Home Other Areas Newton Falls Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Hosts Awards Ceremony

Newton Falls Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Hosts Awards Ceremony


Newton Falls – The Newton Falls Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars honored our Voice of Democracy Student, Patriots’ Pen Student, and Creative Patriotic Art Student on Monday, June 20, 2016.

Our Voice of Democracy Student was Nathan Hendryx and he placed first on the Post level, and tenth on the District Level. Bronson DeAngelo placed sixth on the District level for his Patriots’ Pen Essay; and Annelise Wallie placed seventh on the State level for her painting for Creative Patriotic Art. Each of our students will be given a monetary award, certificate of completion and pin for their efforts.

This year’s theme for the Voice of Democracy Audio Essay was “My Vision for America”; Patriots’ Pen Essay theme was “What Freedom Means To Me”. The Creative Patriotic Art contest was to be Art on paper or canvas. Water color, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen-and-ink or oil could  be used.


Anton Albert Photography