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Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Recap


T’was business as usual at the October 4 2015 meeting of the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram.  Action on and discussion   of the following were on the agenda :

Kyle Collins is alive and doing well as a Rotary Exchange Student in Japan.  He’s noticing differences in social interactions as well as improving his Japanese language skills.  Happy to talk to home in English.

Carol Donley received thanks from Rotary International for sponsoring new members.

And in related information, Trish Danku will be attending a district meeting on recruiting new members.

Exploration with the Garfield school system of the possibility of having returned exchange students speak to  interested individuals at the high school.  Also, Carol Donley reported that Rotary International requires local club guarantees concerning incoming exchange student support.

There was further discussion regarding  spending of funds for the ongoing work with the bike and hike trail.  Clarification is being sought concerning signage.  There was strong support for incorporating a “Rotary Loop” off the South Park  end of the trail to circle the park with a walking trail for a local “short course” of sorts.

The Fall Roadside Clean-up is set for October 24.  InterAct will be a big factor.

A $200 budget was set for prizes for the completion of the Fun-N-Fitness Challenge at the Garfield Elementary School.

• The Reverse Raffle and Steak Fry is set for November 5 at SugarBush Golf Course with Special Moments Catering being tapped as the supplier of dining services for the event.

• All area businesses and commercial establishments are invited to participate in sponsorships and make donations to support this annual fund-raiser.

• Tickets are on sale NOW.  Get your ticket.  Bring your party. Mark your calendar for an evening of good fun and good company in a good cause.  Baskets and games of chance will be on tap.  Taps will be open as well.  Buy one, buy the tableful.  Rock on!

• Work assignments for the “do” will be coming out soon

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography