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20th Century Club News


The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met at the J. Leonard Gallery & Vintage Emporium for their meeting of October 6, 2016. The usual business   was completed, with cards being sent to absent members, secretary’s minutes and treasurer’s report.  A new member, Jill Thewlis, was welcomed to the group.

The focus of the evening was the venue itself as well as its talented and entertaining proprietor, Joe Leonard.  He had tales of the various carved pieces for which he is well known, how they have been made, where they have gone and the people who have commissioned them…including Disney and Drew Carey.  The space was shared with a lion, a griffin,  otters on/in a tabletop, the amazing Pegasus and many other remarkable items by J. Leonard himself and other artisans whose works are available at the emporium.  These include pictures (photographs and paintings), pottery/ceramics, glass, sculpture, jewelry and décor items.  Pet portraits by Liz greet those entering, jewelry with natural stone and enamel is on display, wizard wands are available.  He also presented information on history of carousels, techniques employed and some of the private collectors in whose homes many of his works now reside.  Put-In Bay and the carousel pig were interesting points of the evening.

The next meeting will be at the home of Joyce Fashing  on October 20.  Dues are due ASAP.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography