Home Other Areas Welcome to Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls

Welcome to Kiwanis Club of Newton Falls


Newton Falls – If you’ve thought about joining Kiwanis Club, you are welcome to attend a meeting at Covered Bridge Inn Restaurant, 22 W. Broad Street, Newton Falls. We meet Tuesdays for supper at 6:30 p.m., then begin the meeting about 7:15 p.m.; however, please note that we conduct bingo games at Laurie Ann Nursing Home and Allan Dell Assisted Living on the last Tuesday of the month instead of having a supper/meeting. 

Compiled here is a list of activities we support.

Fundraisers: Steak fry (April);  Restaurant placemat program;  Geranium flower sale in May

Club activities to benefit community:

  1. Labor Day Race – all profits go to senior citizen van
  2. Halloween Cakewalk – profits go to each organization that contributed cakes.  2013 will be our 88th year to put this on.
  3. Junior Olympics for ages 6-12 (usually first Saturday in May)
  4. New book program:  each 1st grader gets a new book from us at the end of the school year.
  5. High school scholarships:  we give two a year.
  6. Boys’ State and Girls’ State:  we send one boy and one girl per year to this leadership program.
  7. Little League: we sponsor one team.
  8. Tiger Basketball camp:  we help sponsor this with a donation.
  9. Girl Scouts Easter Egg Hunt:  we help sponsor this with a donation.
  10. We lead Senior Bingo (last Tuesday each month) at Laurie Ann Nursing Home and Allan-Dell Assisted Living instead of having a regular meeting that night.  We provide small prizes.
  11. Backpack Program (extra weekend meals):  We pick up backpacks (Tuesday) and drop them off for distribution to students in grades K-3 (Friday) throughout the school year.  We also provide $25/month to help with food.  NEW:  We bought books from the Friends of the Library used book sale to put in backpacks; students may keep these books, if they wish—and many have kept them.
  12. At Christmastime, we ring the bell for the Church Mouse/Salvation Army one day.
  13. We contribute to Kiwanis’s international program “Eliminate” to conquer childhood tetanus worldwide.
  14. We manage the Newton Falls Henry Herbert funds for Boy and Girl Scouts.
  15. Some of our members helped at the local Kiwanis AKTION club picnic and bowling party (the Aktion club helps young adults with special needs).
  16. We try to show a Kiwanis presence and support at various city and club functions

Besides the above activities some members go to division meetings throughout the year. We have sent delegates to the Ohio District convention and will send delegates to the international  convention.

And, finally, in late summer, we throw ourselves a picnic!

We understand that some members can’t attend every week; we realize that everyone cannot participate in every activity–but we would like to increase our membership this year. Hope to see you. For questions about the club, the dues, or the meals, contact Bob Wujcik at 330-307-5702.


Anton Albert Photography