Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events (Week of May 13th)

Upcoming Community Events (Week of May 13th)


The Friends of Melana 5k Run/1 Mile Walk
Register Today!
The Friends of Melana Foundation is organizing the 6th Annual Friends of Melana 5k run and 1 mile fun run/walk to be held on Sunday, June 26, 2016, at Garrettsville Summerfest. All proceeds go towards research for children’s glioma brain cancer. Event registration can be done on line at www.2016friendsofmelana5k.eventbrite.com. Registration will also take place the day of the event on the front lawn of St. Ambrose rectory on Freedom St. in Garrettsville. Come out and help support a great cause. Call Norm Fashing at 330.527.8093 for more information.

Monday Breakfasts
Through Summer
American Legion Post 674 in Windham will have breakfast from 8 to 11 beginning on Monday May 9th. Breakfasts will continue on Mondays through the summer. Many things are changing, come take a look.

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church!

Storytime at Maplewood
2nd Tuesday
Storytime at Maplewood Christian Church. Come for stories, crafts, music and movement for children ages 2 – 5 (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). This event will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. email gzimcosky@gmail.com or call 330-297-6424 with questions.

Village Piecemakers Quilt Club
Third Tuesday of Month
Whether you are a new quilter or experienced, all are welcome to learn, help another and share your passion for quilting. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at the Garrettsville Village Hall on High Street. For more information call Barb @ 330-527-2802.

JA Garfield 55th Class Reunion
Register by May 18
The James A Garfield class of 1961 will celebrate their 55th class reunion on June 11 at Roby Lee’s at 6 pm. There will be a picnic June 12 at the Silver Creek Winery at 1 pm. Reservations are due by May 18. Contact Connie Leedom at 330-274-2821.
Garden Club Welcomes New Members
Fourth Weds. of Month
Silver Creek Garden Club welcomes new members. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month. Members enjoy speakers, gardening, visiting gardens and garden centers. If you are a lover of flora and fauna please join us. For more information all Barb @ 330-527-2802

Community Center Open!
The Community Center at Mantua Center is free and open to all, every Tuesday in the old Mantua Center School building on Center Road north of SR82. If your group is looking for space to gather or do a project, come check us out. Doors open at 9:00, and the coffee pot is soon on. We’ve been closing at about 2:00, but could stay open later if there is interest.

Flag Collection For Retired Flag Ceremony
through May 25
Cub Scout Pack 62 of Garrettsville is collecting U.S. flags for our May 26 flag retirement ceremony. If you have a worn or old flag in need of retirement you may drop it off at Garrettsville Ace Hardware or call Eric Neiheisel at (330) 518-7502 or email us at GvillePack62@yahoo.com.

Camp Invention!
Register by June 3
Camp Invention will take place at James A. Garfield Elementary School, June 27th – July 1st from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m, for children entering grades 1 – 6. If interested, register your child at campinvention.org by Friday, June 3rd. If you have any questions please email Mr. Hatcher, Camp Director, at dhatcher@jagschools.org.

American Legion Post 674 Memorial
Register by June 4
We are calling a final notice on additions or corrections on the monument being refurbished in Windham . The cut off date is June 4th, 2016. Applicant must show proof of honorable military service to qualify. After June 4th it will cost any applicant $200.00 to add a name. Please contact the Legion post between noon and 8:00pm or Butch Christy at 330-219-1606.

Garrettsville Eagles Fish Dinner
May 13
Open to the Public! Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting a fish dinner on Friday, May 13th from 4-7:30pm. Carryout orders -(330) 527-2330 Cost $9.00
Last dinner until September.

Crestwood HS Choir Pops Concert
May 13 & 14
Come join the Crestwood High School Choirs for a trip “Through the Decades” of music. Ticket prices are $10 and include lasagna, salad, bread, dessert and a drink. Bleacher seats are $5 each. Dinner tickets are sold on a first come first sold basis. Friday night’s show starts at 7 pm and Saturday night’s show starts at 5 pm. To purchase tickets please contact Erin Miller at 330.357.8205.

Rummage & Bake Sale
May 13 & 14
Hiram Rapids Church, 6337 Winchell Road, is hosting a rummage and bake sale on May 13 & 14 from 9 am – 5 pm. Proceeds help maintain this historic site. Donations accepted – Call Judy at 330-569-7204.

Free Lunch
May 14
Free Lunch- Saturday May 14
A free lunch will be served from 12:00-1:00pm., at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main Street in Windham. This month Cincinnati Chili and soup, plus desserts will be served. The meals are provided by the Congregational United Church of Christ. Free lunches will be served the second Saturday of each month, instead of the meals. Please come and eat lunch with us! All are welcome!

Waterfalls and Wildflowers
May 14
Location: Sheepskin Hollow State Nature Preserve, 51766 Pancake Clarkson Rd. Negley, OH 44441. Date and time: May 14th, 2016 10:30am- 12:00pm Description: Join us as we trek through the pristine gorge of the preserve, viewing wildflowers and three amazing waterfalls. No registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118 or email adam.wohlever@dnr.state.oh.us Special note: This is a moderately difficult hike that does not follow a trail. This hike may not be suitable for young children or visitors with mobility difficulties.

Trader’s Day Gun Show
May 14
Trader’s Day Gun Show indoor-outdoor event. Presented by Trumbull County Rod & Gun Club, Saturday May 14th. Free admission. Buy, sell, trade. Hunting, Fishing, firearms. Club located 6565 Phillips Rice Road, Mecca, Ohio 44410. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Food and beverages available. Vendor information, contact Jay 330-307-0522. www.tcrg.us

Pirate Football Texas Hold ‘em Tournament
May 14
2nd annual Southeast Pirate Football Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament will be held on May 14. Registration begins at 5 pm, Tournament starts at 6pm.
Entry Fee: $40, Includes two drinks and all you can eat pizza and chili. Rebuys and Add-ons (1,500 chips) in the first hour ($20). Payout is 80%. 50/50 and Raffle Baskets. Any questions please call or text Blake Collins at 330-221-1564

Observatory Open For Viewing
May 14
Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will be open for public observing Saturday, May 14, from 9:00 to 11:00 PM. The always-impressive First Quarter Moon will be featured as well as brilliant planet Jupiter and its moons. Given time and visibility, M13: the Great Globular Cluster of constellation Hercules, will also be viewed. No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights. Cloudy skies at the starting time cancel the event and, in that case, the observatory will not open. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. There is no parking at the Observatory. Visitors may park on permissible side streets near the Post Office, a short distance east of the observatory.

G-Men Youth Football Registration
May 14, 16 & 17
G-Men Youth Football Registration will be held on Saturday, May 14 9am-11am;
Monday, May 16, 5pm-7pm; and Tuesday, May 17, 5pm-7pm in the Garfield Elementary Lobby. Price is $120/player (Checks made payable to Garfield Youth Football) Includes $20 equipment deposit to be returned with equipment turn in
Parents must bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate.

Re-Creation To Perform
May 15
The Windham United Methodist Church announced today that Re-Creation will sing at the Windham United Methodist Church, 9501 North Main Street, Windham on May 15 at 7 pm. The public is invited to attend the free concert. A free will offering will be received.

Celebrate Spring with Pancakes at Hambden Grange
May 15
Hambden Grange #2482 is serving an AYCE Pancake Breakfast with maple syrup, corn fritters, fruit, sausage, juice, cocoa and coffee, Sunday, May 15th, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. The Grange is located at 9778 Old State Road.
The cost is $7 for Adults and $3 for Children 10 and under.
This will be our last breakfast until November. Enjoy your summer!

Republican Women’s Club Meets
May 16
The Republican Women’s Club of Portage County will meet on May 16, 2016¸ 6:30 p.m. at The Field, 4112 St. Rt. 43, Kent, OH 44240. Speakers will be
Tracey Winbush, Vice Chair of the Mahoning County Republican Club and she is the 33rd District State Central Committee Woman. Brian Barnes, Co-Director of African-American initiatives for the Ohio GOP. Their topic will be Engaging African-Americans in the GOP. Reservations are recommended. This is an opportunity to meet other Republican women, candidates and officials to find out what’s happening in the Republican Party. Invite a friend and just have fun getting together. There are plenty of opportunities for involvement. For more information, call Jeneen at 330-687-4067 or Like Us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/

Film Review & Discussion
May 16
Monday, May 16th at 10:30am Garrettsville YMCA invites you to join us at 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH for a FILM Review and Discussion Group –
Presented by Dr J Patella: The video, THE SECRET Based on The Secret, a book written by Rhonda Byrne. If you are interested in a stimulating exchange of impressions and opinions the group meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 10:30am. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Community Meal
May 16
Christ Lutheran Church in Mantua will be sponsoring their monthly free community meal on Monday, May 16 from 5 – 6:30 PM. Please come and enjoy a wonderful meal and a visit with your friends and neighbors.

Hiram Community Chorus Concert
May 17
For ten years the Hiram Community Chorus has met each fall to prepare a concert for December. This year, for the first time, they are preparing a spring concert, which will be presented Tuesday, May 17, at 7:00 PM (Note the early start time) in Frohring Music Recital Hall. The program will include favorites such as “Let There Be Peace on Earth” “This Is My Country,” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” It is not too late to join the chorus; come to rehearsal on Tuesday at 7:30 in Frohring Music Hall. If you have questions, call Damaris Peters-Pike at 330-569-7643.

Oral History Night
May 18
The James A. Garfield Historical Society is holding an Oral History Night at the Garrettsville Village Hall located on High St. on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 starting at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to come and listen to a few of our special local residents who have a wealth of undocumented knowledge of our local history. It will be interesting.

Kiwanis Club Geranium Sale
May 20
Newton Falls Kiwanis Club will hold its annual geranium sale on Friday May 20 at the corner of Broad Street and River Street (across from Subway) at the old train station/beauty shop from 8 a.m. until sold out. Plants are $3.50 each (same as last year). Pre-orders preferred. Call 330-872-3854. Proceeds benefit our youth events and scholarships.

Freedom Run 5K & 1.75 mi. Mutt Strut
May 21
On Saturday, May 21, 2016, the City of Aurora Parks and Recreation & Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora invite individuals, families and fur-kids to put on their running and walking shoes and join us at the Freedom Run 5K and 1.75 mi. Mutt Strut sponsored by the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association & Aurora Veterinary Clinic. Race location: Sunny Lake Park, 885 Mennonite Rd., Aurora, OH 44202. Cost: $20 pre-registration (until midnight 5/20/16 at www.active.com); $25 day of the race; $25 virtual* runner/walker. Virtual runners receive t-shirt day after the race and run/walk in their own neighborhood. Registration at 7:30 am. Both begin at 8:30 am. Dogs of all breeds may participate. Must be leashed. Adoptable greyhounds will cheer you along the route! Water stops, timers, t-shirts for first 75 participants, pup packs for first 50 dogs, awards & prizes. Refreshments to follow provided by Whole Foods. For more information: www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org or call Peggy (330-562-0555) or Tina (330-562-4333).

Community Cook-out at Hiram Township Park
May 21
Bring the family for a BIOBLITZ on Saturday May 21 from 1:00-3:00. Cook out starting at 3:30 (food and drink provided). Volunteers will identify as many plant and animal species as they can find. Tour the property and beaver pond on guided walks. Kids will love the scavenger hunt (prizes awarded) and the “field maze”. All this at the Township park property- 6352 State route 82! Park at the end of the drive near the large tent. Wear appropriate shoes/clothing. (*early morning birding event as well, with coffee and donuts provided.)

Comedy Showcase
May 21
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will be hosting their Comedy Showcase at Slim n Jumbos (on Main Street) on May 21, 2016 at 7pm. The cost is $10.00 to watch the line-up of 11 comedians. The audience will pick the winning comedian. Come down and enjoy the evening laughing. A Chinese auction will be held also. Tickets are available at the door.

Dog Fest
May 22
On Sunday, May 22, 2016, Aurora Parks & Recreation Department and Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora invite you to attend the 2016 Freedom Dog Fest Community Vendor & Adoption Fair sponsored by The First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association and Aurora Veterinary Clinic. The event will be held at Tails & Trails Dog Park, 841 Page Rd., Aurora, OH 44202. Time: 10am-3pm. Free Admission. All breeds welcome and must be on a leash! Pet owners will enjoy letting their dogs romp in the one acre fenced dog pens (large and small dog designated areas). Visit rescues with adoptable dogs and vendors. Enter the Pet Fashion Show and contests. Take a stroll around Sunny Lake Park. Win prizes and raffles. For more information and schedule, visit www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org or call Peggy (330-562-0555) or Tina (330-562-4333).
May 13, 2016May 13, 2016

Free Community Dinner
May 24
A free community dinner will be held on May 24 from 5+6 pm – or while supplies last – at teh Windham American Legion, 9960 Center St, Windham. EVERYONE WELCOME!

Spaghetti Dinner
May 25
Burton Health Care Center, 14095 E. Center St, Burton, is hosting a spaghetti dinner on May 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm.
Each dinner will include spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad, dessert and drinks. Cost: $8.00 per meal Dine-in or take out. All proceeds from the dinner will benefit the Alzheimer’s Association. Reservations are required – RSVP by May 18 (440)834-1084. Chinese Auction will benefit the Activity Dept. at Burton Health Care

Variety is the Spice of Life Dinner
May 26
The Renaissance Family Center has given the community a variety of cooks and favors of cooking all year.As we move forward on the Community Dinner our motto will be “Variety is the Spice of Life”.So with all new cooks with a “Variety” of ideas at their disposal, you are invited to experience our community dinner May 26th, 5-6:30 pm at the Renaissance Family Center in Windham.

Women On Target Event
May 28
The Streetsboro Sportsman Association is hosting a Women on Target Instructional Clinic on May 28 from 9 am to 3 pm. NRA instructors will be teaching gun safety followed by shooting rifles, pistols, and shotguns.No previous experience is necessary, just the desire to learn how to operate firearms safely. Firearms, ammunition, and lunch provided. The event is free but space is limited to this women-only event so you must be registered to attend. To register contact Denis Gaynor at (330)297-0762 or email Tammi Peters tammip88@earthlink.net . More information on this and other events is available at the Streetsboro Sportsman Association Facebook page. The club is located at 11280 Bloom Road, Nelson Township.

Separation of Church and State?
May 29
A presentation “Separation of Church and State? How, Why, When, and Where Do We go from Here?” will be held on May 29 at 11 a.m. at the United Methodist Church of Garrettsville located at 8223 Park Ave. Invite a friend! Our money says “In God We Trust” and the Pledge of Allegiance says that we pledge ourselves to “…One Nation, Under God…” and then we are told that there is a separation between Church and State! How can this be? This has been confusing people for a long time. People speak of the need for prayer in school and the need for the country to return to God, and the idea of this “Wall of Separation” sounds like a very bad idea. Come and learn about the history of this issue and what extensive religious rights we actually do have in our country. All are welcome.

Memorial Day Service
May 30
A Memorial Day service will be held at the Burton Square Gazebo on May 30 at 11:30 am followed by an Open House at the legion home on Goodwin Street.

Library Closed Memorial Day
May 30
All offices and branch libraries of the Portage County District Library will be closed on Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day. They will resume service hours on Tuesday, May 31.

“What God Said”
June 6
Monday, June 6th, at 10:30am
Garrettsville YMCA invites you to join us at 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH for a continuation of May’s Book Review and Discussion Group:
WHAT GOD SAID Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Relay For Life
June 10-11
Happiness is relaying. Join us for the Relay For Life Newton Falls / Lordstown to be held at the Newton Falls High School Stadium June 10-11. Event begins at 4:30 pm withthe Survivors Dinner; 6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies; 9 p.m. Luminaria. Event runs from 6 pm Friday until Noon on Saturday. Form a team… join a team.. buy a luminaria.. recognize a caregiver… honor a survivor…remember a fighter… Any questions call event chair Laura Harkless 330-872-0370

Annual Trunk Sale
June 11
Annual Trunk Sale – One Day Garage Sale from the trunk of your car. Or stop by to shop! Saturday, June 11, 2016 – 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. @ St. William Church Parking Lot located at 5431 Mahoning Ave. 44483 in Champion. Beverages, food, bake sale items; music, raffles and announcements will be available. Call 330-847-8677 for info or to reserve your spot.

Build A Gym, Build A Life
June 19
Parent Council for Portage County Developmental Disabilities is hosting a 5K Race and 1 mile fun run, walk or roll on June 19. Fun run begins at 8 am, 5K begins at 9:30 am. For more info or to register go to www.raceroster.com, type in Portage County Parent Council.

Grant In Aid Scholarship
Due By July 16
The Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a society of women educators in Geauga County, is offering a grant-in-aid to a female student who is entering her senior year in college and is majoring in education. The applicant must be a graduate of a Geauga County high school. The deadline for completed applications is July 16, 2016. Interested applicants should contact Mrs. Deborah Hofstetter, Grant-in-Aid Committee, Delta Kappa Gamma, P.O. Box 313, Chardon, OH 44024.

Garfield High School Football Skills Camp
July 25 & 26
Garfield High School will be hosting a Football Skills Camp
July 25 and 26 from 6pm-8pm
for Grades K-8. Cost is $30 (checks made payable to JAG All Sports Boosters)portagecountyrepublicanwomenclub and select attend meeting.

Summer Youth Art Camp
June 6-10
Join Hiram College and art teacher Libby Frato-Sweeney for a fun-filled week of art explorations. Programs for children ages 3-8. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

BioBlitz: Vernal Pools
June 9-10
11-15 year olds will take a deep dive into the mysterious and murky waters of vernal pools during this 24-hour exploration. The unique wetlands are home to frogs, toads, salamanders and lots of creepy crawlers. Participants will camp overnight at the Hiram College Field Station. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Field Ecology Research
June 19-25
This experience offers high schoolers an opportunity to work and learn alongside Hiram College faculty and students while doing ecological research at the Hiram College Field Station. Participants stay overnight. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Nature Camps for Kids
June 27-July 1
OR July 25-29
Nature Camps are Naturally Wonderful for kids ages 3-10. Explore streams, forests, animals, plants and much more as we learn about the world around us and have fun doing it. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

BioBlitz: Fish & Food Webs
July 7-8
11-15 year olds will slog through creeks and streams in search of fish and the things they feed upon. Nets, waders and fast fingers will be our tools as we try to map where and how these creatures live. Participants will camp overnight at the Hiram College Field Station. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.

Wilderness Leadership
July 10-16
High schoolers will develop leadership skills, connect with nature, and work to achieve individual and group goals at Hiram College’s Northwoods Field Station in the remote wilderness of Michigan. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for registration or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu for more information.


Anton Albert Photography