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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp. – At their last meeting, Trustee John Festa shared the MSFD monthly report. He noted that call volume at the Department increased, with crews responding to 141 more calls than the previous year. While he noted the Department is handling more calls than usual, he complimented the men and women on what a great job they do in the community.
In other news, Trustees discussed the elevator project progress at the Center School Building. Trustee Victor Grimm reported that the building’s boiler has been hooked up to the well system, since the water line was disrupted during the construction project. Mr. Grimm noted that work on the elevator project is progressing, with masons shoring up support beams in the elevator shaft area.

In similar news, Mr. Festa noted that Assistant Fire Chief Chris Mullins contacted the County’s Building Department to discuss the Ohio Building Code requirements regarding additional, supplemental devices that would prevent smoke from entering the elevator shaft in the event of a fire. The Fire Department will host a meeting with representatives from the Building Department, Trustees, the elevator project architect, engineer, and the Building Assessment committee as soon as possible to reach a resolution on the matter.
Moving forward, Trustees approved the Road Department purchase of a new 2016 Ford F350 4X4 truck with plow. The vehicle will be purchased from Sarchione Ford and financed through State Bank in Kansas for under $34,500, and will be delivered this month.

Lastly, Trustee Jason Carlton has initiated discussions with the Mantua Center Christian Church regarding shared services, such as the maintenance and upkeep on the well and refuse removal. He’ll keep Trustees advised as these discussions progress.

The Trustees will meet again on Thursday evening, February 2nd at 7:30 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography