Home Portage County 1st Annual Pastoral Care Conference Set for September 25, 2019

1st Annual Pastoral Care Conference Set for September 25, 2019


Even pastors need a helping hand from time to time.  It is no mystery that pastors are called on at all hours of the day.  “So many times throughout my childhood, I would see my dad rush to be by someone’s side or be there as a confidant at all hours of the day,” says Paula Baughman, Director of Community Relations, Home Instead Senior Care. “Maybe this is where I found my calling, being a firefighter/EMT for over 24 years.  It is not a secret that we share the same feelings- When someone needs our help – We Go!” , she says.  But the question may remain, “Where do pastors turn to when they need support?” The answer is one that was laid upon the heart – prepare a Pastoral Care Conference.

Through this free 2 hour conference, pastors will have the opportunity to learn about valuable resources within Portage County for aging members of their congregation and also explore the “Emotional Aspects of Caregiving” – giving pastors insight to the process familiy members go through as they are caring for aging loved ones.  Lastly, the conference will address activities for seniors groups within their congreation to help bring new life into the group!  

This conference will be a special time of learning and fellowship together!  To register to the conference you can email Paula Baughman directly at: paula.baughman@homeinstead.com.  The conference will be hosted at The Roc Builliding, 705 Oakwood Street, Conference Room in Ravenna, September 25th beginning at 9 am – 11 am.  Each Pastor will also receive additional resources to take with them.  Please join us for this special day!


Anton Albert Photography