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20th Century Club News


Women of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met on October 15 at the home of Joyce Fashing on Eagle Creek Drive.

The roll call response, as befits the season of Halloween, was to tell of a favorite costume or item of apparel.  Resulting tales ranged from dressy occasions to Trick-or-Treat and beyond.

New members Jane Hill and Gail Gergely were voted in and will be officially notified.  The group voted to contribute $150 to the Friends of Melana, a local organization which, in conjunction with the Prayers from Maria Foundation, helps fund research on children’s glioma cancer.

The program featured 20th Century Club president Mary Furillo’s daughter, Kerry Jo Bauer (and her de facto publicist, sister, Kelly Stone), a mover and shaker in the rarified world of costume, costume tech   and design for the entertainment world.  This included costumes for the Target dog and a calendar shoot of chimpanzees, a dinosaur to roam a vineyard, bear suits, horses real enough to ride and dragons for the Bellagio in Las Vegas.  Theatre, movies, operas, Sea World, Cedar Point have all been venues for the exercise of her talents as a “draper”/”fabricator”/”pattern-maker” working with fabric, foam, mesh, silicon and a myriad of scales, individually created and sewn.  The video clips were fascinating and the stories of how they came about and how they fit into the show biz scene were beyond entertaining.  It was about costuming , with a capital “C”.

The hostess and co-hostess, Karen Ziarko, served fall-themed refreshment; pumpkin featured prominently.  Delicious!

The next meeting will be on November 12 at the home of Connie Crate, with roll call being answered by revealing a favorite thing about living in a small town.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography