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Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club met at Cal’s II on Monday, May 5, 2014, inducting two new members, Trish Danku and Ted Lysiak.  The ceremony included a short exposition of the significance and activities of Rotary, both local and worldwide.  Rotarians and their works are admired and emulated in the furtherance of their motto, “Service Above Self.”  There was also a brief discussion of the Rotary Foundation and how it awards matching grants at the local, national and international levels.

Information on the incoming Rotary Youth Exchange student was made available for the first time.  The new visitor is coming from Hungary and his name is Lenart Zsadany.  Step right up and say hello.  He currently attends Verebely Laszlo Szakkozepiskola es Gimnazium—probably doesn’t have any T-shirts with that on– and enjoys informatics; he would like to be a computer programmer and plays soccer.  He will be staying with the Brown family, the Schwan family and the Collins family.  Make him welcome. He likes to be called “Zad”.  We can do that.

Next meeting will entertain students in the junior class hoping to attend the summer RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly) at Baldwin-Wallace College.  It’s a selection interview.  Good Luck to students and selectors; it’s not easy making these decisions.

Various thoughts and ideas about fund-raising  to make possible a matching grant from the Rotary Fund for the Garrettsville reconstruction efforts.  Specific projects are required for disbursement of funds and a focus on Rotary contributions to the community is highly favored.  More thoughts later.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography