Home News Get Ready For Ham Fest

Get Ready For Ham Fest


W.A.R.A. met on Tuesday July 15th at the United Methodist Church on North Park Avenue, at 7:30 pm. Two new ham operators were introduced and taken into the club. KD8YYP Jason Rister, and Rose Carver as an Associate member.

The Annual Ham Fest will be held Sunday,  August 17th at the Trumbull County Fairgrounds, 899 Everett Hull Rd. Cortland, Ohio 44410. Gate A for vendors, Gate B for public. It will run from 8 am until 2pm. Vendors are welcome, please contact Jacqueline Williams N8JMW at 440.636.2806, if you want to rent a table.  Frequency check-ins will be on 146.970 with a pl tone of 100.0.

VE Testing will begin at 10am, with a testing prize. The Hamfest is dedicated to all of our silent keys from the past few years.

Be sure to check in for a chance at our mobile check in prize!

Information can be had by website: www.w8vtd.org.


Anton Albert Photography