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Mantua Township News


Mantua Twp – As new septic requirements are put in place by Portage County Health Department, Zoning Inspector John Dickey speculates that the Township will receive more call from residents and/or their contractors about securing permits. He anticipates that as residents look to sell homes, or on Pioneer Trail where the Health Department has determined there is an issue, these requests will increase. He noted that there are grants available to residents to help defray the costs associated with the required updates, and directed residents to call the Health Department for more information on this matter.

Moving forward, Trustee Victor Grimm reviewed the drawings and engineering for the elevator project at the Administration Building, sharing the details with Trustees Carlton and Festa. This project is part of the comprehensive plan that was created to facilitate the renovation and use of the building.

Next, Mr. Festa updated trustees on changes to the township’s indigent burial policy. He reported that Township Solicitor Chris Meduri made some minor suggestions to Mr. Festa’s recommendations, which were based on Township Association recommendations. Among some of the details in the proposed policy, it is proposed that all indigent burials will be cremations. Mr. Festa has provided a copy of the revised policy to Cemetery Sexton Jim Aldrich for his review. He will also contact local funeral directors regarding the holding of remains.

In other news, Mr. Carlton suggested ‘cost of living’ increases to some of the rental rates for the Civic Center and Administration buildings. The new pricing schedule reflects slight increases to make rental at both facilities comparable. Mr. Grimm suggested the addition of a clause to let potential renters know that a cleaning charge will be deducted from the security deposit should the renters neglect to clean up. Pricing and details will be finalized at the next meeting.

Next, Mr. Carlton noted that by the end of the school year the township logo development project should be completed. A design class at Crestwood High School is completing this project. In other news, Trustees discussed applying for an OTARMA grant to help pay for new bleachers by the second ball field. They plan to ask the Crestwood Ponytail League for a donation on the project, as well.

Lastly, the township’s spring clean up day will be held on Saturday, May 14th from 7 am until 4 pm on Mantua Center Road across from the township garage.

The next township trustee meeting will be held on Thursday, April 7th at 7:30 pm in the Township Hall. Residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography