Home Other Areas WVFD Chief Explores Water Rescue Team

WVFD Chief Explores Water Rescue Team


Windham – WFVD Joint Fire District Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting at the fire station on August 8, 2013 with two members having an excused absence. Dann Timmons filled in as chairman since the chairman and vice chairman were not in attendance.
The board approved the minutes, the bank reconciliation and the expenditures. Fire Chief Mike Iwanyckyj asked for an executive session to discuss personnel matters. The board adjourned to enter into executive session. They reconvened 15 minutes later and proceeded with the rest of the meeting.
Chief Iwanyckyj reported that they were still in the running for a grant, the new monitor is in and they are exploring developing a water rescue team, with the focus of their water rescue team being an on-shore rescue team, rather than diving. He also reported that they have four individuals who would like to take the advanced EMT class at the cost of $900. After a long discussion, the board agreed to send two  this fall for the class.
Iwanyckyj also requested the purchase of four special prescription eye glasses that can be worn with the Scot Air Pak masks. The chief claims the mask breaks their regular eye glasses because they do not fit right with the masks. The board approved the measure for a total cost of $259 for the four pairs of glasses.  He also reported that the brakes froze–up on the tanker. He took the tanker in for an estimate and the shop repaired it for $592.
The chief is investigating switching their protocol from Robinson Memorial Hospital to Geauga Medical Center. The patient will not see any changes if they do this. They will still run to Robinson and Geauga Hospitals, as they currently do. This is just an exploration and no decision has been made or will be made for a few months.  Lastly, the chief reported that the department’s calls to date (8/8/ 2013) are 455.
The next fire board meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2013 at 7pm at the fire station.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography