Home News Windham Township to Reconstruct Website

Windham Township to Reconstruct Website


Windham – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting Thursday June 5, 2014. The trustees approved the May minutes as presented, and the expenditures for that month as well.

Guest Josh Johnston presented rough ideas and cost for maintaining and updating the website. After some discussion the trustees unanimously agreed to award Josh the job of rebuilding the website and maintaining it. Josh currently does Hiram Township’s website and was recommended by trustee Rich Gano.

Road Supervisor Brian Miller met with the county engineers and after viewing the township’s roads the engineer recommended the trustees chip and seal Colton Road and then consider Bryant Road. After some discussion, the trustees decided to look at chip and sealing Colton, and crack fill Bryant, Wadsworth and Werger Roads. Next year, they will consider chip and sealing Bryant Road.  The Trustees will contact Hard Labor about the crack filling. Miller will get bid books from the county auditor for bidding out the chip and seal project.

A discussion was held on Mr. Soinski’s proposed the cul-de-sac, at the end of Frazier Road. Miller thinks the township needs to put some kind of barrier up to prevent township residents from using the vacated portion of Frazier Road for walking etc. Dann Timmons said, right now they really can’t plan to do anything until they see the engineered drawings for the project. Timmons will contact Mr. Soinski on the issue to see if he is planning a barrier for the road.

A discussion was held once again, about township residents living on village roads who are not having any success getting the village to answer to their complaints about road and drainage issues.  Currently the township’s hands are tied since they do not own the road or its right-a-way. Other road issues discussed were the lack of visibility at the end of Wadsworth Road and a few ditching issues.

In zoning news, Inspector Joe Pinti said he wrote three permits last month, one for a garage and two for decks. Pinti said he is continuing to monitor Horner’s property and they are slowly getting rid of the junk he has accumulated recently.

In cemetery news, the foundations are poured, and 78 new graves are laid out. The south drive needs some attention at the curve in the back. After some discussion, the trustees agreed to have the driveway repaired. A resident who has an engineering degree has offered to look at drainage issues and offer some suggestions how to solve the issue. Trustees agreed to take him up on the offer.

Timmons reported that the fire board approved the purchase of a lap top for the chief, and put the discussion of pursuing legal action on the table as there weren’t enough board members in attendance to have a quorum. Two of the members are not eligible to vote on the issue as they have a conflict of interest.  Timmons also reported that the WVFD was awarded the contract to service the Portage County and Trumbull County portions of Camp Ravenna. The chief is currently working on setting up mutual aid for Camp Ravenna.

A question was asked about the “No Parking” signs for Geneva Road. The signs are in and will be posted soon.

The meeting was adjourned and the next scheduled meeting is for July 3, 2014 at 7pm. All meetings are held at the Windham Town Hall.


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography