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Upcoming Community Events (Week of May 27)


The Friends of Melana 5k Run/1 Mile Walk
Register Today!
The Friends of Melana Foundation is organizing the 6th Annual Friends of Melana 5k run and 1 mile fun run/walk to be held on Sunday, June 26, 2016, at Garrettsville Summerfest. All proceeds go towards research for children’s glioma brain cancer. Event registration can be done on line at www.2016friendsofmelana5k.eventbrite.com. Registration will also take place the day of the event on the front lawn of St. Ambrose rectory on Freedom St. in Garrettsville. Come out and help support a great cause. Call Norm Fashing at 330.527.8093 for more information.

Monday Breakfasts
Through Summer
American Legion Post 674 in Windham will have breakfast from 8 to 11 beginning on Monday May 9th. Breakfasts will continue on Mondays through the summer. Many things are changing, come take a look.

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church!

Storytime at Maplewood
2nd Tuesday
Storytime at Maplewood Christian Church. Come for stories, crafts, music and movement for children ages 2 – 5 (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). This event will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. email gzimcosky@gmail.com or call 330-297-6424 with questions.

Village Piecemakers Quilt Club
Third Tuesday of Month
Whether you are a new quilter or experienced, all are welcome to learn, help another and share your passion for quilting. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at the Garrettsville Village Hall on High Street. For more information call Barb @ 330-527-2802.

Free Water Well Monitoring
4th Monday of Month
Free well water monitoring will be conducted on the 4th Monday of the month at the Hiram Christian Church at the corner of SR 82 & 700 in Hiram. Trained water monitors from Concerned Citizens Ohio will look for chemicals and salts that can show possible contamination from nearby drilling, injection wells, pipeline leaks, or other problems. These water evaluations are not EPA certified, but they do provide a
baseline in the event of contamination. If possible, run cold water for a full ten minutes before the water reaches hot water heaters, softeners, or other filtering treatment. Collect the sample in a clean, large mouth glass jar (such as a mason jar)—about two cups’ worth. Names should be on jars.

Garden Club Welcomes New Members
Fourth Weds. of Month
Silver Creek Garden Club welcomes new members. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month. Members enjoy speakers, gardening, visiting gardens and garden centers. If you are a lover of flora and fauna please join us. For more information all Barb @ 330-527-2802

Community Center Open!
The Community Center at Mantua Center is open every Tuesday from 9:00 am until about 2:00 pm. Housed in the cafeteria wing of the old Center School just N. of SR 82 on Center Road, we provide a casual place to socialize, meet friends for cards or a board game, help work a picture puzzle, join the painters’ group, or work on a sewing project. At noon we have a potluck lunch, so bring a dish to share. (Tableware is provided.) Coffee and tea are always on. It’s free and open to all. You’re invited, whether or not you live in the township.

Camp Invention!
Register by June 3
Camp Invention will take place at James A. Garfield Elementary School, June 27th – July 1st from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m, for children entering grades 1 – 6. If interested, register your child at campinvention.org by Friday, June 3rd. If you have any questions please email Mr. Hatcher, Camp Director, at dhatcher@jagschools.org.

Vendors Wanted
Reserve Space by July 15
The Hiram Recreation & Park Board is seeking vendors with household goods to sell at our Community “Garage” Sale on July 23. All proceeds will benefit the Hiram Parks.When: Saturday, July 23 – 9 am – 4 pm Where: On the lawn in front of the Hiram Village Municipal Hall at 11617 Garfield Rd, Hiram Price for a 10’ x 10’ space is: $15 Please reserve your space by July 15. Call Chris at: 330-357-7634 or email: park.board2.hvoh@gmail.com for application form or questions

Volunteer Opportunity
Call Today!
Are you searching for a rewarding volunteer opportunity? The Camelot Center, a growing therapeutic horseback riding program, is in need of volunteers, aged 14 to adult. Volunteers assist riders to groom their horses, lead horses, side-walk riders who may need physical or emotional support, help with maintenance, and fundraisers. No experience is needed, as all training is provided. Riding lessons are on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. This is a great way to help children, adults, and horses, and have fun in the process. The Camelot Center is located at 3498 Barclay Messerly Rd., Southington, Ohio. Contact us at (330) 889-0036, www.thecamelotcenter.org, or visit our Facebook page for more information.

Register Now for Cave Quest VBS at Friendship Alliance!
Call Today!
Get Ready! Vacation Bible School is coming to Friendship Alliance Church (19126 Ravenna Rd./SR44, Auburn Township) on June 6-10, 9am-12:30pm. Your kids will love the fun, friendship and Bible teachings through Cave Quest explorations. You will love the price (FREE!) and the excitement your kids will bring home every day. You can register your children (ages 5 years old through 6th grade) at FAC-OH.org or by using this link: https://webgenics.wufoo.com/forms/fac-vbs-2016-registration/

American Legion Post 674 Memorial
Register by June 4
We are calling a final notice on additions or corrections on the monument being refurbished in Windham . The cut off date is June 4th, 2016. Applicant must show proof of honorable military service to qualify. After June 4th it will cost any applicant $200 to add a name. Please contact the Legion post between noon and 8:00pm or Butch Christy at 330-219-1606.

God Provides A Meal
May 27
God provides a free meal May 27 – 4 to – 6: 00 at Nelson Methodist church 9367 SR. 305. Ham & bean soup – sloppy joes – cole slaw – dessert.

Pixley Park Sale
May 27 – 30
10,000 SQ FT Huge Sale Memorial Day Weekend, Fri-Sun 9-8 Mon 9-3. Something for Everyone! 8488 ST RT 305, Garrettsville (1/2 E of ST RT 88) Benefits Pixley Park (www.pixleypark.org)

Steak Fry & Chicken Dinner
May 28
Garrettsville Eagles will be holding a steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday May 28th from 4 to 7:30 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or french fries, green beans, salad, roll and butter. Steak dinners are $13 and chicken dinners are $9. Carryout available by calling 330-527-2330. Open to the public. Come visit the Chamber car show on Main Street while in town.
Plant & Misc. Sale
May 28
The Mantua Farmers Market will sponsor another Plant and Miscellaneous Sale on Saturday, May 28, from 9am -1pm at Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street. Stop by to choose from a great selection of vegetables and perennial plants plus other market items. Vendors are welcome. Cost is $5.00. Money will go to the Church to help pay for the handicapped entrance to the basement. Call Diane 330-274-2868 for information.

Western Square Dance
May 28
On May 28 the North Bloomfied Historical Society, will host a Western Square Dance. The dancing will be held at the Town Hall, at Rt. 45 and Rt. 87. No dancing experience is needed. Starting at 7:00 thru 9:30pm. Light refreshments will be served. For more information call: (330)506-3370

Separation of Church and State?
May 29
The Garrettsville United Methodist Church invites one and all to join us for a presentation by Rev Rich Thewlis on the topic of Separation of Church and State? How, Why, When, and Where Do We Go from Here? on Sunday, May 29, Memorial Day Sunday. All are welcome to come and learn about the history of this issue and what extensive religious rights we actually do have in our country.
Our money says, “In God We Trust” and the Pledge of Allegiance says that we pledge ourselves to …”One Nation, Under God…” and then we are told that there is a separation between Church and State! How can this be? This has been confusing people for a long time. People speak of the need for prayer in school and the need for the country to return to God, and the idea of this “Wall of Separation” sounds like a very bad idea. What’s going on here? Come for praise singing beginning at 9:30, come as the regular service begins at 9:45, come for refreshments before Sunday School/discussion/ presentation at 11:00, come to meet and greet your neighbors and friends, come for a morning of thought and inspiration.

Nelson Twp. Memorial Day Ceremony
May 30
Nelson Township Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at 10:00 am in Nelson Circle.

Memorial Day Service
May 30
A Memorial Day service will be held at the Burton Square Gazebo on May 30 at 11:30 am followed by an Open House at the legion home on Goodwin Street.

Library Closed Memorial Day
May 30
All offices and branch libraries of the Portage County District Library will be closed on Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. They will resume service hours on Tuesday, May 31.

Chicken Dinner
June 1
There will be a chicken dinner at Southington UMC, SR 305 & 534, Southington on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 3:30 to 6:00. The menu includes: one fourth of a chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, cole slaw, homemade desserts, beverage. Price Adults $9.00, Children/Chicken Tenders dinner Children ages 4-10 $4.50, Children 3 and under free. Carry Outs available. Call 330-898-2156.

Mantua Soccer Association Community Meeting
June 1
The Mantua Soccer Association will be holding a community meeting on 6/1/16 at 7pm. The meeting will be held at Buchert Memorial Park in Mantua. We will be voting for board members at this meeting. We are looking for President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. If
you are interested in being part of this organization please plan to attend.

Legion Riders Group Forming
June 2
Are you a wartime veteran, or the descendant of someone who served since World War I? If so, you may be eligible to join us and ride with other veterans and family. A riders group is forming in Windham, Ohio post 674. we will have a meeting on June 2nd at 7pm; the address is 9960 East Center St., Windham, Ohio

Rummage Sale
June 2-4
Edinburg First Church of God will hold a Rummage Sale OFF-SITE AT 4359 WAYLAND ROAD,NORTH OF TALLMADGE RD, PALMYRA TWP. on June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Dishes, kitchen appliances, books, pictures, clothing–baby through adult, old and collector dolls, linens,knick knacks and much miscellanoous. Proceeds of the sale will go to missions. Please call Alma at 330-654-3841 for more information.

Windham Fire Dept. Carnival
June 2 – 5
Windham Fire Dept will be holding their carnival June 2 – 5 beside the Windham Fire Dept. Texas Hold’em tournament will be held on June 4 beginning at 2 pm. Doors open at 1 pm for cash at Windham Fire Dept.

“What God Said”
June 6
Monday, June 6th, at 10:30am
Garrettsville YMCA invites you to join us at 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH for a continuation of May’s Book Review and Discussion Group:
WHAT GOD SAID. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Musicians Wanted!
Rehearsals Begin June 6
The Hiram Community Band is seeking players of all band instruments for our annual 4th of July concert. We particularly need bass instruments (tuba, low woodwinds), flutes/piccolo, French horns and percussion. Rehearsals are on June 6, 16, and 27, 7-9PM at Frohring Hall on the Hiram campus. The performance will be at 4:00 on the 4th in the street outside Frohring. If interested, contact Jeffrey Quick at jaq@case.edu or 330-527-0144

Relay For Life
June 10-11
Happiness is relaying. Join us for the Relay For Life Newton Falls / Lordstown to be held at the Newton Falls High School Stadium June 10-11. Event begins at 4:30 pm withthe Survivors Dinner; 6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies; 9 p.m. Luminaria. Event runs from 6 pm Friday until Noon on Saturday. Form a team… join a team.. buy a luminaria.. recognize a caregiver… honor a survivor…remember a fighter… Any questions call event chair Laura Harkless 330-872-0370

“Crafting With Marian”
June 11
A vase without flowers is like a day without sunshine. Crafters are invited to the Garrettsville Library on Saturday, June 11 from 10:30 am until 1:30 pm for a “Crafting With Marian” program. Learn how to make a painted vase and your vase will never be without flowers. Using a sponging technique, students will learn how to paint a beautiful floral pattern on a vase, which can also be used as a candle holder for indoor or outdoor lighting. All supplies for this craft will be provided. The project is fun and free (there is $5.00 deposit fee to register which will be refunded on the day of the craft). Seats are limited, so sign up early. Call 330-527-4378 to register or for more information.

Annual Trunk Sale
June 11
Annual Trunk Sale – One Day Garage Sale from the trunk of your car. Or stop by to shop! Saturday, June 11, 2016 – 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. @ St. William Church Parking Lot located at 5431 Mahoning Ave. 44483 in Champion. Beverages, food, bake sale items; music, raffles and announcements will be available. Call 330-847-8677 for info or to reserve your spot.

Father’s Day Breakfast
June 19
Windham Legion Auxiliary Post 674 will be hosting a Father’s Day breakfast on
June 19th from 8am -12 pm/
Cost $7.00. Fathers eat free

Build A Gym, Build A Life
June 19
Parent Council for Portage County Developmental Disabilities is hosting a 5K Race and 1 mile fun run, walk or roll on June 19. Fun run begins at 8 am, 5K begins at 9:30 am. For more info or to register go to www.raceroster.com, type in Portage County Parent Council.

Free Community Meal
June 20
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, invites you to a Free Community Meal on Monday, June 20, from 5 – 6:30 PM. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and visit with your friends and neighbors.

Vacation Bible School
June 20 – 24
Christ Lutheran Church, 10827 North Main Street, Mantua, invites to Vacation Bible School to be held June 20 – 24 from 9:30 to 12 Noon. Come and explore Cave Exploration as we learn about God’s animals and truths from the Bible. Ages starting at 3 years old are welcome. There will be a closing program on Friday at Noon followed by a lunch. To register call Diane at 330-274-2868 or the Church at 330-274-2849. Come and enjoy a week of fun and learning.

Couch to 5K/9Mile Program
June 21- Sept 28
Training for the Sept. 10th Potato Stomp will be offered by Advanced Rehabilitation and Health Specialists. This is a 12 week program where you will build endurance, strenght and flexibility. Walkers & runners are welcome to join. Meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 – 6:30 pm at 4707 Mill St in Mantua. Contact ARHS at 330-274-2747 for additional information or to register.

Grant In Aid Scholarship
Due By July 16
The Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a society of women educators in Geauga County, is offering a grant-in-aid to a female student who is entering her senior year in college and is majoring in education. The applicant must be a graduate of a Geauga County high school. The deadline for completed applications is July 16, 2016. Interested applicants should contact Mrs. Deborah Hofstetter, Grant-in-Aid Committee, Delta Kappa Gamma, P.O. Box 313, Chardon, OH 44024.

Garfield High School Football Skills Camp
July 25 & 26
Garfield High School will be hosting a Football Skills Camp
July 25 and 26 from 6pm-8pm
for Grades K-8. Cost is $30 (checks made payable to JAG All Sports Boosters)portagecountyrepublicanwomenclub and select attend meeting.

Summer Youth Art Camp
June 6-10
Join Hiram College and art teacher Libby Frato-Sweeney for a fun-filled week of art explorations. Programs for children ages 3-8. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

BioBlitz: Vernal Pools
June 9-10
11-15 year olds will take a deep dive into the mysterious and murky waters of vernal pools during this 24-hour exploration. The unique wetlands are home to frogs, toads, salamanders and lots of creepy crawlers. Participants will camp overnight at the Hiram College Field Station. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Field Ecology Research
June 19-25
This experience offers high schoolers an opportunity to work and learn alongside Hiram College faculty and students while doing ecological research at the Hiram College Field Station. Participants stay overnight. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Nature Camps for Kids
June 27-July 1
OR July 25-29
Nature Camps are Naturally Wonderful for kids ages 3-10. Explore streams, forests, animals, plants and much more as we learn about the world around us and have fun doing it. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

BioBlitz: Fish & Food Webs
July 7-8
11-15 year olds will slog through creeks and streams in search of fish and the things they feed upon. Nets, waders and fast fingers will be our tools as we try to map where and how these creatures live. Participants will camp overnight at the Hiram College Field Station. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Wilderness Leadership
July 10-16
High schoolers will develop leadership skills, connect with nature, and work to achieve individual and group goals at Hiram College’s Northwoods Field Station in the remote wilderness of Michigan. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.


Anton Albert Photography