Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties

Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties


American Legion Breakfast


Breakfast every Monday at the American Legion Post #674.  Time: 7:30 to 11:00 a.m. Place 9130 Center Street in Windham.  Carry out available.  Call 326-3188.

Winter Clothing Drive


Coats, hats, gloves, boots, etc. will be gladly accepted at Life Church Assembly of God, 10280 St. Rt. 88, Garrettsville, across from JAG Schools. All donations will be delivered to The Salvation Army, located at Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr., Windham. All gently-used, clean winter clothes will be accepted. Donations will be distributed through RFC to families in need.

Kolache Orders

Order Today!

St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild of Newton Falls will be baking homemade Kolache for the Christmas Holiday and you may purchase this taste of Eastern Europe at the low cost of $10.00 each. The Ladies offer the following fillings: apricot, nut and poppy seed. To order your taste of Europe, contact Barbara Wolff at 330-872-1951. Pick up times and days will be Dec 9th from 11-4, Dec 10th from 11-6 and Dec 11th from 9-12. Brighten your Christmas holiday with the flavors of this tasty pastry native to Czechoslovakia and Poland. Order deadline is Dec 6th.

JAG Band Fruit Sale

Now-Nov 30

The holidays are approaching…there is no better time for healthy, sweet, Florida fresh citrus! James A Garfield Band is selling grove-fresh Florida navel oranges and Indian River red grapefruit now through Nov 30th. Many options to order: contact any band member, call the school 330-527-4341, or go online to www.FloridaIndianRiverGroves.com, click on the “Order Now!” button and enter our ID #539037. You can have fruit delivered to the school or your home. THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT!!

Fish Fry in Windham 

Friday Nights

Fish Fry every Friday at Windham American Legion from 4:30-8pm. Cost is $9.00 per dinner.

Food Drive at Facet Salon

Through Nov 21

Food Drive to benefit Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard at Facet Salon & Spa will be Nov 13-21, being food donations to help fill Santa’s Sleigh and receive a $10 gift certificate for every grocery bag full of food you donate. 1 Memory Lane Garrettsville. 330-527-4347.

Thanksgiving Community Meal

Nov 20

There’s a CHANGE! What? NO, Don’t like it! Just for ONE month. Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham. Is changing  their Thanksgiving Community meal date. So save the date. Not the fourth Thursday of November, it’s the third Thursday of November, the 20th. 5-6:30 pm. See you there!!!

Free Community Meal

Nov 20

Christ Lutheran in Mantua will be holding their Free Community Meal on November 20 from 5 to 6:30 PM. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and an opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors.  We look forward to seeing you.

Holiday Open House

Nov 20-22

TAG is hosting a 21014 Holiday Open House, featuring the Gift Shop at our Gallery.  Join us and watch local artists and crafters ply their trade.  Enjoy displays and demonstrations, festive music, and treats.  Browse for the perfect gift – for yourself or a loved one – or pick up a piece of original art.  While you’re here, you can also check out the TAG Holiday Art Show.  We will be open the 20th and 21st from 11 am to 6 pm, and the 22nd from Noon to 4 pm.  Trumbull Art Gallery, 158 N. Park Ave., Warren, OH 44481. Admission is free.

Free Thanksgiving Meal

Nov 21

God Provides a free Thanksgiving meal at Nelson UMC Nov 21st from 4-6. Dinner includes turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes ,green beans, roll and dessert.

Comedian Showcase

Nov 22

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre presents their Comedian Showcase, Nov 22nd  at 7:00 pm in Slim and Jumbo’s on Main Street in Garrettsville.  Tickets at the door $10.00. The doors open at 6:00pm. Audience Picks the Winning Comedian . 50/50 and Chinese auction will be available. Fundraiser for The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

Nov 22

There will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville UMC off of St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville. The dinner will be from 4-6:30 unless food runs out. Dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea, or punch. The cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for kids. Takeout available.

Craft & Vendor Show

Nov 22

JAG Elementary PTO craft & vendor show will be Nov 22 from 10-3 at JAG Elementary school. Table space available for $25 and must donate an item for Chinese auction. Concession and baked goods available for purchase. All funds raised will go toward JAG Elementary School playground upgrades. For questions or more information contact Michelle Phifer 330-931-6418 or michelle.phifer@yahoo.com

Observatory Open

Nov 22

Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will be open to the public on Nov 22nd from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Objects to be viewed include the Pleiades, Hyades, and Perseus Double star clusters, gems of the night sky. Other objects may be viewed as time and conditions permit. The program depends entirely on good sky conditions and, if too cloudy to see the stars, the event will be canceled and the observatory will not be open. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. For updates and more information, see the observatory’s Web site: StephensObservatory.org or “@StephensObs” on Twitter. No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights. Cloudy skies at the starting time cancel the event and, in that case, the observatory will not open. There is no parking at the Observatory. Visitors may park on permissible side streets near the Post Office, a short distance east of the observatory.

Thanksgiving Party & Dinner

Nov 22

You are invited to attend our monthly family activity day on Nov 22nd at the Windham Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, 9837 Wolf Road, Windham from 3-5pm. Kid’s crafts from 3-4, we will make cupcake turkeys for our Thanksgiving meal dessert that will be served at 4.

Open Reception

Nov 23

Trumbull Art Gallery is holding an Opening Reception on Nov 23rd from 1-3 pm for our newest exhibit.  Paintings by the Trumbull Area Artists will be displayed at TAG through the end of December.  All art shown is for sale, for $200 or less.  Unlike the case in our usual exhibit, if you buy a piece of art you can take it with you that day.  No need to wait until the exhibit ends.  Come to the Opening Reception and get a preview glimpse of the art, plus a chance to meet some of the artists.  Trumbull Art Gallery is located at 158 North Park Avenue, across from Courthouse Square in downtown Warren.  Admission is free.

Special Thanksgiving Event

Nov 23

The 31st Annual Senior Thanksgiving Dinner, hosted by the Mantua Knights of Columbus Council #3766, is set for Nov 23 at 1:00 p.m. at their hall located at 11845 St. Rt. 44, just North of St. Rt. 82 in Mantua.  Call 330-274-4982 for your reservation.  Limited seating available.

Thanksgiving Giveaway

Nov 25 

The Windham Church of Christ, 9837 Wolf Road, Windham will have its annual Thanksgiving food giveaway on Nov 25th from 3-5pm in the Fellowship Hall, while supplies last. Canned goods and nonperishable items only will be available. The Windham Schools (K.T. Elementary and Windham Junior and Senior High are having a food drive to help support our giveaway, a special thank you to them! No proof of income is necessary.

Free Thanksgiving Dinner

Nov 27

Free Thanksgiving Dinner will be Nov 27th from 11;30-12:30pm. Take-Outs available after 12:30 at Newton Falls American Legion, 2025 East River Rd. Sponsored by St. Nicholas Samaritan Outreach, Warren, OH in cooperation with Newton Falls American Legion Post #236.

Thanksgiving Hours at the Library

Nov 27

All branches and offices of the Portage County District Library will close at 5:00 pm on Nov 26th and will remain being closed on Nov 27th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. They will resume normal operating hours on Nov 28th. Visit the Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library programs and services. Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Pinterest.

People Tree Bell Ringers

Nov 28

Looking for Bell Ringers for People Tree! Every Friday and Saturday, Starting on Nov.28th. 2 hour time frames starting at 10am. Contact Kim Burrows 330-620-9523 or 330-527-4873

Book Sale Bag Day

Nov 29

$3 for a bag of books!  Everything must go.  Book sale to benefit the Burton Public Library, sponsored by the Friends of the Library Nov 29th from 9am to 4pm in the Burton Public Library’s Book Cellar (14588 West Park Street; Burton, OH  44021).  In addition to books, you will find puzzles, sheet music, magazines and much more.  All proceeds benefit library programs.  For more information, or to volunteer, call (440) 834-4466.

Santa’s Collection Craft Show

Nov 29

14th Annual Santa’s Collection Craft Show  will be Nov 29th from 9-3. Area crafters, unique gifts, crafts and toys. Free admission to show. For table information call Carol 440-834-4532. All proceeds benefit scholarship fund. Burton American Legion Post 459, Goodwin St.

Christmas Holiday Program

Nov 29

Drop by the Children’s Room at the Burton Public Library on Nov 29th from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. for Holiday Make ‘N Take Crafts.   Everyone welcome as we celebrate Country Hearth Christmas in Burton Village. Come ride the Polar Express at the Burton Public Library on Wednesday, December 10 at 6:30 p.m.  All aboard for a family holiday program of singing, a craft, a snack and a reading of Chris Van Allsburg’s award-winning book, The Polar Express.  Bring your holiday cheer – there just might be a surprise visitor!  Please call the library at 440-834-4466 to register.

Breakfast with Santa

Nov 29 & 30

Breakfast with Santa will be Nov 29th & 30th from 9am-1pm at Burton American Legion Post 459, Goodwin St. in Burton. Admission is $6 for adults, $3 for kids 6-12 and free for kids under 5.

Family Fun Night

Nov 30

Hiram Christian Church will celebrate the first Sunday of Advent with a Family Fun Night in the Fellowship Hall on November 30, 2014 from 5:00PM to 7PM.   This event is FREE TO ALL AND OPEN TO ALL.  ALL ARE WELCOME.  ALL AGES.  Activities include an ADVENT WREATH MAKING WORKSHOP, NATIVITY PHOTO BOOTH AND CRAFTS.  The church is located at 6868 Wakefield Road in Hiram.  For more information, call 330-569-7697 and visit hiramcc.org.

Chinese Auction

Nov 30

Please come out and show your support for a local young lady who has recently undergone 3 brain surgeries to help control her seizures. Chinese Auction will be Nov 30 from noon-5. There will be baked goods along with homemade and direct sales vendors to shop from! A great time to start your holiday shopping! Nelson Community House,11639 Windham Parkman Rd., Garrettsville, Oh 44231

Mad Hot Monday

Dec 1

Free Mad Hot Monday Ballroom Boogie on Dec 1st.  Fun Free Night Featuring Ballroom, Latin, and Swing & Hustle from 6-9 PM at Kuzmans Lounge, 1025 S. State St., Girard, Ohio.  It’s even more fun to do it than it is to watch! Dancing is great for your mind, body and spirit…. Open to the Public.  For more information please contact Kuzmans at 330-545-8521/330-545-8995 or USA Dance volunteer Stephen Barba at 330-502-5492.

Christmas Craft Show

Dec 3 & 4

The 29th annual Beary Merry Christmas Craft Show will be Dec 3rd & 4th from 11-9 at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton. Handmade unique holiday gifts, holiday entertainment and Chinese raffle. Door prizes every hour. Lunch and dinner available. $3 admission. Show benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Rummage Sale

Dec 4-6

Christmas Rummage Sale.  Christ Covenant Church, Middlefield. (Upper Doors) December 4th, 5th, & 6th,   9-3:00     Benefit, Charity Children’s Ministries. Gifts, Decorations, Household and Clothing.   Chinese Auction and Bake Sale.

Gift & Craft Show

Dec 5 & 6

Hiram Farm Living and Learning Community Holiday Craft and Gift Sale  will be held Friday, Dec. 5 and Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at 11543 Garfield Road, Hiram, OH 44234. While teaching skills of compassion, teamwork, motivation and trust we create  unique gifts and decorations.

We can’t wait to show you our new collection!

Community Support at Mary Yoder’s

 Dec 6

Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen is reaching out to help those who may struggle to enjoy the holiday season.  On December 6th, beginning at 3:00 pm, Mary Yoder’s will be hosting a Chinese Auction Benefit, with all proceeds from the auction going to support Shop With a Cop and the food pantry in Middlefield.   Along with the auction, guests will enjoy a boxed lunch which includes a choice of a chicken salad sandwich or a ham sandwich, chips, and a cookie.  Coffee and punch will be provided also.Bidding is from 3:00 to 5:00 pm; the drawing begins at 5:00. Admission tickets, which include the boxed lunch and 10 complimentary auction tickets, are on sale for $15.00 at Mary Yoder’s or online at www.maryyodersamishkitchen.com.   Everyone is invited to come, enjoy the afternoon, cross some items off your Christmas list, and most importantly, help your neighbor.

Fill A Cruiser

Dec 6

The Garrettsville Police Department will be holding a Fill A Cruiser event on December 6th from 10am to 3pm at the Garrettsville Save A Lot.  Nonperishable foods will be collected for the Garrettsville Nelson Community Cupboard.  Any cash donations will go to the Hiram Police Department Shop with a cop program.

Contra Dance

Dec 6

Troy Township Contra Dance will be Dec 6th at the Troy Community House (13950 Main Market Road / Route 422; Burton, Ohio 44021). All ages join in the irresistibly fun atmosphere of contra dance and live folk music by the band “Mr. Haney”.  Lesson at 6:30pm.  Dance 7:30-10:30pm.  Adult $8, student $5, family $25.

Pizza with Santa

Dec 6

Come meet Santa at the annual Kiwanis of the Western Reserve Pizza with Santa Dec 6th from 10:00am-12:30pm in the Hiram Christian Church Fellowship Hall.  Tickets are $3.00, children 2 & under FREE.  Tickets can be purchased at Cortland Bank in Mantua, Hiram College Bookstore, Middlefield Bank in Garrettsville & Mantua or at the door. There will be reindeer games, songs, face painting, ornament making, cookie decorating!  Secret Santa Shop for children sponsored by the Hiram College Bookstore, holiday gifts $1.00-$5.00.

Christmas Craft 

Dec 6

Back by popular demand, Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik is teaching her tabletop Christmas tree craft class. This time you’ll make a beautiful tree from fresh evergreens. Spruce, fir, boxwood, rhody, pine, cedar, juniper, and more. The fragrance is wonderful. Decorate your creation with garland, ribbons, berries, feathers, dried flowers, little ornaments or go wherever your fancy takes you. For a special touch add a string of mini lights! These trees make great gifts too. Join us for a morning of holiday fun and bring a friend to share it with. December 6th from 9-noon. Cost is $35

Monthly Dance 

Dec 6

Portage County Chapter #600 Parents Without Partners monthly dance will be Dec 6th from 7:30-11pm at Ritchie Memorial Shelter House, 109 W. Ave. in Tallmadge. Open to public. The theme for this dance is Winter Wonderland, ladies are encouraged to dress semi-formally. Cost is $6 for members and $8 for non-members. For more information about PWP call Warrine 330-322-9559.

Toys for Tots

Dec 7 

American Legion 737 Toys for Tots will be Dec 7th at the Legion Post 16465 Milton Blvd in Lake Milton. Entry fee is $5.00 or a new, unwrapped children’s toy. Festivities will be from 1-9:30. For more info contact Jodi Minotti 330-349-4743, Joseph Leonard 330-654-4093 or Don Brown 330-980-8896.

Christmas Concert

Dec 7

St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville is presenting their annual Christmas Concert on Dec 7th at 6pm. The Bell Choir, Adult Vocal Choir, and the O.K. Chorale Children’s Choir will present a delightful program of sacred and secular Advent and Christmas music.

Pearl Harbor Day

Dec 7

Pearl Harbor Day Memorial will be at 11 am at the Village Gazebo in Burton. Open to public. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for more info.

Trip to “Christmas City”

Dec 10-12

Join St. Anselm Young of Heart in “Christmas City,” Bethlehem, PA, on December 10-12. There will be a guided tour of Bethlehem by Night, a factory tour of Martin Guitar, the Christmas Putz at the Central Moravian Church, and much more. Included are 5 meals, two nights of rooms at the Sands Resort & Casino with $60 free slot play, 5 meals, luggage handling and gratuities. Cost is $365 ($374 for non-members). Everyone is welcome on Young of Heart trips. All trips leave from St. Anselm Church in Chesterland. Call Nancy for further information, 440-729-9684.

RFC Craft Show

Dec 12 & 13

The 5th Annual Renaissance Family Center Craft Show will be Dec 12th from 12-5 and Dec 13th from 10-5. Many crafters, vendors, etc. There are some spots open for crafters & vendors call 330-527-5787.

Breakfast with Santa

Dec 13

The Palmyra Fire Department and the Palmyra Fireflies will be hosting the 8th Annual “Breakfast with Santa.” The breakfast will be held at the Palmyra fire station on Dec 13th from 8-11am . Santa will be arriving at 8:30 am on a fire truck!  Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage and a beverage. Cost is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for ages 4 – 10 and 3 and under are FREE.  Along with Breakfast with Santa each family will receive one 4×6 picture with Santa. Additional pictures will be available for $2.00 each. Santa will have a small surprise for each child as well.  Non-perishable items are also being collected to help an adopted family this year during the holiday season. We encourage all to come and join the fun with Santa and the Palmyra Fire Department.

Indoor Baseball Camp

Jan 4

Youngstown State University and Sluggers Indoor Baseball are hosting six week baseball camps starting Jan  4 at Youngstown State, and March 8 at the Sluggers Indoor Baseball facility. Youngstown State coach, Craig Antush, and Director of Operations at the U.S. Baseball Academy, Joe Marker, will direct their respective sites in conjunction with U.S. Baseball Academy.  Classes are available for players in grades 1-12 and are limited to six players per coach. Sessions are offered in advanced hitting, pitching, catching, fielding and base running. Space is limited. Registration is now under way. For more information, visit www.USBaseballAcademy.com, or call toll-free 866-622-4487.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography