Home Garrettsville 20th Century Club Chills Out

20th Century Club Chills Out


Members of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met at the home of Iva Walker on February 1, 2024 to “Chill Out”.

Response to the roll call asked for the members’ personal de-stressors and brought about wide-ranging activities, from reading of all sorts through online games, dogs & cats & cuddling, walking, origami, concentration on breathing, music (very popular), prayer, and fantasies about decapitation (no action, for goodness’ sake). These led into the the program later. A nominating committee was named to come up with a slate of officers to be voted on for the next club year.

The program for the evening was presented by Jennifer Wykoff and Michelle Kennedy of Reiki Ranch Ohio and DeNovo Wellness, who define themselves as “Northeast Ohio’s premier education hub for naturopathic enrichment.” They introduced the group to several aspects of their programs, beginning with an adapted tea ceremony and an explanation of Reiki  as a Japanese stress-reduction technique, a practice, not a religion. The focus is on relaxation, un-threatening energy balance, not requiring understanding or belief, assisted by both sounds and quiet–appealing to and penetrating stress at all levels. The sounds were particularly effective. Leah Schultz and Pat Amor served as co-hostesses in serving the laid-back refreshments for the evening.

The club’s next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 15th.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography