Home News WVFD Finds Dispatch Provider

WVFD Finds Dispatch Provider


Windham – The originally scheduled WVFD Fire Board meeting for April 11, 2013 was postponed until April 18, 2013.  The postponement was done to allow more time to research dispatching options. After researching their options, the WVFD Fire Board has decided to use Ravenna City Dispatching starting June 1, 2013. Captain David Rarrich from Ravenna City Dispatching Services presented a tentative contract written by Ravenna’s mayor, Joe Bica. The contract outlined the services they would provide, payments etc. Discussions were held on the specifics of the contract. Dann Timmons will discuss a few revisions and questions on the contract with Bica before it will be inked. They expect to have a signed contract by early May.

In the meantime, Chief Iwanyckyj will work with Capt. Rarrich on getting all the radios, walkie talkies etc. ready for the switch over.  The chief and the captain have already done some radio testing to ensure they would be able to communicate in all regions of the township. More testing will be done over the next month.

Fire Chief Mike Iwanyckyj reported that truck 2815 had $600 worth of repairs and the red rescue unit needs some work as well. Sedensky will do the repairs. Iwanyckyj also reported that the switch to Ravenna City Dispatching will cost the department $1688 to have their communications system compatible with Ravenna’s. The chief said if they have to have a repeater system it could cost and additional $2000. This does not include the actual costs for dispatching, which is estimated to be $18,000 a year. The WVFD will be charged on a per call basis. He also reported that Windham EMS participated in the “None for under 21 program” held at Hiram College.

In other fire news, the board approved the minutes, bank reconciliation and expenditures for the month of March. The board also approved the use of Mitchell Communications to update and service their communication system.

The WVFD Joint Fire district Board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm of each month.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography