Home Portage County Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on December 7, 2017 with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The meeting was called to order and moment of silence was held for the late township clerk Suzanne Viebranz who passed away earlier this week. The pledge was recited before moving on to business.

The trustees approved the minutes and expenditures. The also approved the appropriations of $707,856 for next year.

They opened up the floor to any guest who wanted to address the board. One guest thanked the trustees for solving a nuisance issue on Gotham and Stanley Roads. He also stated that he was experienced in negotiating oil/ and gas leases, if the township ever needed that service, he would do that with them for free. Another resident asked about cable companies. They were tired of poor service and asked what company the township has contracted with and if they had any recourse. The trustees stated they don’t have a contract with anyone and residents can use whomever they wish. The trustees said they could write a letter to Suddenlink and let them know of their displeasure with the service the community receives.

In zoning news, 8653 Werger Road has a trailer and a small garage being used as a house. It is not compliant with current or past zoning. Inspector Joe Pinti has tried to make contact with them numerous times but they don’t answer the door. Without a formal complaint the trustees can’t enter premises without being invited. The prosecutor suggested using the health department or health department as alternative avenues. The demolition of 9888 Horn Road is complete. Pinti sent the prosecutor information on 8394 Gotham Road on November 15, 2017, which will be scheduled for demolition. Township will get a 30 days notice to have a culvert installed to access the property. The property next to the trailer park on S.R. 82 is abandoned Pinti will try to find a phone number for the owner, who is living in Las Vegas. Property is in disrepair and will be demolished once it goes thru the proper channels.

In roads, Brian Miller reported that the culverts on Horn Road and Bryant Road were installed. The trustees determined that the catch basin at the end of Bryant Road was not needed after consulting with the county engineer. The trustees were able to return the basin.

Cemetery news, the trustees believe they have solved the electrical problem. They will know for sure when they get their next reading.

Fire district report, they have a few new applicants to review at the next meeting. The plumbing issues are fixed and the community board is up and soon to be running.
The turkey raffle was a success. The district needs to have GFI outlets installed in the kitchen to be compliant with current codes. The firefighters and medics will have their annual baseline vital taken soon.

Old Business, discussion on the results of curb side recycling was held. No decision yet as they are still waiting on the final tally of survey.
Quotes were discussed on the purchase of a new dump/plow truck. After some discussion, they decided to go local with Kepich Ford at a purchase price of $52,283. They have estimated a delivery time of about 3-4 weeks.

New business, the trustees voted to contribute $500 to help pay for the “Polar Express” train for the community event on December 10, 2017 that includes a lighted parade and a visit with Santa.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography