Home News Windham United Methodist Church Breakfast with Santa

Windham United Methodist Church Breakfast with Santa


Windham – Area children and their families converged on the Renaissance Family Center (RFC) to have breakfast with Santa. The event was hosted by the Windham United Methodist Church (WUMC). Children and their parents were treated to a breakfast of French toast stix, breakfast casserole, juice and milk. Coffee was also available for the adults. Following the breakfast, the anxious boys and girls waited in line to see Santa and tell him all their Christmas wishes.DSCF0089-(2)Besides Breakfast with Santa, the boys and girls also had the opportunity to participate in a variety of table activities. Some of the activities were coloring, bag decorating, writing a letter to Santa, and a Christmas craft. Those who wrote letters to Santa could place them in the mail box provided so the letters could be delivered to the North Pole.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography