Home Other Areas 135th Chalker Norton Viets Family Reunion

135th Chalker Norton Viets Family Reunion


Southington –  On Sunday Aug 5, 2012 the descendants of the first pioneers to settle in Southington, Ohio, will honor their heritage with a family day of fun, games and a picnic at noon.

The first pioneers were David Viets, Luke Viets and his wife Hannah, James Chalker and his wife Mercy and their two year old son Orrin, Roderick Norton and his seven years old brother Horace. Mercy, Hannah, Roderick and Horace were all siblings.

The pioneers left Connecticut in the  spring and after a six-week journey in a covered wagon and an ox-cart they arrived in Bollestown, June 1805, a vast wilderness. With the first election on June 12, 1817 the citizen voted to change the name to Southington.

The event will be held at the American Legion Hall, Warren Burton Rd. Southington, Oh. Please bring a covered dish to share and own table service, beverages will be provided by the committee. Family arriving at noon, buffet dinner at 1:00 p.m.

Craft table for the children, water balloons and corn hole game for all. This year’s theme is Hats! Prizes for the silliest/original, prettiest and ugliest, adults and children will be judged. We will honor our oldest and youngest Chalker, Norton and Viets member and the family who came the greatest distance to the reunion with a gift.

This years committee for the 135th Chalker Norton Viets Family Reunion are  Nancy Vickers, Bonnie King, David Martindale and  Crystal Guerrero. A short  business meeting will complete the afternoon to elect a new committee for the 136th reunion in 2013. Please bring any genealogy records, births, marriages and deaths so we may include them in the family history. All descendants and families of the first settlers are invited to spend a day to celebrate.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography