Home Other Areas 2011 Division III Chess Tournament Results

2011 Division III Chess Tournament Results


Burton – Division III of the annual Friends of the Burton Public Library Chess Tournament was completed Saturday, February 19, by 7 participants from northeast Ohio.
One player, Nathan Ferris, a 12th grade Perry High School student won all four of his games and the first place medal.
Two players scored three points each:     Jonathon Bumbarger, a sixth grade Wickliffe student;    Christopher Koschki, an eighth grade Berkshire student from Claridon.
A playoff game determined Bumbarger to be the second place winner with Koschki taking third place.
Division IV (Adults) will be played Saturday, February 26

Call the Burton library at (440)834-4466 to register.  The rear entrance to the library will be open at  10:00 a.m. to admit participants.   The tournament is free and open to all.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography