Home Geauga County “Fall Into Savings Passports” Now Available!

“Fall Into Savings Passports” Now Available!


While we hate to see Summer draw to a close we know that Fall is full of fun events. The Destination Geauga Office wants to help you enjoy all of those events even more, so we encourage you to get your  “Fall into Savings Passport!” The cost of the Passport is $10 and it contains offers for 25 Geauga County locations for well over $100 of savings. Your Passport will be stamped at each location you visit, visit at least 10 locations and return your stamped Passport to the Destination Geauga Office by October 27, and you will be in the drawing to win cash prizes! On October 31, we will draw three Passports and give away $100, $250, & $500! So you not only get to have a fabulous Fall enjoying great events and locations, you will also save money, AND have a chance to win cash!

“Fall into Savings Passports” can be purchased at the Destination Geauga Office (14907 North State Ave. Middlefield), online www.DestinationGeauga.com, or at any of the 25 participating locations including Sages Apples (Chardon), Burton Chamber Log Cabin (Burton), Auburn Pointe Greenhouse (Auburn), Patterson’s Fruit Farm (Chesterland), Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen (Middlefield) We thank Geauga Maple Leaf for their Sponsorship of this project.  Full list of locations located on website, or call 440-632-1538 for additional information.


Anton Albert Photography