Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull

Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull


Am. Legion Breakfast
Legion Aux Post 674 in Windham will serve breakfast on Monday mornings from 7- 11 am
$7.00 for full menu; $5.00 for limited; Includes coffee, juice and water. Everyone welcome !

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Come and play for a chance! You can’t win if you don’t play! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church! We look forward to seeing you!

Legion Fish Fry
Fish fry is back at American Legion Post 674, Windham
Fridays from 4-7:30 pm
Choice of fish, chicken, or shrimp. Pick one or do combo Comes with fries and choice of 2 sides. Price $9.00

2016 Turkey Raffle Cancelled
The Mantua-Shalersville Firefighters Association 2016 Turkey Raffle will not be held this year. Members of the firefighters association agreed to pull the plug on the annual event which has been held since 1944 due to a variety of issues. We thank area merchants and individuals that have supported this event for the past 70 years.

RFC Dinner
Nov 19
Renaissance Family Center is having an early Community Dinner on Nov 19th from 5-6:30 pm.

Thanksgiving Meal
Nov 20
God Provides a Thanksgiving Meal on Nov 20th from 4-6pm at Nelson United Methodist Church, 9367 St. Rt. 305. Dinner will consist of turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberries, roll and dessert.

Observatory Open
Nov 21
Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will be open to the public on Nov 21st from 7-9pm. On the observing list for the night are Moon & Stars: the Moon, and the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters. No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights. Cloudy skies at the starting time cancel the event and, in that case, the observatory will not open. For updates and more information, see the observatory’s Web site: StephensObservatory.org or “@StephensObs” on Twitter. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. There is no parking at the Observatory. Visitors may park on permissible side streets near the Post Office, a short distance east of the observatory.
Chinese Auction
Nov 21
Firm Foundation Ministries, 241 Jefferson Street in Ravenna will be having a Chinese auction on Nov 21. Doors open at 3pm and the auction will begin at 5pm. Tickets are $5 for a sheet of 25 tickets. Food will be available, we are also offering babysitting. We have over 250 items. For more information, call Susan at 330-274-7093.

Thanksgiving Party
Nov 21
The Windham Church of Christ, 9837 Wolf Road Windham, invites you and your family to attend a fun Thanksgiving party with games and crafts from 3-4pm followed by a Thanksgiving dinner from 4-5pm.

Portage Trail Walk
Nov 21
Come walk with the Portage Trail Walkers group from the Lake Rockwell trailhead into Kent on the PORTAGE Hike & Bike Trail. Meet at 9am in the Portage Park District Lake Rockwell Trailhead parking lot, located next to 1617 Lake Rockwell Rd. in Franklin Township.

Craft Show
Nov 21
The parents of Girl Scout Troop #124 will be holding their 3rd Annual Craft Show fundraiser on Nov 21st from 10-4 at the Newton Falls Community Center, 52 E. Quarry St., Newton Falls, OH. The show will feature homemade wreaths, jewelry, greeting cards, hair bows, knitted/crochet dish towels, hats/scarves, quilts, theme chairs, jams, candy, honey and Newton Twp. Cemetery Assn. 2016 calendars. There will be a Girl Scout Bake Sale, 50/50 raffle, and basket raffle at the show. Crafts for kids to make & take for a non-perishable food donation for a local food pantry. Santa will be visiting from 12 noon to 2 pm. Free admission & handicap accessible.

Spaghetti Dinner
Nov 21
All-you-can-eat spaghetti and meatball dinner will be Nov 21st at the Western Reserve Masonic Lodge 507 from 4-6pm. The Lodge is located at 216 E. Main St., West Farmington, next to the Post Office. Dinner will include spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, pie, coffee and lemonade. Cost is $7 for adults, $4.50 for kids 5-12 and free for kids under 5.

Newton Falls Class of 1990
Nov 21
The Newton Falls Class of 1990 will be celebrating their 25th Reunion on Nov. 21st in conjunction with the classes of 1989 and 1991. This event will be held at AMVETS Post 112 meeting room (old TNT) at 37 Broad St. Newton Falls from 6-11p.m. The cost is $20 per person (includes drinks and appetizers. Please make checks payable to: Newton Falls Class of 1990 and mail to Crystal Shiley-Bulford, 51 East Church St. Newton Falls, Ohio 44444. Any questions or concerns contact Crystal at 330-503-3427.

Knitting with Nutter
Nov 23
Want to have fun, create personal gifts and keepsakes for friends and loved ones, share knitting tips and ideas with the group or donate your time and materials to learn to create very much needed baby items for premature newborns or items for other hospitalized patients in need? (Patterns are available) Join us Nov 23 at 10:45am at the Garrettsville YMCA. This is a social and teaching group. Please come join us the 4th Monday of each month at 10:45am. Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Free Food for Thanksgiving
Nov 24
The Windham Church of Christ, 9837 Wolf Road, Windham will be giving away food to help with your Thanksgiving Meal (non-perishable items) on Nov 24th from 3-5pm in the fellowship hall. No proof of income is required. A special thank you to Windham Schools for holding a food drive to benefit this giveaway.

Paint Night
Nov 24
The Rotary Club of Mantua presents a Social Painting Event on Nov 24th at 7pm. This event will take place at the Hilltop Church, 4572 W Prospect St., Mantua, Ohio 44255. The cost is $40.00 per person. You must register for the event! Bring something to drink if you wish, some snacks provided. It is limited to the first 25 persons. Please call Dean 330-351-3035 for reservations.

PCDL Library’s Thanksgiving Holiday Hours
Nov 25-27
All Portage County District Library branches will close at 5:00pm on Nov 25th to begin the Thanksgiving Day holiday and they will remain closed on Nov 26th (offices will be closed as well). They will resume normal service hours on Nov 27.

Bristol Library Holiday Hours
Nov 25-27
The Bristol Public Library will be closing at noon on Nov 25th and will be closed all day Nov 26th and 27th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. The library will resume regular business hours on Nov 30th at 8am.

Craft Show – Ravenna
Nov 28
Ravenna Moose Holiday craft show will be November 28th from 9-4. Open to the public. $20 for a table, plus an item to raffle. Call Miriam 330-298-9603 to reserve your space. Bake Sale, raffles and food! The lodge is located at 5727 State Route 14, Ravenna.

Make n’ Take Crafts
Nov 28
Kid’s make n’ take holiday crafts at the Burton Public Library Drop in for some holiday fun Nov 28th from 10am-4pm.
Craft Show – Burton
Nov 28
Burton American Legion Auxiliary 15th Annual Santa’s Collection Craft Show will be Nov 28th from 9am-3pm at the Post Home on Goodwin St. in Burton. Area crafts, unique gifts and toys. Free admission. For info contact 440-834-4532. All proceeds benefit the Scholarship fund.

Breakfast with Santa
Nov 28-29
Burton American Legion Auxiliary Post 459 Breakfast with Santa will be Nov 28th & 29th from 9am-1pm at the Post Home on Goodwin St. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for kids 6-12 and free for kids under 5.

Dec 2
The 3rd Annual model train display in the North Bloomfield Town Hall will be open every Wednesday from 5-8 pm and every Saturday from 2-5 in December. More than 250 feet of track has been laid to showcase a winter village and a summer village. It’s an all new layout prepared by volunteer train crews. There will be refreshments and a Lego village. The 1893 town hall is on the east side of the North Bloomfield Park. Join us as the trains go round the track and back again.

Christmas Rummage Sale
Dec 3-5
Christmas rummage sale at Christ Covenant Church will be Dec 3rd and 4th from 9-3 and Dec 5th from 9-noon. Great items, holiday bake sale and Chinese auction. Donations are welcome. Proceeds benefit Charity Children’s Ministries. The Church is located on Route 87 in Middlefield.

Fill a Cruiser
Dec 5
The Garrettsville Police Department will be having a Fill A Cruiser Event in front of the Garrettsville Save A Lot on Dec 5th from 10-3. We are collecting nonperishable food items for the Garrettsville Nelson Food Cupboard. Cash donations will be collected for the Hiram/Garrettsville Shop with a Cop program.

Pizza with Santa
Dec 5
Western Reserve Kiwanis annual Pizza with Santa will be Dec 5th from 10-12:30 in the Hiram Christian Church Fellowship Hall, 6868 Wakefield, Hiram OH. Cost is $3.00 per person, children 2 and under free- pay at the door. Pizza, cookies, & beverages. There will be face painting, cookie decorating, ornament making, a Secret Santa Shop and of course, Santa!

Kolache Sale
Dec 5
St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild of Newton Falls will be baking homemade kolache for the Christmas holiday, available for $10 each. The following flavors will be available; apricot, nut and poppy seed, to order call Barbara Wolff 330-872-1951 or Joanne Newcomb 330-872-5742. Pick up will be Dec 8th from 11-4, Dec 9th from 11-6 and Dec 10th from 9-noon. Deadline for orders will be Dec 5

Breakfast with Santa
Dec 5
Parkman Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Breakfast with Santa on Dec 5th from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. at the Parkman Community House (16295 St. Rt. 422). Bring a camera and take your child’s picture with Santa Claus. You can then enjoy a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage & pancakes. Kids eat for only $3.00 each and $5.00 each for accompanying adults. Call to make your reservation – Lucinda @ (440) 221-0577; Patty @ (440) 548-2242; Denise @ (440) 548-2939; or Sandy @ (440) 548-5740

Pearl Harbor Day
Dec 7
Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield Pearl Harbor Day will be Dec 7th at 11am at the Burton Gazebo in Burton Village. Open to the public. Contact Bo 440-834-8764 for details.

Cardinaires Christmas Concert
Dec 8
The Cardinaires Christmas Concert and Luncheon sponsored by the Middlefield Chamber of Commerce is Dec 8th at Noon at The Welshfield Inn, 14001 Main Market Road, Burton 44021. This is a great tradition for the Christmas Season. The cost for the Concert and Luncheon Buffet is $20 a person. Call to reserve places early, space is limited. RSVP to 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com.

Annual RFC Craft Show
Dec 11-12
6th Annual RFC Craft Show will be Dec 11th, 9-5 and Dec 12th, 9-5. Lots of vendors, numerous different items and baked goods.

Breakfast with Santa
Dec 12
Breakfast with Santa will be Dec 12th at the Renaissance Family Center from 9-11am. Sponsored by Windham United Methodist Church.

Gingerbread House Festival
Dec 12-Jan 2
Gingerbread House Festival at the Historic Johnson Home, 6203 Pioneer Trail, Hiram. Kickoff will be Dec 1th at 7pm. Village display open daily from Dec 12th-Jan 2nd, closed Christmas and New Year’s, Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 11:30am-5pm. Free admission enter your own, family or group creation in our First Annual Gingerbread House Village. Entries accepted from all ages beginning Dec 10th.

Portage Trail Walk
Dec 26
Come walk with the Portage Trail Walkers group on Dec 26th at 9am, starting at the Cleveland Rd. trailhead on the Portage Hike & Bike Trail. Park in the Portage Park District trailhead parking lot across from 480 Cleveland Rd. Ravenna, OH. Walk: Flat trail, asphalt paved, 5 Miles

Spaghetti Dinner
Jan 29
Spaghetti Dinner and Chinese Auction to benefit Parkman Cub Scout Pack 4076 B.S.A. will be Jan 29th from 4:30-7:30 at the Parkman Community House on Rte. 422 in Parkman. Advance tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for kids age 5-12, tickets at the door are $9 for adults and $6 for kids. Carryout will be available. For presale tickets contact Monique 216-337-2104 or Dan 440-781-7407.

waylandcommunitychurch@gmail.com for information and table reservations. Proceeds benefit the church building fund.

Clothing Giveaway
Oct 24
Mantua Center free clothing giveaway will be Oct 24th from 9-noon in the old Mantua Center School building. You will enter the back side of the building, go down the stairs, turn right into hallway. There will be signs to lead you to the correct place. Plenty of clothing will be available in all sizes and both genders.

Save the Date
Nov 7
Mark your calendar for a U.S.O. Dance at the Mantua Center School on Nov 7th. This is a joint project of the Mantua Historical Society and the U.S.O.

Chance Auction at Bristol Elementary
Nov 13
The Bristol Elementary sixth grade class will be holding its annual Chance Auction on Nov.13 in the elementary cafeteria. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and winners will be drawn at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $3.00 and includes 10 free regular auction tickets. All proceeds benefit the sixth grades’ annual spring trip to Washington, D.C. For more information contact the Bristol Elementary School at 330-889-2700. The school is located at 1845 State Route 88 just east of the intersection of State Routes 45 and 88.


Anton Albert Photography