Home Mantua 2020 OX Roast Fair Cancelled

2020 OX Roast Fair Cancelled


Mantua – On April 16th, Fr. Ed Stafford, pastor of St. Joseph Church, issued a letter announcing the cancellation of the Ox Roast Fair for 2020. These are not normal times, due to the global impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic, affecting the lives of all people throughout the world. There is so much uncertainty right now that it requires our being patient, prudent, vigilant and above all safe. 

As he has expressed in a letter to parishioners previously, written before last year’s fair: “My concern is for the safety of all who attend and volunteer at this event.” To view Fr. Ed’s message in it’s entirety, please refer to the link in the Coronavirus section on the Home Page of www.stjosephmantua.com or on the Ox Roast Fair main page (www.stjosephmantua.com/ox-roast-fair). 

Plans are to have the Main Raffle still take place. For more details about the raffle, please visit https://stjosephmantua.com/ox-raffles.
