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20th Century Club News


Twentieth Century Club meeting on Park Ave., Garrettsville?  “Y” not?  The ladies assembled on February 2nd at the repurposed school building (Garrettsville School, James A. Garfield Junior High/Elementary, James A. Garfield Middle School, James A. Garfield Intermediate School) to conduct their usual meeting and to be apprised of the current operation of the facility under the auspices of the Greater Cleveland YMCA;  they also got a tour, top to bottom, showcasing the programs on offer to community members in the area.

Supervisor Phil Britton led the tour and provided information on the hours that the branch is open, types of programs provided—Yoga, Zumba, Fitness after 50, Spinning, Restorative Yoga, Cardio Circuit, Silver Sneakers Classic (possibly more as suggestions come in)—costs of participation (very reasonable), book and film discussion groups…quite a useful variety.  Information is always available at the center.

Programs for kids include several sports—soccer, flag football, basketball, (starting volleyball for girls soon), etc., while adults will be focusing on wellness/fitness.  Individuals, couples, seniors and families can all find activities to enjoy.  The Silver Sneakers program will often reduce costs—check with member’s insurance and with the center.  Information may be obtained by calling 330-469-2044 or going to www.clevelandymca.org

The roll call was answered by relating the member’s favorite wintertime activity, indoor or outdoor.  Reading, relaxing sleds, birdwatching/feeding and fireplaces ranked high within the group.  Correspondence from the Prayers from Maria  group (working to find a cure for  childhood cancer) was read announcing the formation of the Melana Matson Memorial Grant recognizing the local child who touched many lives and has inspired donations for the cause.  A nominating committee was named to present a slate of officers for the  next club year.

The next meeting will be at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church and is Guest Night

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography