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Nelson Promotes Two Employees


Nelson Township – Nelson Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with all trustees and  the fiscal officer present. The fiscal officer presented bills and wages; he also gave a funds status report along with real estate tax money from the estate of Robert W Norris.  The trustees approved the expenditures and the minutes from the last meeting.
Trustee Jim Turos reported that the gas well was cleaned and up-and-running with heat in the maintenance building; however they are still unsure of the cost of the repair since they have yet to receive a final bill. Turos asked the trustees to consider a blanket certificate for employee Chuck Vanek so  he  could purchase needed supplies in case he was unable to contact two of the three trustees as required. He stated that recently they had a situation where the employees had to wait 45 minutes to get needed supplies to finish a job. Both Trustees Wilson and Leonard were hesitant of doing a blanket certificate because of their very tight finances.  After further discussion the trustees approved two emergency blanket certificates one for supplies and one for materials for up to a $1000 each expiring on December 31, 2011.  These are emergency measures only to be used when Vanek is unable to reach two of the trustees to approve a purchase.

In other news, discussions were held on whether they should consider purchasing or renting a rubber tire roller for the summer chip and seal projects, and color for the new doors on the community house. Turos stated that he knew where they could possibly purchase one or rent a rubber tire roller for the summer. They agreed not to make a decision at this time due to tight finances. Trustee Leonard stated that the new doors should be installed within the next few weeks and suggested a neutral color on the doors. The rest of the trustees agreed with the neutral color. The doors are being replaced with the NOPEC grant. Leonard also stated that Mike Elias is working with Halle Higgins and the Akron Food Bank to get a food pantry started in Nelson.

Mr. Turos requested an executive session to discuss personnel issues. The board returned from executive session and approved the promotion of Chuck Vanek to the position of Road Supervisor/Sexton and Steve Galayde from part-time status to full-time status including full benefits. The promotions are effective on April 1, 2011.
In other Nelson news, the Pixley Park Committee is collecting donations for their annual garage sale held over Memorial Day Weekend. Donations can be dropped of at L&P Machine on State Route 305 or the Salvage Pantry on Nicholson Road.
Nelson Township Trustees meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The meetings will be held at the community house until May 31, 2011.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography