Home Kent The Bill White Charity Bowling Tournament Donates to United Way of Portage...

The Bill White Charity Bowling Tournament Donates to United Way of Portage County and Miller Community House


Kent – As a local entrepreneur and bowling champion, Bill White has worked in and owned many of the bowling alleys of Portage County over the years, including Twin Star of Kent (now known as Spins Bowl) and SkyLanes Bowling in Garrettsville. White hosted his 91st birthday in combination with a charity tournament at Skylanes this past February. The event featured a Doubles 9-pin No Tap Tournament and dinner provided by Cal’s Restaurant.

The birthday party and fundraiser benefitted United Way of Portage County (UWPC) and Miller Community House, which is a program of Family & Community Services, Inc (F&CS). The Miller Community House is the only family emergency shelter in Portage County that provides emergency refuge and support services to men, women and children who experience a housing crisis. The objective of this event was to create awareness about UWPC and all the programs benefiting from the kindness of county residents. “We wanted a fun event that could also pay honor to the impact Bill White has made on the Portage County community,” said Pete Mahoning, F&CS Community Relations Director.

Each organization received a donation of $2,313.65 from the bowling tournament. Bill Childers, President and CEO of UWPC, stated that UWPC responds to the needs of residents by organizing an annual fundraising campaign to support services and programs addressing needs in the areas of education, income and health. The Miller Community House receives a portion of its funding from United Way.

A huge thank you to Bill White, Aaron King and the team at Skylanes for hosting the very successful Bill White Charity Bowling Tournament.

Staff Reporter