Home Other Areas Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


It was “business as usual” for the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club on April  13 as the group caught up on community activities and projects under way.

These included mention of the semi-annual Trash Pick-up on St. Rte 82 between Garrettsville and Hiram villages.  What a surprise, right?  InterAct Club members from Garfield High School and Boy Scouts from local troops will be pitching in and the finale may well be at the Garrettsville McDonald’s.  The headwaters Trail Project is still in the works and moving along.  Recruiting is under way to find students from Garfield and/or Windham High schools to participate in the annual Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp coming up in June.  This is a fine opportunity for students who will be seniors next year to build skills, focus aspirations and have a good experience in the process.  The G-H club is trying out ClubRunner to co-ordinate its operations and brighten an online presence.  Everyone is urged to check it out.  Possibility of a fund-raiser during the Community Yard Sale was discussed.

Carol Donley reported on the proceedings of the Four-Way Speech Contest recently held at Aurora High School and co-ordinated in fine fashion by the Rotary Club of Aurora.  There were over 30 entrants in the competition, with many speakers with considerable experience.  The audience of friends, family and Rotarians numbered somewhere around one hundred fifty.  Quite a challenge!  A ten to twelve-minute presentation is a daunting proposition at any time and the speakers, including local champion, Megan Ryser, acquitted themselves well.  A committee to further define and focus the rules for the competition in the future will be forming to ensure the high standards which the contest addresses.

The meeting closed with the recitation of those high standards, The 4-Way Test.

G-H Rotary meets on Monday at noon in Cal’s II in Sky Plaza, Garrettsville.  Visitors and prospective members always welcome

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography