All proceeds are for missions

God Provides A Free Meal
April 28
God provides a free meal at Nelson United Methodist church 9367 st. Rt. 305 – April 28 – 4 to 6:00. Beef & noodles – green beans – roll – dessert.

“Beauty and The Beast”
April 28-30
The Crestwood High Drama Club Proudly Presents Disney’s “Beauty and The Beast”. Shows are Friday April 28th and Saturday April 29th at 7 pm. Tickets are $8 at the door and $6 pre-sale. There is a Special Sunday Brunch show on April 30th that starts at 2 pm. Sunday’s brunch is 11 am to 1 pm and show is at 2 pm. Cost is $14 at the door and $10 pre-sale for adults and children to age 3 and children under age 3 are FREE. Brunch includes show ticket, pancakes and other brunch goodies, as well as, activities and crafts with cast members. Pre-sale tickets available starting 4/17/17. For tickets or any questions contact emiller@crestwoodschools.org or cuvegas@crestwoodschools.org.

Rose’s Rescue Pasta 4 Paws time again
April 29
Join Rose’s Rescue, a not- for- profit pet rescue, on April 29, at the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall in Ravenna Ohio for a pasta dinner and huge gift raffle. The event runs from 2:00pm-7:00pm for dinner. Takeout orders available. The raffle drawings begin promptly at 7:00pm. Winner need not be present for the drawings. Pasta 4 Paws, 251 W. Spruce St, Ravenna Ohio. Adults $8, Children $5. Please check out the Rose’s Rescue website for the flyer with further details. www.rosesrescue.net. All proceeds to benefit the homeless pets that we serve.

First Church of God Garage Sale
April 29
Indoor Garage Sale, 9:00 – 3pm, at First Church of God, 426 W. Broad St., Newton Falls. Lunch available for purchase. Vendors are welcome. Call Martha 330/898-4637 or Sandy 330/872-0029.

Sunshine Committee 5K Run
April 29
The Windham High School Student Council and Sunshine Committee will hold the 1st Annual 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, April 29th. Registration begins at 8:00 AM, and the race starts at 9:00 AM. The race will be held at the Ravenna Aresenal entrance behind the school, near the football field, by the large parking lot. Adults can pre-register for $20.00 (before April 29th) or pay $25.00 the day of the race. Students, younger than 18, can pre-register for $15.00(before April 29th), or pay $20.00 the day of the race.
You can register online at www.gopherarun.com or visit the Windham Schools facebook, website, or contact Sam Pochedly at spochedly@windham-schools.org.

Steak Cookout
April 29
Newton Falls Kiwanis Club Annual Steak Cookout Benefit, Saturday, April 29, 2017, at Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road (St. Rt. 534), Newton Falls, from 4-7 p.m. Dinner includes steak, salad, potato, corn, dessert, and beverage, all for $15. Proceeds benefit 5 of our spring youth events and two scholarships. Carry-out available. Pre-sales preferred so we have enough steak. Call 330-872-3854. Tickets also available at the door.

Prime Rib Dinner
April 29
An elegant and delicious Prime Rib Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on Sat., April 29 at 5:30pm at First UMC of Middlefield, 14999 South State Ave. to help pay off our Land Fund Loan. Tickets are presale only, for $25 each. For questions, call Nancy Cline at 440-632-9053.

Pymatuning Lake 2017 Crappie Tournament
April 30
2016 Crappie Tournament hosted by the Pymatuning Lake Association will be held April 30. Weigh-in and late registration (6am to 8am) is the Espyville Boat Launch(south east side of causeway.) Entry fee per team is $45 ($5 late fee.) Forms should be mailed by April 21 Weigh-in ends at 3:30 pm. Registration forms and rules can found at www.pymatuninglake.com e-mail pymalakeassoc@windstream.net phone 724-418-1501 All proceeds benefit the fish habitat fund.

Freedom Park Boosters Meeting
May 1
The Freedom Community & Park Boosters will be having their monthly meeting on Monday, May 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall. Please contact Tom Mesaros at 330-245-6061 for more information. Hope to see everyone there.

Quilter’s Day Out Luncheon
May 3
Ohio Star Quilters will present the club’s annual May event, “Quilter’s Day Out” on Wednesday, May 3, 2017. The quilt outing will be held at DeVieste Banquet Hall on 754 North River Road in Warren. The luncheon will showcase Karen Conley as the speaker. Mrs. Conley will combine her love of quilting with a trunk show presentation of quilts. A trunk show helps quilters and beginning stichers visualize the finished projects while offering information needed to complete quilt kits and ideas. Vendors for the afternoon will be The Gallery, Quilters Fancy and Megan’s Quilt Parlor. Ticket information can be had by contacting Lynn at 330-847-5377.

Vaccines Geauga County Health District
May 5
Beginning May 5, vaccines will be available on Fridays 8:30 – 11am, at no cost, through the Geauga County Health District, 470 Center Street, Bldg #8, Chardon. Adults, ages 19 and above, who are uninsured and underinsured. Underinsured adults are defined as having health insurance, however, the coverage does not include vaccines or covers only selected vaccines. Please call before coming to check vaccine availability. 440/279-1950.

Church Women United Meeting
May 6
Church Women United of Geauga County are holding their next meeting on Saturday, May 6 from 9 am to noon at the Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg. Laura Christensen from the Red Tulip Project of Geauga will be the guest speaker. Contact 440-636-6262 or 440—321-2476 for information.

Spring Wildflower Hike
May 6
Join us as we are treated to one of the best spring wildflower displays in NE Ohio. May 6th 10am – 12 at Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve, 11027 Hopkins Rd. No registration is required. More information call Adam 330/527-5118

Annual Shalersville School Reunion Banquet
May 6
Saturday May 6, 2017 the Annual Shalersville School Reunion Banquet will be held in the Shalersville Town Hall. A roast pork and lasagna dinner will be served by Eisele Catering at 5:30pm. All friends, community members former classmates and teachers can attend. The cost is $15.00 per person and reservations need to be made by April 29th to Judy Richardson, 8945 Cooley Rd Ravenna, OH 44266

Shalersville Historical Society Hours
May 7,14 & 21
New Hours for Shalersville Historical Society May 7, 14 & 21 2pm-5pm.

Outdoor Craft & Vendor Show
May 13
Support JAG Elementary PTO at the Spring outdoor craft and vendor show at Sky Lanes Bowling Alley May 13 10am-4pm. Over 40 vendors, hand crafted items and auction items. Call Diane Irwin for info 330/524-0592

Auditions For “GodSpell”
May 16 & 17
The Curtains up Theatre is holding auditions for their production of “GodSpell” on May 16 and 17 at 7pm in the James A. Garfield High School. Please have a memorized monologue (1 minute minimum) prepared – preferably a comedy or drama one, and a song to be sung a-cappella. The show runs July 21, 22, 23, 28 &29. Rehearsals begin June 5 – please bring any conflict dates to the audition. For more information contact Director, Justin Steck at 216-310-1913. Please notify the music director during your audition if there is a specific character you are auditioning for. J. A. Garfield High School is located at 10235 State Route 88, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231 Parts available for age groups 15 years to adults over 60.

First Christian Church Yard Sale
May 18 & 19
The First Christian Church Yard Sale 17 North Center Street Newton Falls has been changed to May 18-19, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch available and May 20, 9 a.m. to noon – Bag day only.

River Days Tours
May 20
Enjoy a guided tour on May 20th of the National Natural Landmark preserve, normally by permit only, and/or visit Ohio’s first scenic river preserve designated in 1986. Mantua Bog State Nature Preserve tour will meet 11am – Peck Rd and E. High St. The Tummonds Scenic River tour will meet 1:30pm at 4466 Mats Rd. More information call Adam 330/527-5118

Walleye Tournament
May 20
2017 Walleye Tournament hosted by the Pymatuning Lake Association will be held May 20, 2017. First Place is $500.00(three fish total weight) First Place single fish is $200.00 with 10 total prizes. Weigh-in and late registration(6am to 8am) is at the Espyville Boat Launch(south east side of causeway.) Entry Fee per team is $45.00($5.00 late fee.) Forms should be mailed by May 13th. Weigh-in ends at 3:00 pm.
Registration forms and rules can found at www.pymatuninglake.com and at area tackle shops e-mail pymalakeassoc@gmail.com phone 724-418-1501 All proceeds benefit the fish habitat fund.

Military Service Commitment Program
May 21
The Military Service commitment program will be held at Atwood-Mauck Post 459 (Home) on Goodwin St, Burton. Sunday at 2:30pm, CBR: Skip at 440/313-2095 for info.

Fill The Truck
May 26 & 27
The Shalersville Historical society will partner with Easter Seals NE Ohio to collect donations of clothing, blankets, towels, shoes, stuffed animals, cloth(even stained, ripped and torn items can be recycled) dishes, small kitchenware, picture frames, small kids toys, jewelry, CD’s/DVD’s&VHS tapes. ALL items must be in tied/closed bags ors boxes. Any questions call Kristen (330)990-6591

Shalersville Historical Society Open
May 26-29
The Shalerville Historical Society will be open 1pm-5pm each day all buildings will be open for viewing.

Where In The Woods Am I?
May 27
Spring is a busy time for hikers. Have you ever wondered what you would do if you got lost while hiking? Join us May 27th at 1pm – 3 for a basic overview of orienteering with a map and compass at Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve, 11027 Hopkins Rd. A short classroom session will be followed by a practical exercise. No registration is required. More information call Adam 330/527-5118

Miracle Network Fun Ride
May 28
The 8th Annual Children’s Miracle Network Fun Ride & Poker Run will be May 28. Route maps and rules will be available at registration starting at 10AM at BikeTown Harley-Davidson in Austintown, Ohio. Ride will begin at noon which includes three card stops along a scenic route of approx 75 miles. Route ends at Social 45, Lisbon, OH where there will be food and refreshments, two Live bands, and Chinese Auction. Cost is $15 per bike; $5 per passenger. In case of rain, go to Social 45 at 3:30PM. Motorcycles are not mandatory to participate. Call 330-502-9813 for more information.

Memorial Day Service/Open House
May 29
The American Legion Atwood-Mauck Post 459 will present a Memorial Day Service at Burton Square Gazebo on Monday, 11:00am and Open House after at Post 459 (Home) on Goodwin St, Burton. CBR: Larry at 440/479-0502 for info.

Noah’s Ark Trip
June 9
“Save the date” for a fantastic bus trip, Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10, 2017, that is planned for a visit to NOAH’S ARK in Willianstown,KY. Also, included are several activities in the Renfro Valley. If interested, please call now for more information – MaryLee Herron, #330-398-2126

Gott Fen Showy Lady’s Slipper Hike
June 17
Join ODNR staff on June 17th, from 10am – 12, as we offer a special opportunity to view state threatened Lady’s Slipper orchids at Gott Fen State Nature Preserve, State Rte 303, Streetsboro. Space is limited to the first 15 registrants. To register call Adam 330/527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us


Anton Albert Photography