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We’re All Invited


Big Brothers & Sisters Needed
Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother Volunteers. We have boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them. Please call us today at (330) 296-6655 or visit our website at www.bbsportage.org. All it takes is 12 hours a month to help a child. You’ll be glad you did!

Cars For Kids
Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County  is accepting running and non-running vehicle donations. Your unwanted vehicle (car, truck, van or motorcycle) will be picked-up within 3 days. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.  Call Big Brothers & Sisters at (330) 296-6655.  Donors need to have the title and keys.

Produce Vendors Needed
Register Now
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is planning their 2011 Farmers Market. They are currently looking for PRODUCE vendors.  Please contact Jackie Loreta-Rinearson at 216-375-0709 or email her at rinearson05@frontier.com. The market will be held Wednesdays from late July through early October.
Other vendors selling edible products are needed also, but only produce vendors are being registered at this time. The cost for the entire season is only $60.00. The Market is in great need of produce vendors. If you need people to run your table please speak to Jackie about this option.
JAG Kindergarten Registration
Garfield Elementary School Kindergarten registration is STILL in progess for the 2011/12 school year.  Please call 330-527-2184 with your child’s information to get him or her enrolled today.  Children must turn 5 years of  age by September 30th and live in the district in order to be eligible to attend school this fall.

Summerfest Wedding
Deadline April 29
The Summerfest committee is accepting entries for couples who would like to get married or renew their vows at Summerfest 2011. Send your story on why you would like to be Summerfest’s First Couple to: Summerfest’s First Couple, c/o Weekly Villager, PO Box 331, Garrettsville, OH 44231 or enter online at www.weeklyvillager.com (type Summerfest Wedding in search) or at www.garrettsvillesummerfest.com. Deadline April 29, 2011.

J.C. Café
Through March
SJM and J.C. Café, 9445 1?2 Annette Drive in Windham, is offering a large pepperoni pizza for $10 and get one free on Fridays from 11am-8pm now thru March, eat in or take out. For more information call (330) 326-2024.

Mulch Sale to Benefit Crestwood Bands
Order by April 22
The Crestwood Band Patrons are now accepting orders for both bagged and bulk mulch for pick up or delivery on Saturday, May 7th. Order forms are available at www.crestwoodbands.org/mulch.  Black hardwood, brown pine, or golden cypress is available in bags for $4.25, and bulk black hardwood is available for $23 per cubic yard (4 yards minimum). There is a $10 per order delivery charge bagged or bulk, limited to the Crestwood school district. The deadline to order is  April 22. Orders may also be placed by calling the Crestwood Band Dept at 330-274-2214, ext. 110 or by contacting any band member. Help your community by supporting the legacy of musical excellence of the Crestwood Bands.

Fish Fry
Through April 22
The Windham American Legion, 9960 E. Center Street, will hold Friday night Fish Fries now through Lent, April 22nd. Enjoy fresh cod for $8/person. Public is welcome and carryouts are available. (330) 326-3188.

Eagles Fish Dinner
Through April 22
The Garrettsville Eagles Club will host a fish dinner on Friday nights from 4-8pm during Lent, March 11th through April 22nd. These dinners are open to the public.

SS Mary & Joseph Fish Fry
Through April 22
Saints Mary and Joseph School sponsors a Fish Fry every Friday during Lent, including Good Friday, at Saint Mary Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive, Newton Falls. Lunch is served from 11:00am to 3:00 pm. Dinner is served from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Take out orders are available by calling 330-872-1828. If you wish further information , please call the school office (330-872-7676).

“Cowboy Rides Again” Square Dance
March 25
The North Bloomfield Historical Society will present a square dance on March 25 from 7 – 10 p.m. at the North Bloomfield Town Hall located at the intersection of SR 45 & SR 87. Adults $5; Children under 10 $4. Refreshments will be served.  Professional Caller Gene Hammond and Line Dance Caller Frankie Hammond will be on-hand.  No experience necessary.

God Provides A Free Meal
March 25
God provides a free meal, March 25 at the Nelson United Methodist Church, 9367 SR 305 (Nelson Circle), Garrettsville. Dinner is served from 4 – 6 p.m. Come enjoy the meal and the good fellowship. Any questions call the church at (330) 527-2268.

Summerfest Scotch Doubles
March 26
Couples are needed for a Scotch Doubles on Saturday night  at 9 p.m.   The Boys Are Back band will be on hand. Proceeds benefit the 2011 Summerfest.

42nd Annual Pancake Breakfast
March 27
The Parkman Chamber of Commerce will host pancake breakfasts on Sundays in March from 9am-2pm at the Parkman Community House. The cost is $7.50/adults, $3/children 6-12 and free for children 5 and under.

Lenten Soup Suppers
March   29 & April 5
St. Joseph’s in Mantua continues their tradition of  Soup Suppers during Lent on Tuesdays, March 29 and April 5 at Hughes Hall from 6-6:45pm. Immediately after supper, join us for Lenten presentations in the church at 7pm. Family-sized pots of soup are needed and can be brought to the kitchen prior to supper.

Master Gardener Program
March 25
The Geauga County Master Gardeners invites you to Companion Plants for the Shade Garden on Friday, March 25th from 9am-noon. Registration is $15. For more information, or to register, call (440) 834-4656. Class will be held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road. Please register at least 2 days prior to the class. http://geauga.osu.edu/
SSMJ Night at the Races
March 26
Saints Mary and Joseph School’s Faculty and Staff will sponsor a Night at the Races on Saturday, March 26th at Saint Mary’s Social Hall. Doors will open at 6pm, buffet at 6:15pm and post time at 7pm. Admission is $15 and includes dinner and drinks. You can also sponsor a horse or the event. For more information call (330) 872-7676 or email Julie Stimpert at jstimpert@ssmj.org.

Little Tigers Sign-ups
March 26
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding sign ups for the upcoming season for football and cheerleading. The sign ups for children ages 5-12 years old will be held on Saturday March 26, 2011 at the Newton Falls Community Center from 12- 2:00 p.m.. The fee is $50.00 and please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate. For information please contact Troy Coen @ 330-0875.

Free Men’s Breakfast
March 26
On March 26th at 9:00 am there is a free MEN’s Breakfast at RFC.  We have finished the Honor Hall for all branches of the military and would like to invite Veterans and service men to come and view their hall.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
March 26
On March 26 there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Chuch off  SR 82 in the center of Braceville. The dinner begins at 4 pm and goes until 6:30 pm. Dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for children.  Phone number for take-out orders: 330-898-5607.

Little Tigers Cornhole Tournament
March 26
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will host a cornhole tournament on Saturday, March 26th at the Newton Falls VFW Post 3332. Doors will open at 1pm and games begin at 2pm. The cost is $40 for pre-registered teams (March 19th) or $50 per team at the door. There will be a 50/50 drawing and raffle prizes. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams totaling 60% of registration. For more information call Andy at (330) 565-0950 or amcelrath51@aol.com. You can mail registration and payment to: Cornhole Tournament Registration, Attn: Andy McElrath, 15050 Robinson Rd., Newton Falls, OH 44444.

Night at the Races
March 26
The James A. Garfield After Prom Committee will host a Night at the Races on Saturday, March 26th at Sugarbush Golf Course in Garrettsville. Doors will open at 6:30pm, dinner at 7pm and betting begins at 8pm. The cost is $20/person and includes dinner, entry fee and draft beer. Cash bar available. There will also be a 50/50 and Chinese auction. For tickets, or to sponsor a race or horse, call Karla at (330) 527-4951 or Jen at (330) 815-0561.

Pruning Workshop
March 26
The Ohio State University Extension office will host a pruning workshop at Stotler’s Orchard, 4567 Laubert Road in Randolph, on March 26th from 10am-noon. This workshop will count as 1.5 hours of continuing education credits. For more information visit www.stotlersorchard.com.

Ansel’s Cave
March 27
The Geauga Park District will present Gifford Grover to leading a 50-years/50-miles hike to Ansel’s Cave. Ansel’s Cave Memories will be presented on March 27th from 1-2pm at The West Woods Nature Center, then hike to the cave from 2-3:30pm. For more information visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org or call (440) 286-9516.

Spring Break Day Camp
March 28-April 1
Registration for Spring Break Day Camp for children ages 6-11 will be held Feb 28-March 11 at the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department, 530 North Street, weekdays 8am-noon and 1-4:15pm. The cost is $80/Ravenna City taxpayers and $85/non-city taxpayers. Call (330) 296-2864 for more information.

Instructional T-Ball
Register March 28 – April 8
Ravenna Parks and Rec Dept is sponsoring an instructional T-ball program for boys and girls ages 4 and 5.  The fundamentals of baseball and softball will be taught.  Players bring their own mitts.  Classes will be held on Saturdays May 14 to June 25 at Havre Woods Park in Ravenna from 10 to 11:15 a.m. Registration will be held from March 28 to April 8 at Ravenna Parks and Recreation office, 530 N. Freedom St. 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.  For more information call (330) 296-2864.

“Woman of Note”
March 31
Damaris Peters Pike will perform her “Woman of Note” on Thursday, March 31 at 7 pm in St. Ambrose Church. During the presentation, Damaris will share with the audience interpretations of two illuminations of Hildegard’s visions and introduce modern versions of her chants, including those of a Swedish rock group.

Nature Writing Contest
April 1
The Geauga Park District’s 16th Annual Nature Writing Contest is open to all ages and must include nature-oriented subjects and themes. All entries must be received at the Donald W. Meyer Center at Big Creek Park no later than April 1st at 4pm. For more information call Sandy at (440) 286-9516 or visit http://geaugaparkdistrict.org.

4-H Bowl-a-Thon
April 1
The Trumbull 4-H Advisory Committee will sponsor a Moonlight Bowl-a-thon on Saturday, April 9th at 9pm at the Cortland Lanes. The cost is $25/twosome and includes 3 games, shoes, and refreshments. For more information call (330) 637-2437. If you would help but cannot bowl, you can donate for the auction baskets or sponsor a lane for $25.

Magic Workshop
April 1
Ravenna Recreation is offering a Magic Workshop for boys and girls in grades 1st through 6th grades.  Come watch professional magician “Great Brad” perform a fun and interactive magic show on a day school is off.  Students will also learn to perform some magic tricks at the conclusion. All supplies are provided. The workshop will be held on Friday, April 1, 2011 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (during spring break week)  at John Tontimonia City Park Tower Lodge.  Cost is $20 for city taxpayers or $25.00 for non-city taxpayers.  Deadline to register is March 28 or the first 20 to register. A $5 late fee is charged after deadline.  To register contact Ravenna Recreation at  (330) 296-2864.

Parents Without Partners Ham Dinner
April 2
The Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents Without Partners will have a ham dinner from 6:30 to 7:30 pm and its monthly dance from 7:30 to 11:30 pm at the Kent V.F.W. #3703 post home, 500 VFW Parkway (off Stow Road) in Kent.  Music will be by disc jockey Mel.

Edible Book Festival
April 2
The Burton Public Library will host the annual Edible Book Festival on Saturday, April 2 from 11 a.m. until noon.  The Edible Book Festival is celebrated world-wide every year on or around April Fool’s Day.  The object is to make an edible book, document it, and then eat it! All ages are welcome to participate in this fun and creative time – just use your imagination and make something edible that somehow represents a book.   Make your edible book at home and bring it to the library at 11 a.m. on April 2.   Please call the library at 440-834-4466 to register.

Swiss Steak Dinner
April 2
A Swiss Steak Dinner will be held April 2, from 4:00 p.m. to7:00 p.m. in Windham at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main St.  Proceeds from the dinner will go towards repairs needed in the historical part of the building.  Carry – outs are available by calling 330-326-3926.   The dinner will feature Swiss steak, real mashed potatoes, green beans, Harvard beets, salad, roll dessert & beverage.  A donation of $8.50 per adult and $3.50 per child (age 6-12) is requested.  There is a ramp access at the front of the building.  The dinner is sponsored by the Congregational UCC.

Free Football Clinic
April 2
A free football clinic will be held at the KSU Field House (Summit Road-next to Dix Stadium) on Saturday, April 2nd from 1-4pm for all boys and girls grades K-6. Participants can expect to learn or review a variety of football skills and may register for the 2nd Annual Football Season being held at Portage Community Chapel mid-April through July. Pre-registration is not required for the football clinic. Call (330) 297-0803 or e-mail upwardsports@portagechapel.com for additional information.

Reverse Raffle
April 2
The Kayla Irene Daniels Cure for Cancer Foundation will hold a Reverse Raffle on April 2nd at the Parkman Community House, just east of the Parkman Center of Route 422. Admission is $25 and a limit of 200 tickets will be sold. The Grand Prize starts with $1,200. There will also be a free chicken or veal parmesan dinner, a Chinese auction, a 50/50 raffle, and we will raffle off a new 2010 ATV Yamaha Grizzly with trailer. Tickets can be purchased at Edna’s Market in Bristolville or call Kayla’s Cancer Foundation at (330) 889-9600.

All-You-Can-Eat Pasta Dinner
April 2
All-you-can-Eat Pasta & Salad Bar, with meatballs, bread and a beverage. Enjoy the entertainment of The Al Bonnis Group. Saturday April 2 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the Belle’s American Grille in Burton Circle,, Burton.  Tickets are $15 for adults and $6 for children under 10.  Tickets are available at the door.

Genealogical Society Meeting Cancelled
April 2
There will be no meeting of the Portage County Chapter of the Ohio
Genealogical Society on April 2 because of the OGS Conference in
Columbus. A members-only field trip to the Ohio Genealogical Society Library in Bellville is being planned for Friday, April 15. Any member interested in going must call Barb at 330-358-2227 or e-mail  pccogs@embarqmail.com  by April 6.  More information on when and where to meet will be available after April 1.

Southern Gospel Music Concert
April 3
The First Church of God, 9106 N. Main St in Windham will be holding a Southern Gospel Music Concert featuring Down Home Gospel Artist Steven Foster on April 3rd at 10 am. For more information call Pastor Bruce Wells at 330-326-2293 or online www.windhamchurchofgod.com

Troop 65 Spaghetti Dinner
April 3
Boy Scout Troop 65 will host a spaghetti dinner on April 3rd from 3-7pm at the Nelson Community House, 11639 Windham Parkman Road in Nelson Township. The cost is $7/adult, $5/children under 12. There will also be a bake sale. For more information call Aaron (330) 274-8419 or Dean (330) 274-2094.

Public Meeting Regarding Portage County Courthouse
April 4
There willbe a public meeting on April 4 at Maplewood Career Center to discuss whether the new court house should remain in Kent or if the commissioners should explore other locations.  The meeting will begin at 6 p.m.

Character Breakfast
April 6
The James A. Garfield High School Theatre Department will once again host a “Character Breakfast” with the cast of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 from 7:45 – 8:45 AM in the Garfield Elementary School Gym.  Characters will meet with children and sing songs from the show.  Parents are encouraged to take pictures with Willy Wonka holding a golden ticket in front of the factory gates.  Purple flyers have been sent home with all GES students but additional forms are available in the GES main office. To attend the event, there is a per student fee of $5. The cost of the breakfast is $1.50 (unless the student qualifies for free or reduced meals) and is payable at the end of the serving line.  Parents must pay in advance to reserve spots.    If you have any questions, please contact Joe Gaither at 330-527-7436

Shooting Stars Soccer
Register by April 6
Shooting Stars Soccer teaches children 3 and 4 years, with help from parents and instructors the basic skills of soccer.   Non-competitive games will be played throughout this five week program and each child will receive a t-shirt.  Shooting Stars will meet at Maplewood Christian Church Soccer Fields, Mondays April 18 to May 16, 2011.  Three 45 minutes sessions will be offered beginning at  5 p.m.   Fee for Ravenna city taxpayer is $30 and non-city taxpayers is $35. Min 10 and max 10 per session. Registration deadline is April 6, or until filled. .  PRE-REGISTRATION IN PERSON IS A MUST at 530 North Freedom Street, Ravenna, weekdays 8 a.m. to noon or1 to 4:15 p.m.  Call (330) 296-2864 for more information.

Warren Republican Women’s Club Meeting
April 7
The Warren Republican Women’s Club’s next meeting will be held April 7th at noon at DiLucia’s Banquet Center on Elm Road in Warren.  Liz Clark will be speaking on the “Trumbull 100”.   Luncheon cost is $12.50.  Guests always welcome with advance registration by calling Cary Ann at  330-856-5228.

Huge Rummage Sale
April 7 – 9
Pricetown Methodist Church located at 4640 Pritchard Ohltown Road, Newton Falls will be having a huge HUGE rummage sale with lots of treasures!!  Sale hours are  April 7th & 8th from 9 am – 5 pm and April 9th from 9 am to Noon.  There will also be a bake sale on Thursday and Friday.

Spaghetti Dinner/Chinese Auction & Wizard of Oz Play
April 8
The Berkshire Operation Prom Party (B.O.P.P.) is hosting a spaghetti dinner and a show. Tickets are $10 for Adults, $8 children 12 and under.  Tickets include dinner (Spaghetti with or without meatballs, garlic bread, salad, drinks, and dessert) and entrance into Friday night’s play “The Wizard of Oz” that will be performed in the small gym at 7:00. If you would like to attend the Spaghetti Dinner only, tickets are Pre-Sale $7 for Adults, $4 for Children (12 and under) At the Door: $8 for Adults, $5 for Children (12 and under) There will also be a Chinese Auction.  Pre-sale tickets are available at the High School office or from any After Prom Committee member.
Spaghetti Dinner
April 9
The St. Ambrose Youth Group Ministry will host a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, April 9th from 4:00-7:00pm at Garrettsville St. Ambrose Parish, 10692 Freedom St, in the church hall.  The menu includes pasta, meatballs, salad, bread and butter, a beverage and homemade dessert.  The price for adults is $6.50, and children are $4.00.  Carry-out is available for an additional 50 cents.  Proceeds from the dinner will be used to fund the youth group’s many projects and activities.

Oink & Squeal Party
April 9
The Burton American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 459, 14052 Goodwin Street, will host an Oink & Squeal Party on April 9th. Doors will open at 5pm and raffle begins at 7pm. Raffle tickets are $2/each. There will also be a Chinese auction; tickets are $1 for 10. Food will be available for purchase through the kitchen. Admission is a non-perishable food item, bath item or cash donation for the local food bank. For tickets contact any American Legion Ladies Auxiliary member. Proceeds go to the scholarship fund.

Soccer Skills Clinic
April 9
Ravenna Recreation and Challenger Sports, the largest provider of youth soccer camps and clinics in the USA and Canada is co-sponsoring a Soccer Skills Clinic for U6 through U12 players.  The clinic will be held on Saturday, April 9 at the Ravenna Soccer Complex, U6 & U8 10:45-11:45am, U10 & U12 noon to 1pm. The cost is $6/city taxpayers and $11/non-city taxpayers. Deadline to register is April 1st.  Pre-register in person at 530 North Freedom St., Ravenna, weekdays 8am-noon or 1-4:15pm. For more information call (330) 296-2864.

Celebrate County Government Month
April 12
Portage County residents are invited to come out and celebrate Government Month on April 12. There will be an Open House at the County Administration Building from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.. The commissioners will hold an evening  board meeting  at 6:30 p.m.

Homemade Kolache
April 12-13
St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild of Newton Falls will be baking homemade kolache (apricot, nut or poppy seed) for the Easter holiday at the low cost of $8 each. To order contact Barbara at (330) 872-1951. Pick up times are Tuesday, April 12 from 9am-4pm and Wednesday, April 13 from 9am-6pm.

T’ai Chi Classes
Begin April 14
The Ravenna Recreation Dept is offering a 6-week, adult /beginner / intermediate T’ai Chi class on Thursday evenings beginning April 14 to May 19.  Sessions will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Tower Lodge in John Tontimonia City Park.  Instructor is Bill Vandenboom.  This class is Yang-style, long form T’ai Chi.  Fee is $35 for Ravenna city taxpayers and $40 for non-city taxpayers. For more information or to register call (330) 296-2864.

Spring Ahead Bazaar
April 16
Spring Ahead Bazaar is sponsored by Claridon Sr. Girl Scout Troop 1324 and looking for Crafters and Vendors. Tables are $15.00 each. It will be held on Sat., April 16 from 9a.m.-3p.m. at the Claridon Town Hall at 13930 Mayfield Rd., Claridon at the corner of Claridon Troy Rd. and Rt. 322. Call Dolly at 440-635-1173 for reservations or more information.

Nelson Twp. Easter Egg Hunt
April 16
The Nelson Twp. Easter Egg Hunt will be held at 11 am  on April 16th at Pixley Park. The hunt is open to children ages 3 – 11.  Anyone wishing to donate individually wrapped candy can contact Linda at 330-719-8407 or JoAnn at 440-548-2222. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated hat and Easter basket. Please bring a camera for a photo of your child with the Easter Bunny.  Rain date will be April 23rd.

Crafters/Vendors Needed
April 16
The Claridon Sr. Girl Scout Troop 1324 will host their Spring Ahead Bazaar on Saturday, April 16th from 9am-3pm at the Claridon Town Hall, 13930 Mayfield Road. Tables are $15 each. To reserve a table, or for more information, call Dolly at (440) 635-1173.

All Skills Softball Clinic
April 26
The Ravenna Recreation Dept is offering All Skills Softball Clinic for ages 9 to 15.  Luke Darrah and his staff from All Star Softball and Baseball Academy located in Ravenna will be on hand to help with fielding, batting, pitching, and catching.  Clinic will be held at Brown Middle School Gym, Tuesday, April 26 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.  Cost is $12 for city taxpayers or $17 for Non city taxpayers.  Please register at Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St. 8 to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m. weekdays.  Deadline is April 15 and for more information call 330-296-2864.

“Photographing Italy”
April 28
Claire Zurbuck, a resident of Hambden Township for nearly four decades is the season’s featured artist at “Art in the Mart” at the Middlefield Library.  Zurbuck is a photographer who specializes in film.  His work features nature, landscapes and photos from a recent trip to Italy with his wife, Kay.  Zurbuch will present “Photographing Italy” Thursday April 28, 2011 at 7:00PM at the Middlefield Library to bring this exhibit to life.   More than a travelogue, the program will include tips on photographing your vacation.  This program, a must see for both aspiring photographers and armchair travelers, is free and open to the public.

Laugh Your Butt Off
Coming in May
Upcoming for Curtains up Theatre is Garrettsville’s Laugh Your Butt Off – Comedian Contest.  Come enjoy an evening of laughter;you are the judge for the best comedian of the evening.  Coming in May. $200.00 to the top Comedian. Watch for upcoming info. Contact Jackie at 216-375-0709 to register as one of our Comedians – no fee to enter. $10.00  per person admission – pre-sale; night of the event $12.00 per person.

Garrettsville Area Yard Sale
May 21 & 22
Make plans now — mark it on your calendar — the annual Garrettsville Area Yard Sale sponsored by the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce will take place on Saturday, May 21 and Sunday, May 22.  Watch the Villager for details.

M-O-M / T-A-T
May 22
Get ready.  It’s coming.  Machine-O-Mania / Touch-a-Truck will be at James A. Garfield High School on Sunday, May 22.  The Time Bandit and its crew will be there–have your picture taken!  Emergency vehicles, big rigs, all of the bells, whistles, sirens, ladders and apparatus a kid could want to see…or hear. Make your plans now to be there…with bells on, if you like. Sponsored by the Garfield Academic Challenge/ Quiz Masters team

Crestwood Youth Football & Cheerleading Sign-ups
May 22
Sign-ups for the Crestwood Youth Football League will be held at the Crestwood High School Field House on May 22 from Noon – 4 p.m.  Bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate. Registration fee of $120 due at sign-ups; discounts for multiple children are available. Football players MUST reside in the Crestwood School district. Season starts August 1.  Questions? Call Scott Vyhnal at 330-858-9597 or online at www.leaguelineup.com/cyf-tyfl

Take a Kid Fishing Day
June 4
Portage County Take a Kid Fishing at Lake Hodgson is a free day open to Portage County boys and girls accompanied by an adult. Participants 16 years and younger are eligible for door prizes. There will be a hot dog roast after the event. Participants need to bring a fishing pole, bait and tackle. Pre-registration is required and the deadline is May 2nd, or the first 200 parent/child teams registered. The fishing day will take place on June 4th from 7am-noon. To register call (330) 296-2864 weekdays.

Ravenna Parks & Rec Safety Town
June 20 – 24
Register early for Ravenna Parks and Recreation’s Safety Town, co-sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2011 will be introduced to safety awareness in a week-long program, June 20 to June 24, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Willyard School.  Participants will learn safety procedures and simulated situations related to traffic, pedestrian, water, weather, animal, fire, stranger, drugs & poisons, playground, gun and bicycle safety.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers (live or work in Ravenna city)  is $35 or $40 for Non-city taxpayers.  Deadline to register is June 3. A form must be filled out in person for registration at the Parks and Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom, 8 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4:15 p.m., for further information contact 296-2864.

Art On The Hill
July 9
The DMRC (Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation), a 501(c)(3) organization will be hosting their 3nd Annual “Art on the Hill” event on Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 10AM-5PM. Artisan booth spaces are available for $45. We close Prospect Street for the day and line both sides of the street with artisans. Last year we had over 60 artisans with most reporting meeting or exceeding their sales expectation for the day! There is also a great variety of live entertainment all day long, a Chinese Auction, food vendors and much more! Applications are available online at mantuashalersvillechamber.com or by calling 330-414-6486.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography