Home News Fire Board News – May 2014

Fire Board News – May 2014


Windham – The WVFD Joint Fire Board met on May 8th with one board member excused from the meeting. The board approved the minutes from the April meeting, the bank reconciliation and the expenditures.

Chief Mike Iwanyckyj stated that the WVFD was turned down for the Fire Marshall’s Grant, but were still in the running for the FEMA Grant. The chief also reported that the computer system will have to be switched over to EMS Charts. This system will allow all the reports to go directly to the billing company rather than the fiscal officer sending the information over.  He also reported that fire trucks 2811 and 2816 were repaired, truck 2815 need a shifter cable and has a minor electrical problem which is being repaired by John Sedensky in Nelson. Iwanyckyj also reported that he is working on the Mavis system for Camp Ravenna since the department has been contracted to cover the Trumbull County portion of the camp as well as the Portage County side of the camp.

In other board news, the board agreed to purchase a laptop for the chief’s use and a debit card for the fiscal officer to use. He also announced that the trucks were ready for the Memorial Day Parade.

Lastly, they held a discussion on Mark Finamore’s opinion on the dispatching contract with the village. Due to a lack of quorum of eligible board members to vote on the issue no decision was made. The three members that are eligible to make a decision on the issue were not all in attendance at the meeting. Deb Blewett  and Dann Timmons cannot vote on the issue, since they both have conflicts of interest.

With no other business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography